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How Far Is The Moon From Earth?
Earth's moon is 384,000K away from
earth. Earth weighs
5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 KG
and 4.54 billion years old. The moon
Is Earth The Only Planet
With Gravity & Why?
Gravity is on every planet and Jupiter has the most
gravity in the solar system. Even though Jupiter
has the most gravity you can not stand on it
because the surface is not solid enough. All of the
things you see have a gravitational field. The larger
the object the more force of gravity. Normally every
thing gets pulled to the surface but things like
balloons don't get any gravity because of the
helium. Every planet has gravity but not as much
as earth, that's because of our ozone layer that
keeps the gravity in. Other planets don't have as
good ozone layers.
By Sam, Ollie, Christian, Hayden, Chase & Bevan
Why Does Earth Have
Comets with ice crashed down to Earth in the
middle of the ocean. The ice melted off the
comets and changed into the water that roams
free in the ocean. Way back when there
wasn't water the ice comets would just crash
down on earths land, then form the ocean.
That's how we got our extreme earth.!
By Cory, Ben & Patyn
How Far Is Earth From The Sun &
Ozone Layer?!
The earth is 147,097,800km away
from the sun. The ozone layer begins
50km from the surface of the earth. If
the sun dies scientists predict it will
become a big black hole. Mercury is
the closest planet to the sun.!
By Izzy, Abby & Ethan
How come earth spins but the
sun doesn't?
It takes the sun 25 days to go all the way round and it
takes 24 hours to rotate. The earth is the third planet from
the sun. As the earth orbits the sun the moon orbits the
sun as well. Moon orbit takes 27 1/2 days but ... Because
earth keeps on moving it takes two extra days, 29 1/2 to
come back in to the same place. It takes the earth one
year / 365 days 1/4 days to completely orbit the sun. The
parts of the sun rotate at different speeds . The sun is star
made up of gaseous plasma ( really , really hot gases ).
The different gases can spin at different speeds .
By Rumaiti , Webb and Stella
By Rumaiti , Webb and Stella - Rose .
What was the first planet to be
discovered & named after Earth?
Uranus was the first
planet to be
discovered after
Earth. It was
discovered in 1781
by Sir William
Herschel. Herschel
was probably the
most famous
By Joel & Anna
Uranus is the seventh planet
from the sun. It' s not visible to
the naked eye. Uranus make
one trip around the sun every
84 earth days.Uranus is the
coldest planet. Uranus is a gas
planet. The whole of Uranus is
covered with a think , blue green fog. One year on Uranus
is the same as 84 earth days.
Uranus is circled by a ring and
grey - coloured moons which
astronomers think are made
from graphite.
Why does the Sun and Moon rotate?
The sun and moon rotate
because of its axis.The sun is
our closest star that orbits and
the solar system is named after
the sun.It rotates faster at the
equater of the sun. The moon
orbits earth every 27.322 days
By Sasha & Grace
Why Does The Temperature Change When The Sun Is
Always The Same Distance From Earth ?
By Liam & Riley
A= It's because
earth spins and as
it goes around the
sun and each one
of those spins is a
day. Every time it
moves it changes
the temperature
because your
country will not
always be the same
distance away from
the sun.