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World History
Chapter 1- Section 4 and 5
Section 4: European Cultures
European Society
Crusades- _________ - Pope Urban II launches military to regain the _______________.
– Launches _______________ of European society
____________ Empire- Dominated most of Europe for centuries, until about _________.
____________________: 500-1400 AD.
– Political and economic collapse, trade decline, infrastructure destroyed, no law,
no money used.
__________________- a king would give estates to nobles in exchange for their loyalty
and military support.
– Popular throughout Europe by 1100
– Weak central government, so wars were common; castles built for defense.
The Manorial System
– Peasants get:
– Nobles get:
– ____________- peasants who were bound to the manor and could not leave it
without permission
– Bad shape since the ________________________
– Began improving around 1000
– Better plows + horses instead of oxen= ________________________
– More crops = _________________________
The Church
– _________________________ struggled after the fall of Rome
– Own set of laws, courts
– Disobedience to the church could result in:
Expanding Horizons
___________________ brought Western Europe into contact with Eastern Europe and
the Middle East (largely _____________)
– Demand for luxury goods in the region ________________
– Trade __________________
As trade increased, many merchants and traders began only accepting ____________ for
This led to the rise of the _______________________________
– ________________ were manufactured in Africa and used as currency during the
Mongol Empire (_____________)- 1200s
– One of the largest empires in history
– Integrated Asia's economy
– Made trade with Europe _________________
Mongol Empire _________________ in 1300s
Europe could not trade with _____________________ anymore
They needed a new way to get to China without using roads or trails
New States, New Technology
1300s- Western Europeans began exploring ________________ to China thanks to new
Strong States Emerge
1400s and 1500s- _______________________ begins exploring the world
– ______________________ was in decline
– ________________________ began taxing townspeople and merchants on the
profits they earned
– Merchants loaned money to _____________________ to ensure a strong
Mid 1400s:
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________
________________ was the first to begin exploration
The Renaissance Spurs Discoveries
Renaissance- ____________________________________________________________
– Philosophy, geography, mathematics, art
– _________________ AD
– Triggered a commitment to new learning, rather than blindly accepting the way
things were
New Technology
Exploration created demand for better ships and reliable navigating equipment
– Early 1400s
_____________________- invented by ancient Greeks, refined by Arab navigators
– Uses the sun to determine direction, latitude, and local time.
Compass- invented in China
________________________- triangle shaped. Perfected by Arab traders. Allowed ships
to sail against the wind.
– Transition from one big sail to multiple smaller sails for speed
– Moved rudder from side to the stern for easier steering
– ____________________- Portuguese ship, 1400s. Fast, small, very useful.
Portuguese Exploration
_________: Henry the Navigator (Prince Henry) set up a center to study astronomy and
– Invited mapmakers, astronomers, and shipbuilders.
_________: Portuguese captains began mapping Africa’s west coast
1488: _____________________ reached the Cape of Good Hope
1497: Four ships commanded by ___________________________ sailed from Portugal,
around Africa, to India’s SW coast.
Europe found it’s water route to eastern Asia
Section 5: Europe Encounters America
The Vikings arrive in America
_________________: the first European group to arrive in the Americas.
_________________________- 1001 AD
Group of 35- explored Labrador and Newfoundland
Permanent colony failed
Native Americans did not want them there
Spain Sends Columbus West
A New Geography
By the 1400s, most people knew the world was ________________
BUT, the best maps of the time only included the Mediterranean, Europe,
the Middle East, and Africa’s northern coast
After research of some ancient maps, Europeans finally had a better idea
of what eastern _______________ and the _______________________
looked like.
Columbus’s Plan
________________________________- Italian navigator interested in exploring west
from Europe to India
King ________________ and Queen _______________ of Spain agreed to fund his
journey with hopes that it would bring wealth, empire, and converts to Catholicism
The First Voyage
August ____________
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
Believed he had landed in India, but was actually in ___________________
Called the natives “Indians” because he thought he had reached ________________
After the Bahamas, he went to Cuba and Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic)
He thought they were ____________ and mainland ________________
Columbus’ crew and the natives were equally confused about each other.
Christmas Eve 1492- __________________ struck a reef off of Hispaniola
Columbus left a crew of 40 while he returned home with the other ships
Columbus’s Later Voyages
Less than 6 months after he got back to Spain, he left to return to the Hispaniola
November 1493- returned to find that all of his men had been ______________
and their fort was ___________________
He abandoned the site and founded the colony of __________________
Discovered gold, enslaved the native people to mine
1496- Columbus left for Spain.
His brother founded ___________________________, which would become the
first capital of the Spanish empire in America
1498- Columbus returns to South America
Discovers the ________________________
1502- Columbus mapped the American Coastline from _____________ to ___________
By the early 1500s, the _________________ established colonies on Hispaniola, Cuba,
Jamaica, and Puerto Rico, and began exploring the mainland.
Spain Claims America
The Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain wanted to claim ____________________.
Portugal claimed the right to ________________________
They went to the Pope for a decision
1493- Pope Alexander VI established the line of ____________________
Imaginary vertical line running through the Atlantic Ocean
Everything west belonged to ______________, everything east to ____________
King John of Portugal did not agree with the placement of the line
This treaty moved the line 1,000 miles west.
Confirmed Portugal's right to control the route around ____________ to
Confirmed Spain's claim to new lands in ____________________
However, the line had been moved so far west that a significant portion of Brazil now
belonged to ________________
Naming America
1501- ____________________________ explored the new continent and realized that it
could not be India.
1507- A German scholar named Martin Waldseemuller proposed the new continent be
named __________________ for “Amerigo the discoverer.”
Continuing Spanish Expeditions
1513: Juan Ponce de Leon- governor of Puerto Rico- discovered ___________________
1513: Vasco de Balboa- first European to reach the American ________________ coast
1520: Ferdinand Magellan- discovered the southern tip of South America, named the
Pacific Ocean. Died in the Philippines, but his crew continued back to Spain.
They were the first known people to _____________________ the globe.
Circumnavigate: _______________________________________
The Columbian Exchange
The series of complex _____________ and ____________________ interactions
between Europe and the Americas which began with Columbus’ first voyage.
From America to Europe
farming methods, corn, squash, pumpkins, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers,
peanuts, chocolate, potatoes, tobacco, chewing gum, canoes, snowshoes, hammocks,
ponchos, toboggans, parkas, disease
From Europe to America
Wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice, coffee, dandelions, onions, bananas, oranges, other citrus
fruits, chickens, cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, metalworking, shipbuilding, firearms,
influenza, measles, chicken pox, mumps, typhus, smallpox