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Basic Grammar English
Present simple
Present continuous
Use for: habits – schedules – facts
Use for: actions that are happening right now
Positive: Shit rule  she / he / it get an s behind the main verb
Ex. I walk to school daily – she walks to school daily
Positive: form with form of ‘to be’ and the present participle
Ex. I am reading right now – She is reading right now
Negative: Mostly you use ‘do not’ to make a negative
Ex. I do not walk to school daily – she doesn’t walk to school daily
note!! The shit rule now applies to the auxiliary ‘do’ and not the main verb
Negative: use AM/IS/ARE + not
Ex. I am not reading right now – She is not reading right now
Question: mostly you use ‘do’ to form questions
Ex. Do you walk to school daily? – Does she walk to school daily?
Past simple
Question: use AM/IS/ARE at the beginning of sentence
Ex. Are you reading that book? – Is she reading right now?
Past continuous
Use for: action happened in the past
Use for: action that took a while in the past
Positive: form with –ed (regular) / or 2nd row of irregular verbs
Ex. I read that book – She signed that book
Positive: form with past tense of ‘to be’ and the present participle
Ex. I was reading that book yesterday evening – They were enjoying it
Negative: use past tense of ‘do not’ = DID NOT + base form verb
Ex. I did not read that book – She did not sign that book
Note!! After did you use the base form of the main verb
Negative: use auxiliary WAS/WERE + not + present participle
Ex. I was not reading that book – They were not enjoying it
Question: mostly you use ‘do’ to form questions
Ex. Did you read that book? – Did she sign that book?
Question: use WAS/WERE + present participle
Ex. Were you reading that book? – Was she enjoying it?
Positive – bevestigend / negative – ontkennend / question – vragend / auxiliary – hulpwerkwoord / present participle – ‘ing vorm’ / base form – hele
werkwoord / when you use an AUXILIARY it is ALWAYS followed by the BASE FORM of the main verb (hoofdwerkwoord)