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1. 동사의 의미와 특징
☞ Inflections
2. finite verb
& non-finite verb
3. 동사의 분류
☞ main verb
☞ auxiliary verbs
4. 조동사의 특징과 분류
☞ modal auxiliaries
☞aspectual auxiliaries
☞ passive auxiliary
☞ dummy auxiliary
사람이나 사물의 움직임이나 작용을 나타
내는 단어의 집합을 일컫는 품사의 하나.
형용사와 함께 활용을 하는 용언에 속한다.
(22) Every day our Head of Department devours three pizzas
(23) The builders worked for many days.
☞ -s
or –ed은 Inflection(활용) 이라 불린다.
(22) Every day our Head of Department devours three pizzas
(23) The builders worked for many days.
-s → present tense ⇒ present tense inflection
-ed → past tense ⇒ past tense inflection
the third person
singular ending
(3인칭 단수 어미)
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
3개의 인칭이 있으며 각 인칭은 단수와 복수가 있음.
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
John, Kate, Paris, The Canary Islands등의 단수 또는 복수의 지
시표현들도 3인칭이다.
(22) Every day our Head of Department devours three pizzas.
☞ our Head of Department + devour = agreement
Agreement 는 동사에 붙은 어미 –s에 의해 표시된다.
(25) 3인칭 단수가 아닌 다른 동사형태.
I devour
we devour
you devour
you devour
he/she/it devours
they devour
base form
(26) 현재시제 특별한 형태를 가지는 be 동사. (예외)
I am
We are
You are
You are
He/she/it is
They are
시제를 가진 동사 ☞ finite verb(정형동사)
시제를 가지지 않는 동사 ☞ non-finite verb(비정형동사)
∴ (25)-(26)은 finite verb
※ 모든 과거 동사형태 단수나 복수 동일.
I devoured
you devoured
we devoured
you devoured
he/she/it devoured
they devoured
Main verb(본동사)
(22) Every day our Head of Department devours three pizzas
(23) The builders worked for many days.
devour, work의 동사들을
main verb or lexical verb라 부름.
앞과 뒤에 다른 동사가 나타나지
않고서도 홀로 설 수 있는 동사.
Helping verb(보조동사)
Helping verb로 기능하는 동사들 = auxiliary verb(조동사)
(28) Jeremy is laughing.
auxiliary verb
☞ An auxiliary helps a main verb to the extent
that it adds more specific meaning to it.
∴ laughing is ongoing.
Is the verb be an auxiliary in the sentence below?
(i) He is friendly.
☞ be is the only verb in this sentence.
Auxiliary verbs
Modal auxiliaries
Aspectual auxiliaries
The passive auxiliary be
The dummy auxiliary do
Modal auxiliaries:
can/could, may/might, must, ought to,
shall/should, will/would,
(29) We can dance until midnight.
(30) You may take two courses if you wish.
(31) You must comply with the regulations.
(32) They really ought to leave.
(33) We shall write to you as soon as possible.
(34) He will survive.
Modal auxiliaries
(29) We can dance until midnight.
(30) You may take two courses if you wish.
(31) You must comply with the regulations.
(32) They really ought to leave.
(33) We shall write to you as soon as possible.
(34) He will survive.
☞ contains ‘ability’, ‘permission’, ‘possibility’, ‘obligation’, ‘necessity’, ‘intention’,
‘prediction’, etc.
∴ Modal auxiliaries → finite verb
∴ 3인칭 단수 현재시제 어미 –s or 과거시제 어미 –ed는
동사어미를 가지지 않는다.
∴ 뒤따르는 동사의 의미를 채색함 (colour)
Aspectual auxiliaries:
be, have
The main categories of aspect in English are
☞ progressive aspect
☞ perfective aspect
(28) Jeremy is laughing. → progressive aspect
Aspectual auxiliaries
(35) These students are always complaining.
(36) Shelley has broken two wine glasses.
Aspectual auxiliaries
(39) Shelley broke two wine glasses two weeks ago.
☞ Shelly가 포도주 잔 2개를 파손했다는 사실 기록.
(40) Shelley has broken two wine glasses. (=36)
☞ 얼마 전 포도주 잔 2개 파손
→ 여전히 그 파손된 잔 조각들이 아직 바닥에 놓여있
을 가능성 有.
* Shelley has broken two wine glasses last month.
Aspectual auxiliaries
‘X’는 ‘Shelley가 포도주 잔을 파손한 시점’.
‘l’은 ‘현재시점’.
→ 그 사건이 현재시점까지 미침.
Aspectual auxiliaries
(40) Shelley has broken two wine glasses.
☞ present perfect
(43) By the time we arrived, Shelley had broken two
wine glasses.
☞ past perfect
‘l’ = ‘now’
‘X’ = ‘the breaking of the glasses’
‘x’ = ‘the time we arrived’
In the following sentence we also have a form of
the verb have. Is this an auxiliary verb? If not, why
(i) Larry has ninety-four CDs.
☞ ‘has’ is only one verb in this sentence.
The passive auxiliary: be
(37) This doughnut was eaten by our Head of
The passive auxiliary
(45) Billy wrecked the garden shed. (active)
The garden shed was wrecked by Billy. (passive)
The dummy auxiliary
:Negative part of sentences.
We simply add the negative particle not after the first
(46) We will not/won’t dance until midnight.
(47) These students are not/aren’t always complaining.
(48) This doughnut was not/wasn’t eaten by our Head of
The dummy auxiliary: do
(49) a. Jon cycles to work every day.
b. *Jon not cycles to work every day.
→ we cannot simply add not.
Instead, we need to insert a form of the verb do.
(49) c. Jon does not/doesn’t cycle to work every day.
→ inserting do is called ‘do-support’
※ If the sentence in question already contains an
auxiliary verb, do-support is not necessary.
The dummy auxiliary
※ Do is also used to form the interrogative versions
of sentences.
(50) Jon cycles to work every day.
Jon does cycle to work every day.
Does Jon cycle to work every day?
☞ Subject-auxiliary Inversion(주어조동사 도치)
The dummy auxiliary
(51) Jon will ride a bike all his life.
Will Jon ride a bike all his life?
(52) Jon is always riding his bike in his spare time.
Is Jon always riding his bike in his spare time?
(53) Jon has cycled to work since he got his first job.
Has Jon cycled to work since he got his first job?
※ Do-support is not necessary if the interrogative versions of
sentences already contain an auxiliary.
The dummy auxiliary
In contexts where auxiliaries get ‘stranded’.
(54) Does Jon cycle to work every day? He does.
(55) Jon cycles all the way to work every day, and so does Tim.
☞ 조동사가 본동사 없이 나타남.
ex) He does, so does Tim.
∴ referred to as ‘code’
The dummy auxiliary
(56) Will Jon ride a bike all his life? He will.
(57) Jon will ride a bike all his life, and so will Harry.
(58) Is Jon always riding a bike in his spare time? He is.
(59) Jon is always riding his bike in his spare time, and so is
(60) Has Jon cycled to work since he got his first job? He has.
(61) Jon has cycled to work since he got his first job, and so
has Harry.
The dummy auxiliary
Emphatic contexts.
(62) Jon DOES cycle to work every day!
In sentences that already contain an auxiliary do-support is
not required to create emphasis:
(63) Jon WILL cycle to work every day!
(64) Jon IS cycling to work every day!
(65) Jon HAS cycled to work since he got his first job!
Consider the following sentences:
(i) Kathy did her homework.
(ii) Francesco did today’s dinner.
Is the verb do in these sentences an auxiliary verb?
If not, why not?
☞ The verb do in these sentences is the only verb,
and for that reason cannot be said to be a ‘helping’
Auxiliary verbs
1. carry the negative enclitic particle not
2. invert with the Subject
3. manifest code
4. carry emphatic stress
☞ 1-4 are referred to as the NICE properties.
Auxiliaries to combine
(66) The company is being taxed three times this year.
(67) The company has been taxed three times this year.
(68) The company has been being taxed three times this year.
(69) The company will have been being taxed three times this year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------(66) the progressive auxiliary be + the passive auxiliary be.
(67) the perfective auxiliary have + the passive auxiliary been.
(68) perfective + progressive + passive
(69) will + perfective + progressive + passive
Nonfinite verb-forms
(70) to dance
to – infinitive
example: I wanted him to dance.
bare infinitive
example: I saw him dance.
present participle
past participle
example: He is dancing
example: He has often danced.
☞ The to-element of the to-infinitive is called the
‘infinitival particle’.
Auxiliary verbs
※For some verbs the past tense and past participle
have the same form and pronunciation.
Ex1) They danced until dawn. – past tense: finite
Ex2) He has often danced. – past participle: nonfinite
※ irregular verbs(bend)
Ex3) He bent the metal bar. – past tense
Ex4) He has bent the metal bar. – past participle
Auxiliary verbs
※ past tense and past participle forms can also be
Ex5) He broke the bottle. – past tense
Ex6) He has broken the bottle – past participle
※ the present tense, past tense and past participle
forms are the same(set)
Ex7) They set the standard next year – present tense
Ex8) They set the standard last year – past tense
Ex9) They have set the standards – past participle
Auxiliary verbs
Strict order of auxiliary verbs.
(69) The company will have been being taxed three times this year.
☞ auxiliary – perfective – progressive – passive auxiliaries
From the negative counterparts of sentences (66)-(69). What
conclusion can you draw about the position of not in
sentences with more than one auxiliary verb?
(66) The company is not being taxed three times this year.
(67) The company has not been taxed three times this year.
(68) The company has not been being taxed three times this
(69) The company will not have been being taxed three times
this year.
☞ not always follows the first auxiliary verb.
Verb Phrase
(71) The library recalled these books.
Direct Object & Noun Phrase
∴ Direct Object ‘these books’ is the part of the
Verb Phrase.
* The library recalled.
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