Download Blood Type Antigen Present in RBC Antibodies present in plasma

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Circulatory System
The Heart
• ___________ between the ___________
above the ___________
• Surrounded by pericardium
– Protective membrane
• Consists of 4 chambers
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
1+2 = Upper chambers
3+4 = Lower Chambers
Heart con’t
• ________ receive the blood from the lungs
and body cells and then pump it to the
• Ventricles are ____________ and pump the
blood out of the heart to the lung and body
How Blood Travels
• Starts off _____________ and in the _____ atrium
• Receives ___________ blood from all body cells
• Atrium _________, passing blood through the
tricuspid valve into a relaxed right ventricle
• Right ventricle contracts and the blood then goes
through the semi-lunar valve into the
______________, which carries the blood to the
• Place of gas exchange
– Carbon dioxide out
– Oxygen in
How blood travels con’t
• ___________ blood returns from the lung by the
_______________ and enter the left atrium
• The ______atrium contracts and sends blood through the
bicuspid valve into the _______ventricle
• The left ventricle contracts and the blood passes through the
semilunar valve and into the ________ which carries blood to
all parts of the body except the lungs
• The blood returns to the right atrium by the superior vena
cava and inferior vena cava
– Superior = upper body parts
– Inferior = lower body plus abdomen
• Left side of heart  oxygenated blood (thicker wall)
• Right side of heart  deoxygenated blood (thinner wall)
Heart Nourishment
• Above the aortic semilunar valve is the opening of a
vessel that carries blood to nourish the heart muscle
• Coronary (heart) circulation
– System of vessels that supply heart muscle
• Systemic circulation
• Blood flow to the upper and lower body and back to the heart
• Pulmonary circulation
• blood flow between the lungs and the heart
Heart Rate
• Group of specialized cardiac muscle cells called the
– Located in the wall of the right atrium
– Generate _________________ causing the muscle to
• Nerves connect brain and pacemaker
– One nerve  increase in heart rate
– Different nerve  decrease in heart rate
– As cells need more energy, there’s an increase in heart rate
Circulation and Blood
• Your circulatory system contains _____ of blood
• Carries
– ____________ to cells
– __________ away from cells
– ____________________ from cells in one part of the body
to another
– Help the body ________ against invading organisms
• Definition
• Blood travels in repeating loops
Blood Components
______ of blood is fluid (plasma)
______ is blood cells
Mostly RBC (red blood cells)
______are WBC (white blood cells)
Blood Components con’t
• Contains
– proteins
– glucose
– vitamins
– minerals
– dissolved gasses
– waste products from metabolism
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
_______ nucleus when mature
4.5- 5.5 billion RBC in each 1mL of blood
Primary function is to _____________
Red in color because of _____________
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
How RBC carry oxygen
1. Pick up oxygen as blood is passed through the lungs
2. Oxygen and hemoglobin join to form oxyhemoglobin
(bright red color)
3. As blood passes around the body, oxyhemoglobin breaks
down and releases oxygen to the body cells
4. Without oxygen blood is dull red.
Once cycle is complete, blood is pumped back to the lungs
for more oxygen.
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
• Anemia
– Shortage of hemoglobin in the blood
– Casues
• Few RBC
• Lack of hemoglobin
• Lack of iron
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
Blood types
- carry proteins that determine blood types
- 4 different blood types
- A, B, AB, O
Aggulation when different blood types mix they
form clumps
- clumping of cells clogs up circulation
and without treatment, major tissue
damage and even death may result
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
Blood Type
Antigen Present
in RBC
present in
Anti – B
Anit – A
Universal Acceptor
A and B
Universal Donor
Anit – A and Anit - B
Blood Components con’t
RBC (Erythrocytes)
• Also carry antigens for Rhesus (Rh) factor
– Child may be in danger if father is Rh+ and mother is Rhand baby inherits Rh+ from dad
– During pregnancy the blood from the mother and baby are
separated by the placenta and do not mix
• But during child birth, blood cells can pass from embryo to mother
– Mom produces antibodies to fight these antigens
– During next pregnancy, if baby is Rh+, mom’s antibodies
may pass to baby and start to clump the baby’s RBC
• RBC are unable to pass through the narrowed channels
• Low oxygen levels cause baby to turn blue “Blue Baby”
Therefore, all pregnant women with ‘-ve’ blood types need to be given ‘Rogam’ shot
Blood Components con’t
• Body’s immune system
• 2 types of actions
1. ______________________ (lymphocytes)
- destroy germs by making them stick
together or dissolving
2. __________________ (macrophages)
- pac-man
- move towards germs, surround and
digest them
WBC cancer _________________
- treatment is bone marrow transplant
Blood Components con’t
• Fragements of cells formed in the bone
• Help _______ bleeding from cuts by
producing tiny fibres that form a scab until the
new skin grows
• Transports blood from the _______to the rest
of the body
• _________ deep within body
• Artery wall is very ______ and has _________
– Blood pumped into artery very fast and at a high
pressure, so elastic fibres need to stretch
• Transport blood to the heart from the body
• Wall of the vein is made up of the same layers
as an artery however, the outer coat and
muscle layer is NOT as thick
• Function is to collect blood
• Very LOW pressure
• Valves in the veins stop blood from flowing in
the opposite direction
Heart Disorders
• Heart Disease
– Leading cause of death in Canada and US
• Heart Murmur
– When the heart valves do not close properly
– Makes a muffled sound
– Heart needs to beat faster which may cause
Heart Disorders con’t
• Heart Attack
– Caused by blocked in coronary circulation
– Blockage decreases or stops flow
– With no glucose or oxygen to muscle cells of the
heart they die
– Treatment
• Faulty valves can be replaced
• By pass surgery
• Heart transplant
Heart Disorders con’t
• ____________________
– Artery becomes less elastic
• ____________________
– Occurs when deposits of cholesterol build up on
the inner wall
– Heart has to work harder
– Treatment
• Angioplasty
Heart Disorders con’t
• Angina
– Chest pain that results from a partial blockage of
coronary artery
Heart Disorders con’t
• Blood Pressure
– Force that blood exerts against the wall of a blood vessel
– Pressure is highest in arteries when the ventricle contracts
– Pressure drops in arterioles when ventricle is relaxed
• Systole- contraction of ventricles
• Diastole- relaxation phase
Normal Blood Pressure is
Systole 120/80 Relaxation
Heart Disorders con’t
• Hypertension (High blood pressure)
- many causes
- atherosclerosis (heart works harder)
- overwieght
- treatment
- medication, weight loss, low-salt diets