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Chapter 13 Cardiovascular System
These study questions do not emphasize the information on the heart since that material is
adequately covered in the physiology course. However, this text serves as an excellent
concise review of cardiac anatomy and physiology.
1. Through which type of blood vessel do leukocytes exit the bloodstream?
2. What vessels comprise the microcirculation?
3. What is a portal system and what is are the names of the two most prominent portal
4. What effect does sympathetic stimulation have on coronary arteries?
5. What three layers (tunics) comprise the walls of arteries and veins?
6. What are the subdivisions of the tunica intima?
7. What is the internal elastic membrane? Where is it located and in what types of
8. What is the prevalent cell type of the tunica media and how are these cells arranged?.
9. In arteries, where is the external elastic membrane located?
10. What cell type produces all the extracellular matrix of the tunica media
11. Which has more collagen: tunica media or tunica adventitia?
12. Which categories of blood vessels may possess a vasa vasorum and nervi vascularis?
13. What characteristics are used to classify the various types of blood vessels?
14. What are the two pathways by which materials can move across an endothelium?
15. What and where are foam cells? How do they form?
16. How can endothelial cells reduce blood pressure?
17. What is the action of endothelins on vascular smooth muscles?
18. How can arterioles be distinguished from small arteries?
19. What is the role of collagen (and elastic lamellae) in the tunica media of elastic
20. Why is the internal elastic membrane inconspicuous in elastic arteries?
21. Which is the thickest tunic in an elastic artery?
22. What are the principal cells of the tunica adventitia of elastic arteries?
23. What feature found in muscular arteries helps distinguish them from elastic arteries?
24. What causes the IEM to appear as a wavy structure?
25. Can an arteriole have an IEM?
26. What is the approximate diameter of a capillary?
27. Do capillaries have tunics?
28. Where are continuous capillaries found?
29. What is a Rouget cell and by what other name is it known?.
30. In addition to their function as contractile cells, what types of cells can arise from
31. Where are fenestrated capillaries found?
32. Is the number of fenestrations constant?
33. What are the synonyms of discontinuous capillaries?
34. Where are discontinuous capillaries found?
35. By what means can blood bypass capillaries?
36. Explain how the contraction of an AV shunt actually increases blood flow to a
37. Where are precapillary sphincters located and what is their function?
38. In histological sections, muscular venules tend to be found adjacent to what type of
39. By what characteristics can a vein be quickly distinguished from an artery or arteriole
that is nearby?
40. What is the function of thin flaps of connective tissue covered by epithelia found in
many veins?
41. High endothelial venules of lymph nodes have endothelial cells of a distinctive shape.
What is that shape?
42. Based on layers of smooth muscle, how are postcapillary venules distinguished from
muscular venules?
43. Integration question: Which types of blood vessels can have one or two layers of
smooth muscle in the tunica media? How can these two types of vessels be distinguished
from each other?
44. Which has the thicker tunica media: a medium sized vein or a medium sized artery?
45. In the largest veins, what type of cell other than fibroblasts and macrophages can be
found in the tunica adventitia and how are those cells arranged?
46. Where are lymphatic capillaries most numerous?
47. Which has the greater permeability: lymphatic capillaries or vascular capillaries?
48. What are lymphatic capillaries well suited to absorb?
49. How does the absence of a basal lamina affect the permeability of lymphatic
50. What is purpose of valves in lymphatic vessels?
51. What force moves lymph through lymphatic vessels?