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Chapter 9: Cell Division and
Clicker Questions
From top to bottom, which three
phases of mitosis are shown?
Metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase
Telophase, anaphase, metaphase
Anaphase, metaphase, telophase
Prophase, metaphase, telophase
The main phase of the cell cycle during
which a cell is preparing to divide is
A. mitosis
B. anaphase
C. S phase
D. interphase
E. None of the above.
If a cell has 20 chromosomes during G1
phase, how many chromosomes will this
cell have in G2 phase?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 40
D. 60
E. None of the above.
Which of the following best describes what would
happen if cells skipped past both G1 and G2 phases
of the cell cycle (but still went through S phase)?
Daughter cells would inherit half the normal
number of chromosomes.
Daughter cells would inherit twice the normal
number of chromosomes.
Daughter cells would inherit half the normal
number of organelles.
Daughter cells would be half the normal size.
Both C and D are correct.
A cell with 20 chromosomes during G1 phase
undergoes mitosis. If a pair of sister chromatids
somehow lost its centromere, how many
chromosomes would the two daughter cells inherit
assuming mitosis and cytokinesis were otherwise
A. 19 and 21
B. 0 and 20
C. 0 and 40
D. 20 and 20
E. 40 and 40
The role of spindle fibers during mitosis is
A. divide the cytoplasm into two daughter cells
B. prepare the cell for DNA synthesis
C. condense the DNA into chromosomes
D. replicate each chromosome once
E. separate sister chromatids
Cancer is caused by___________.
A. DNA damage
B. uncontrolled cell growth
C. cells escaping apoptosis
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
Which of the following normally occurs
when DNA is damaged during
A. The cell undergoes apoptosis.
B. The DNA damage is repaired before
the cell proceeds to divide.
C. The cell proceeds into mitosis and
makes changes after cytokinesis.
D. All of the above are normal
E. A and B only.
If the DNA sequence pictured below is found
in a normal cell, which of the following is
most likely true?
A. The cell will use repair mechanisms
before proceeding through mitosis.
B. The cell will proceed through mitosis
because the DNA is correctly paired.
C. The cell will become cancerous.
D. The cell is a human cell.
E. All of the above except B.
Which of the following cells would be
expected to undergo apoptosis?
A. A skin cell that has been damaged by UV
B. A human liver cell exposed to a mutagen.
C. A kidney cell that has undergone mitosis.
D. A human cell with 23 pairs of chromosomes.
E. All of the above except C.
Chemotherapy is________________.
A. any treatment used to treat cancer
B. using chemicals to treat a disease
C. treatment to cure chemical addictions
D. Both A and B are correct.
E. None of the above.
Cell division occurs frequently in which
of the following biological processes?
A. Embryo development
B. Wound healing
C. Muscle contraction
D. Both A and B are correct.
E. None of the above.
In which of the following cancer patients
would chemotherapy likely be used?
A. A pregnant woman with breast cancer
B. A man with a tumor in his liver
C. A child with cancer that has
undergone metastasis
D. An elderly woman with a tumor in her
E. All of the above.
Why do radiation and chemotherapy
treatments cause side effects in cancer
A. They both damage all body cells.
B. Both damage all rapidly dividing cells.
C. Cancer patients have weak immune systems
and therefore experience more side effects.
D. Older treatments causes side effects, but
modern treatments do not.
E. All of the above.
Which of the following statements is
the most accurate about the data
presented in the graph to the right?
A. Cc is an effective treatment for long-term
survival 5 years and beyond.
B. Tc treatment shows an increased survival rate in
comparison to Cc.
C. Cc had no effect on tumor growth because the
size of the tumors changed the least.
D. Cc causes more side effects than Tc and is less
likely to be tolerated by patients.
E. All of the above except A.
Taxol was isolated from____________.
A. sea sponges
B. spotted owls
C. Pacific yew trees
D. redwood trees
E. lichens growing on Pacific yew trees
Why is Taxol used to treat ovarian, breast,
and lung cancers, but not colon or renal
A. Taxol is more effective in women.
B. Taxol is too expensive to use in treating all
C. Taxol usually causes allergic reactions in
people with colon or renal cancer.
D. The cells in the colon contain different
genes than cells in other body cells.
E. Taxol only works on certain cancers.
What similarity between trees and sea
sponges lead researchers to think sea
sponges might be a source of chemicals for
cancer treatment?
A. Sea sponges and trees are very closely
B. Sea sponges and trees are both sessile and
require chemical defenses.
C. Sea sponges and trees are the only
organisms that do not develop cancer.
D. All of the above.
E. Both A and B.
How does Taxol prevent cancer cells
from spreading?
A. It keeps DNA from replicating.
B. It prevents the normal assembly of
the mitotic spindle.
C. It corrects DNA damage.
D. It directs cancer cells to undergo
E. It blocks telophase from occurring.