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Year 2013-14
Caution – Please use this as reference material only. Read the textbook thoroughly for each of the
topics on your review guide.
Unifying Themes of Biology:
o Cellular Structure/Function - Cell is the smallest unit capable of life’s function.
o Reproduction - All living things reproduce. Is essential.
o Metabolism - All living things need energy to carry out diff. chem. reactions.
o Homeostasis - All living organisms must maintain a stable internal environment.
o Heredity - All living things are able to pass on traits to offspring w/ genes.
o Evolution - All living things undergo evolution. Happens after a long period of time to
adapt to life. Natural selection.
o Interdependence - Organisms depend on each other and the nonliving ecosystem.
Solving World Problems:
o Preserving Our Environment - Conservation and preservation of Earth’s environment.
o Improving Food Supply - Genetic engineering = crops better. (Soil improvement)
o Understanding the Human Genome - Biologists are able to read every human gene.
o Fighting Diseases - Developing a new virus that targets 2 parts (AIDS); Anticancer drugs
prevent growth (cancer; Gene therapy (cystic fibrosis).
AIDS is a fatal immune system disease that is caused by the other disease HIV. It is spread by contact
with other infected body fluids, such as sex, blood transfusion or otherwise. Research is being made on a
cure, but no one definite cure is found yet, as it changes from person to person.
Another fatal disease in which cells have no stop function and keep replicating endlessly. Nowadays we
know how to avoid many kinds of cancer, but there are several kinds to which we don’t know a cause
nor a cure. For example, you should just simply not smoke to avoid lung cancer and wear sunscreen to
avoid skin cancer.
Gene therapy
this process where doctors remove the affected gene and replace it with a working version of it. It is
used to cure cystic fibrosis, a disease where mucus clogs up many of the body’s vital organs.
Stages of Scientific Investigation:
Collect Observations
Ask a Question
Form a Hypothesis
Make a Prediction
Test the Hypothesis
Analyze Results
Draw Conclusions
Construct a Theory
4.Atoms - Smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical means.
Subatomic Particles - Electrons, protons, neutrons. Particles smaller than atoms.
Elements - Pure subs. made of only one kind of atom.
Isotopes - Atom w/ diff. number of protons and neutrons. e.g. C13, C14
Molecules - Group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
Compounds - Sub. made of the joined atoms of 2+ diff. elements.
5. Acids - Compounds that form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. (Lemon, Vinegar)
Bases - Compounds that form hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. (Ammonia)
Buffers - Keep pH of a solution from changing too much when an acid or bas is added.
pH - Value used to express the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
Ex: Lemon has a pH value of 2. Hand soap has a pH value of 10. And Household Ammonia has a pH value
of more than 7.
6. Biomolecules- an organic molecule and especially a macromolecule in living organisms Ex: Lipids,
Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates: organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in the proportion of
1:2:1.A monomer of carbohydrate is called monosaccharide. They are the Key source of energy, and
they’re found in most foods. Ex: Bread, Potatoes, Soda.
Lipids- nonpolar molecules that are not soluble or mostly insoluble in water. They are an important part
of the structure and functioning of cell membrane. They are of 2 types saturated and unsaturated.
Ex: Fats: glycerol and fatty acids, Steroids, and Cholesterol.
Proteins- usually a large molecule formed by linked smaller molecules/monomers called amino acids.
Twenty different amino acids are found in proteins. Proteins called antibodies help your body defend
against infection. Proteins called have important structural functions. And other proteins are enzymes
and promote chemical reactions. Ex: Hemoglobin and keratin(in nails), collagen(in skin)
Nucleic Acids- a long chain of smaller molecules called nucleotides. Ex: There are two types of nucleic
acids, RNA and DNA.
7. Enzymes - Substance that increases the speed of chemical reactions.
A) Just proteins
B) Substances that speed up chemical reactions
C) Enzymes are catalyses: they reduce activation energy of chemical reactions
D) Help maintain homeostasis
E) Enzymes end with –ASE
Activation Energy - The energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
Substrate - A substance in which an enzyme reacts.
Each enzyme can act on specific substrates. Amylase- Only starch
Catalase-Only hydrogen peroxide
1. A substrate attaches to an enzymes active site
2. The enzyme reduces the activation energy of the reaction
3. The enzyme is not changed by the reaction
Active Sites - A type of pocket in the enzyme where the substrate attaches to.
Enzyme Action:
o Enzyme attaches to a substance during a chemical reaction; the shape changes slightly so
the substrate fits in the active site.
o The enzyme and substrate react and the activation energy reduces, making the substrate
more likely to react.
o Reaction is complete when products have formed. The enzyme is now free to catalyze
further reactions.
-Factors affecting Enzymes
Temperature- Good at room temp or body tem
pH – good at Neutral
Chemicals –acids and bases can affect enzymes
9. Cell Organelles:
o Vesicles - Transports cells.
o Mitochondria - Harvests energy to make ATP.
o Nucleus - Stores DNA.
o Golgi Apparatus - Proteins are processed packaged off into new vesicles.
o Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum - Helps transport proteins; Forms new vesicles.
o Lysosomes - Small, spherical organelles that contain the cell’s digestive enzymes.
o Ribosomes - Cellular structure on which proteins are made.
o Vacuole -Stores water and other subs. When full, plant stands upright.
o Smooth ER - Performs various functions. Makes lipids, breaks down various subs.
o Chloroplast - Uses light energy to make carbs. from carbon dioxide and water.
10. Active Transport: movement from low concentration to high concentration – ATP/ energy is
o Sodium Potassium Pump - Uses ATP to transport 3 sodium ions out of a cell and 2
potassium ions into a cell. 1) Pump prevents sodium ions from accumulating in the cell, as
they continuously diffuse into the cell through ion channels. Would eventually cause the
cell to burst. 2) Helps maintain the concentration gradient of sodium and potassium ions
across the cell membrane.
11. Passive Transport: movement from high concentration to low concentration – no energy needed
o Osmosis - Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane.
o Diffusion - Movement of a substance from an area of high to low concentration.
Facilitated Diffusion - Moves a substance down their concentration gradient w/o using
cell’s energy but with the help of a special CARRIER protein
12. Movement in Vesicles:
o Endocytosis - Movement of a substance into cell w/ a vesicle.
 Phagocytosis - Cell takes up a solid.
 Pinocytosis - Cell takes up a liquid.
Exocytosis - Movement of a substance out of a cell w/ a vesicle.
13. Types of Pigments - Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids (red, orange, brown),
 Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration
Comparing Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Energy capture
Cellular Respiration
Energy release
Carbon dioxide and water
Glucose and oxygen
Glucose and oxygen
Carbon dioxide and water
6 carbon dioxide + 6 water  glucose +
6 oxygen
6 oxygen + glucose  6 carbon dioxide
+ 6 water
 Cell membrane and its properties, lipid bilayer, membrane proteins
a. Cell membrane
 Selectively permeable due to phospholipids
 Only certain things are allowed in and out of cell
 Phospholipids- phosphate + 2 fatty acids. This can also be state as 1 polar head+ 2
nonpolar tails.
b. Lipid bilayer( Draw)
 Compare and contrast the animal cell with the plant cell
a. Label the pictures- 1st is plant cell and 2nd is animal cell.
b. A plant cell has a cell wall, chloroplast, and a central vacuole while an animal cell doesn’t.
 Active transport- sodium-potassium pump
a. Active transport- cell moves materials in opposite direction against the concentration
gradient and needs energy( from an area of low concentration to an area of higher
b. Sodium-potassium pump
 Usually uses ATP to transport 3 sodium ions out of a cell and 2 potassium ions into a
 Draw in space provided.
 Passive transport- osmosis, diffusion, facilated diffusion
a. Passive transport- movement across the membrane that doesn’t require energy
b. Osmosis- diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane (draw in space provided).
c. Diffusion through ion channels- ion channels allow certain ions to pass through the cell
d. Facilated diffusion- cell membrane has some carrier proteins in channels that allow certain
substances to be carried inside the cell.
 Hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions
If the fluid outside
Then outside fluid
Water diffuses…
the cell has…
Effect on cell
…lower free water
concentration than
…out of cell.
Cell shrinks.
…higher free
concentration than
…into cell.
Cell swells.
…same free water
concentration as
…into and out of cell
at equal rates.
Cell stays same size.
14. Factors Affecting Photosynthesis:
o Light - Photosynthesis increases as light increases; levels off at saturation point.
o Concentration of CO2
o Temperature - Optimum temperatures needed.
o Enzymes - Can get denatured at unsuitable temperatures.
15. Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis:
o Photosynthesis - 6CO2 + 6H2O sunlight C6H12O6+ 6O2. Captures energy in the
o Cellular Respiration - C6H12O6 + 6O2 enzymes 6CO2 + 6H20 + ATP
in Mitochondria
Absorption of light energy
Conversion of light energy
Storage of energy
Cellular respiration Stages:
a) Glycolysis
Conversion of glucose to pyruvates, Production of 2 ATP
b) Kreb’s cycle – 2 ATP and NADH & FADH2
c) Electron transport chain -34 ATP
Total electrons =38
16. Respiration in the absence of oxygen- FERMENTATION
Fermentation is the recycling of NAD+ using an organic hydrogen acceptor
a) Lactic Acid
Pyruvate ----------) Lactate
Lactate is produced in the muscle causes soreness
Makes cheese and yogurt
b) Alcoholic
Pyruvate----------) Ethanol
Ex. Yeast in food/ beverage
Bread, wine, dough, beer
17. Chromosome Structure Chromosome: DNA coiled around histone proteins
Chromatids: 2 exact copies of DNA that make up each chromosome
Centromere: Point at which centromatids attach .
18. Stages of Mitosis:
o Prophase
 Chromosomes become visible. Nuclear envelope dissolves. Spindles form.
o Metaphase
 Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.
o Anaphase
 Centromeres divide. Chromatids move toward opposite poles.
o Telephase
 Nuclear envelope forms. Chromosomes uncoil. Spindles dissolve.
o Cytokinesis Begins
RESULT – 2diploid cells made
19. Cytokinesis - Process during cell division in which the cytoplasm divides.
The cytoplasm of a cell is divided in half and cell membrane grows to enclose each cell, forming two
separate cells as a result. The end result is two genetically identical cells where only one existed before.
20. Stages of Meiosis:
o Prophase I - Chromosomes become visible, crossing-over occurs.
o Metaphase I - Chromosomes move to equator of cell.
o Anaphase I - Chromosomes move to opposite poles.
o Telephase I and Cytokinesis - Nuclear envelope forms, Cytoplasm divides.
o Prophase II - New spindles form.
o Metaphase II - Chromosomes line up at equator.
o Anaphase II - Centromeres divide, chromatids move to opposite poles.
Telephase II and Cytokinesis - Nuclear envelope forms, Cytoplasm divides.
RESULT- 4 haploid cells made
21. 7 Traits of Mendel’s Peas: Dominant vs. recessive
o Flower Color - Purple, White
o Seed Color - Yellow, Green
o Seed Shape - Round, Wrinkled
o Pod Color - Green, Yellow
o Pod Shape - Smooth, Constricted
o Flower Position - Axial (angle), Terminal (top)
o Plant Height - Tall, Short
22. 3 steps of Mendel’s Experiments:
o Self pollinated to produce a true-breeding P generation.
o Cross-pollinate 2 P generation plants w/ contrasting traits, producing an F1 generation
o Allow F1 generation to self-pollinate, F2 generation (3:1)
23. Dominant & Recessive Characters:
Cleft Chin
No Cleft
No Dimples
Hair Above Knuckles
Hairless Fingers
No Freckles
24. The Laws of Heredity:
o Law of Segregation - States that 2 alleles separate when gametes are formed during
o Law of Independent Assortment - States that alleles of different genes separate
independently of one another during gamete formation.
25. Punnett Squares:
Punnett square: a diagram that predicts the outcome of a genetic cross by considering all possible
combinations of gametes in the cross.
Monohybrid Crosses - One pair of contrasting traits.
Dihybrid Crosses - Two pairs of contrasting traits.
Homozygous: when two alleles of a gene in an individual are the same. XX or PP
Heterozygous: when two alleles of a gene in an individual are different. Xx or Pp
Phenotype: the physical appearance of a character.
Genotype: the set of alleles that an individual has for its character (basically, character traits)
The last difference is that a monohybrid cross contains 4 squares, while a dihybrid cross has 16.
(To see these, look on page 170 and 171 of your textbook!)
26. Test Cross - An individual whose phenotype is dominant and the genotype is unknown and is
crossed w/ a homozygous recessive individual.
Pedigree - Family history that shows how a trait is inherited.
27. Polygenic Inheritance, Incomplete Dominance, Multiple Alleles, Codominance, Environmental
Influence on Characters:
o Polygenic inheritance - When several genes influence a trait
 Eye color, Height, Weight, Hair color
o Incomplete dominance - When an individual displays a trait that is intermediate
 Cross red & white snapdragon = pink; Cross curly & straight hair = wavy
o Multiple alleles - Genes w/ 3+ alleles
 ABO blood groups are determined by 3 alleles
o Codominance - When both alleles dominate at the same time
 AB blood type
o Characters influenced by the environment - Phenotype is based on conditioned
 Arctic Fox: fur is RED in SUMMER, fur is WHITE in WINTER.
 Hydrangea: flower is BLUE when soil is ACIDIC, flower is PINK when soil is BASIC.
 In humans, hair and skin color, height, behavior.
28. Griffith’s Experiment - Griffith injected a mouse w/ S bacteria and the mouse got sick and died. He
injected a mouse w/ R bacteria and it did not die. He injected a mouse w/ heat-killed S bacteria and
the mouse lived. He injected a mouse w/ heat-killed S bacteria and mixed it w/ R bacteria and the
mouse died. Harmless R bacteria had changed into virulent S bacteria. What Griffith discovered was
29. Hershey Chase Experiment - Hershey and Chase grew T2 w/ E coli. Bacteria in a nutrient medium
containing radioactive sulfur (35S). They grew a 2nd batch in a medium containing radioactive
phosphorus (32P). These phages infected 2 separate E. coli bacteria. After a few minutes, the phages
were torn off the surfaces of the E. coli bacteria. Hershey and Chase found that most of the 35S stayed
on the phage and that most of the 32P was injected into the E. coli bacteria. Also, the new generation
phages produced by the bacteria contained radioactive DNA.
30. Griffith, Avery, Hershey and Chase, Chargaff, Wilkins & Franklin, Watson & Crick:
o Griffith - Discovered transformation.
Avery - Demonstrated that DNA is the material responsible for transformation.
Hershey & Chase - Concluded that DNA of viruses is injected into bacterial cells; most of
viral proteins remain outside.
Chargaff - Observed that the amount of Adenine equaled the amount of Thymine and the
amount of Guanine equaled the amount of Cytosine. Amount of Adenine and Thymine
and of Guanine and Cytosine varied b/t diff. organisms.
Wilkins & Franklin - Developed high quality X-ray diffraction photographs of strands of
DNA, which suggested that the DNA molecule resembled a tightly coiled helix and was
composed of 2 - 3 chains of nucleotides.
Watson & Crick - Discovered that a DNA molecule structure is a double helix.
 Structure of DNA
 Double helix- 2 strands twisted around each other and made up of nucleotides which
are in turn made up of a phosphate group, 5 carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base.
 Base pairing rules
 Purines pair with pyrimidines.
 Have hydrogen bonds and complementary base pairs
 Adenine Thymine or Thymine Adenine
 Guanine Cytosine or Cytosine Guanine
 DNA replication
 Process of making a copy of the DNA
 Happens during the S phase of the cell cycle
 Central dogma
 DNARNAProtein
 DNA goes to RNA through transcription; RNA goes to proteins through translation.
 Three types of RNA
 Messenger RNA- carries copies of instructions for assembling amino acids into
 Transfer RNA- transfers each amino acid to the ribosome as it is specified by coded
messages in mRNA.
 Ribosomal RNA- is part of ribosomes where proteins are actually assembled.
 Transcription
 The process in which the instructions for making a protein are transferred from a
gene to RNA.
 Translation
 The process in which the cell uses different types of RNA to read the instructions on
the RNA molecule and puts together the amino acids that make a protein.
 Genetic code, codons
 RNA instructions are written as series of three nucleotide sequences of three
nucleotide sequences on the mRNA called codon. Each codon along the mRNA strand
corresponds to an amino acid or signifies a start of stop signal for translation.
 Interpreting the genetic code
 Mutations
 No mutation
 Gene Rearrangements
♥ Transposition
♥ Chromosomal rearrangement
 Gene alterations
♥ Point mutation
♥ Insertion
♥ Deletion
♥ Diagrams
 DNA replication
32. Transcription:
o RNA polymerase binds to the gene’s promoter.
o The 2 DNA strands unwind and separate.
o Complementary RNA nucleotides are added.
33. Translation:
o Ribosomal subunits, the mRNA, and the tRNA carrying MET (Methionine) bind together.
o The tRNA carrying the amino acid specified by the codon in the A site arrives.
o A peptide bond forms b/t adjacent amino acids.
o The tRNA in the P site detaches and leaves its amino acid behind.
o The tRNA in the A site moves to the P site. The tRNA carrying the amino acid specified by
the codon in the A site arrives.
o A peptide bond forms. The tRNA in P site detaches, leaving its amino acids behind.
o The process is repeated until a stop codon is reached. The ribosome complex falls apart.
The new protein is released.
34. Genetic code - 1 codon = 3 bases (codes for 1 amino acid). Total 64 codons.
Codons - Instructions written as a series of 3 nucleotide sequences on the mRNA.
Stop codons - UAA, UAG, UGA. Start codon - AUG.(Methionine)
♥ Types of Mutations: Substitution, Insertions, Deletion and Frameshifts
♥ A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. Sometimes mutations can be
useful but mostly they are harmful as changes in DNA can change the way a cell behaves. As genes
are a set of hereditary materials that contain instructions necessary for a cell to work so if some of
these instructions go wrong the cell may not know how to function.
Mutations can be inherited which means the mutated genetic code can be passed on to the next
generations. For example heart disease, diabetes, stroke or high blood pressure, run in the family. If
parents suffered from them, their children may also develop them. Ten million men in the U.S. are
colour blind but less than 600,000 American women have the same disability. That's because this
mutation is located on the X-chromosome. Men only have one X-chromosome, so that one is
enough to induce the condition, but women have two X chromosomes, and they require the
mutation in double set to experience the condition.
Mutations can also be acquired depending on what sort of environment a person lives in as some
environmental agents can damage the DNA or when mistakes occur during cell division. For
example radiations released during the nuclear disasters in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Chernobyl
are still affecting and causing mutations in the genetic makeup of the people living in those areas.
Moreover, different types of cancers are also caused by mutations.
A substitution is a mutation in which there is an exchange between two bases (i.e. a change in
a single "chemical letter" such as switching a T to a C). Such a substitution could change a
codon to one that encodes a different amino acid and cause a change in the protein produced.
Sometimes substitutions may not effects the protein structure, such mutations are called
silent mutations and sometimes they may change an amino-acid-coding codon to a single
"stop" codon and cause an incomplete protein. This can seriously affect the protein structure
which may completely change the organism.
Insertions are mutations in which extra base pairs are inserted into a new place in the DNA.
Deletions are mutations in which a section of DNA is lost, or deleted
Protein-coding DNA is divided into codons which are three bases long, insertions and deletions
in these codons can completely change a gene so its message cannot be decoded correctly.
Such mutations are called frameshift mutations. For example, consider the sentence, "The cat
ate her rat." Each word represents a codon. If we delete the first letter and read the sentence
in the same way, it doesn't make sense. Similarly if the codons become jumbled up, they
would no longer make any sense, in such frameshifts, a similar error occurs at the DNA level,
where the codons cannot be parsed correctly. This usually gives rise to truncated proteins that
are as useless as "rca tet hce tee" is uninformative.
Genetic Engineering: the process of manipulating genes for practical purposes
Recombinant DNA: DNA made from two or more organisms
Restriction Enzymes: bacterial enzymes that recognize and bind to specific short sequences of DNA, and
then cut the DNA between specific nucleotides within the sequences and leave sticky ends
Vector: an agent that is used to carry the gene of interest into another cell Plasmids: circular DNA
molecules that can replicate independently of the main chromosomes of bacteria.
Gene Cloning: a process where many copies of the gene of interest are made
Electrophoresis: a technique that uses an electric field within a gel to separate molecules by their
size Probes: radioactive- or fluorescent- labeled RNA of single-stranded DNA pieces that are
complementary to the gene of interest
Steps in Genetic Engineering:
o DNA is cut by restriction enzymes which leave sticky ends
o Recombinant DNA is produced by DNA ligase enzyme
o Gene is cloned when bacteria are allowed to reproduce.
o Cells undergo selection & then are screened.
35. Southern Blot Method:
o DNA from each bacterial clone colony is cut w/ restriction enzymes.
o DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis.
o DNA is transferred to filter paper (blotted). A probe is added.
o Only DNA fragments that contain the gene of interest bind to probes.
36. Facts about the Human Genome Project:
o Research project linking over 20 labs in 6 countries.
o Scientists published a working draft of the human genome sequence in February 2001.
o Scientists identified all 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA.
o Human cells contain only 35,000 genes.
o 1.5% of the human genome is DNA that codes for proteins.
37. 3 Ways to Improve Crops:
o Make crops more tolerant to drought condition and adaptable to diff. soils.
o Make crops resistant to weed killer (glyphosate).
o Make crops resistant to insects by inserting a certain gene isolated from soil bacteria.
38. 3 Applications of Genetic Engineering to Animal Farming:
o Add growth hormones to diet of cows to increase milk production.
o Inbreeding - keeping the desired traits.
o Selective Breeding - breeding organisms w/ the same traits.
 Advantages: saves endangered species
 Disadvantages: oversized animals, immune system failure, developmental problems
 Add growth hormones to diet of cows to increase milk production
 Add growth hormone to pigs to increase their weight
 Selective breeding
 Passes desired traits to next generation
 Ex: horses, cats, farm animals and potatoes
 Hybridization
 Crosses dissimilar individuals to bring out the best of both
 Ex: daises, food, plants
 Inbreeding
 To maintain desired characteristics, scientists continuously breed individuals with
same characteristics.
 Ex: dogs- beagles, poodles
39. EARTH’s history
 Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago as a fiery ball of molten rock
 Earth eventually cooled down and formed rocky crust
Water Vapor condensed to form the vast oceans
40. Radiometric Dating - Estimation of age of an object by measuring its content of certain radioactive
Half-life - Time it takes for ½ of an amount of radioisotope to decay.
41. Primordial Soup Model - AI Oparin & JBS Haldane suggested Earth’s ocean contained large amount
of organic molecules. These organic molecules formed spontaneously in chemical reaction formed
from solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, and lightning. The atmosphere was rich in nitrogen, water
vapor, hydrogen, methane, and ammonia. Electrons in these gases were frequently pushed to
higher energy levels by light particles from the Sun or electrical energy from lightning & would
react w/ hydrogen rich molecules and form a variety of organic comps.
42. Miller Urey Experiment - Water is heated and water vapor is mixed w/ hydrogen, carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, nitrogen, ammonia, and methane. The mixture of gases is sparked w/ electricity
to simulate lightning. The gases were cooled using a glass tube filled w/ circulating cold water. The
dark mixture that formed contained amino acids and other complex molecules.
43. Lerman’s Bubble Model:
o Gases were trapped in underwater bubbles.
o Gases underwent chemical reactions.
o Gases were ejected into the atmosphere.
o Gases underwent further reactions.
o Simple & complex compounds fell into the oceans.
44. Evolution of Cellular Life:
o Prokaryotes - Single celled organisms that lack internal membrane-bound organelles
(evolved 2.5 billion years ago). Cyanobacteria were the first prokaryotes to evolve. They
were marine, photosynthetic & released oxygen into the oceans which, after millions of
years, escaped to the Earth’s atmosphere.
 Eubacteria - Prokaryotes that contain a chemical called peptidoglycan in their
cell walls. These bacteria usually cause disease and decay. (E. coli, Sulfolobus).
 Archaebacteria - Prokaryotes that lack peptidoglycan and have unique lipids in
their cell membranes. (Methanogens).
o Eukaryotes - Larger organisms w/ a complex system of internal membranes and DNA
enclosed w/in the nucleus.
45. Theory of Endosymbiosis - Lynn Margulis proposed that mitochondria are the descendants of
symbiotic, aerobic eubacteria and chloroplasts are the descendants of symbiotic, photosynthetic
eubacteria. These were the similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts and bacteria:
o Size and structure – Mitochondria and most eubacteria and the same size as well as
chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by 2
membranes, and both chloroplasts and cyanobacteria have thylakoids.
o Genetic material - Mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA and genes that are
different than those in the nucleus.
o Ribosomes – Mitochondrial and chloroplasts are similar in size and structure to bacterial
o Reproduction - Chloroplasts and mitochondria reproduce by binary fission.
Chapter 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17 Test Review
♥ Steps in genetic engineering: cutting DNA, making recombinant DNA, Cloning, Screening
 Cutting DNA- Human chromosome carrying insulin gene and bacterium with plasmid DNA is
cut with restriction enzyme
 Making Recombinant DNA- human insulin gene is inserted into bacteria and recombinant
DNA is produced
 Cloning- the gene is cloned when bacteria are allowed to reproduce
 Screening- cells undergo selection and then are screened; bacteria cells with the insulin are
later isolated
♥ Confirmation of a cloned gene: Southern blot method
 DNA from each bacterial clone is cut with restriction enzymes
 DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis
 DNA is transferred to filter paper (blotted). A probe is added.
 Only DNA fragments that contain the gene of interest bind to probes.
♥ Facts about the human genome project
 Completed in February 2001
 Draft of entire human genome sequence
 20 labs, 6 countries participated
 3.2 billion base pairs in human body
 Only 1.5% of DNA in body codes for/makes proteins
 Each human cell contains about 6 feet of DNA, out of which less than 1 inch is devoted to
exons. The rest of the DNA is made up of introns.
 Total of 30,000 genes in human body.
♥ 5 genetically engineered medicines and their basic uses
 human growth hormone- used to help people with growth deficiencies
 insulin- used to help people with diabetes
 growth factors- burns, ulcers
 interferons- viral infections and cancer
 taxol- ovarian cancer
♥ 5 ways to improve crops by manipulating genes
 make plants resistant to drought conditions and adapt to different soils, climates, and
environmental conditions
 make plants resistant to weeds
 make plants resistant to insects
 make nutritious crops
 genetically engineered plants
♥ 5 applications of genetic engineering to animal farming
 cloning
 add growth hormones to diet of cows to increase milk production
 add GH to pigs to increase their weight
 inbreeding
 hybridization
♥ Facts about Charles Darwin’s early life( nature, youth, education, voyage on beagle, research)
 Came from a rich family
 Spoiled
 Dad sent him to school
 Left school when he was about 19-20 year old
 Dad told him to be a clergyman
 He became a clergyman
 Was interested in nature
 Set out on a 5 year voyage on the Beagle
 Collected about 30,00 species
♥ Work and views of various scientists regarding evolution
 The idea that life evolves may have been first proposed by a Roman philosopher, Lucretius
who lived about 2000 years ago
 In 1809, Jean Baptist Lamarck proposed a hypothesis for how organisms change over
generations. He believed that over the lifetime of an individual, physical features increase in
size because of use or reduce of size because of disuse. He also said that these features are
passed onto offspring (the last statement has been proven false).
 Charles Lyell published the book Principles of Theology in which he proposed that the
surface of Earth is changing slowly over many years.
 In 1859, Charles Darwin published convincing evidence that species evolve, and he proposed
a reasonable mechanism explaining how evolution occurs.
 Thomas Malthus- wrote that humans can grow faster than the food supply.
 Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge- theory where periods of rapid change in species are
separated by periods of little or no change.
♥ Darwin’s finches
 Descent with modification- the ancestors of species on the island had migrated from South
America and had modified them selves.
♥ Darwin’s theory
 Inherited variation existed within the genes of every population or species.
 In a particular environment, some individuals of a population or species are better suited to
survive (as a result of variation) and have more offspring (as a result of selection).
 Over time, the traits that make certain individuals of a certain population able to survive and
reproduce tend to spread in that population.
 There is overwhelming evidence from fossils and other sources that living species evolved
from organisms that are extinct.
♥ Why can’t some individuals within a given species breed?
 Reproductive isolation- is the condition in which two populations of the same species do not
breed with one another because of geographic separation, a difference in mating periods, or
other barriers to reproduction.
♥ Homologous and vestigial structures
 Homologous structures- are structures that share common ancestry
o E.g. - forelimbs of all vertebrates share common bones.
 Vestigial structures- are smaller structures, have less function or perform from that of
homologous structures in ancestral life forms.
o E.g. – the tiny bones posterior to the sacrum called coccyx, appendix in humans, and
pelvic bones in whales.
♥ Role of biological molecules (e.g. hemoglobin) in understanding evolution
Amino acid differences from
human hemoglobin protein
Rhesus monkey
♥ Explain natural selection with the help of an example
 Before the Industrial Revolution, there were white birch trees. There were also white moths.
These moths blended in with the trees while black moths were easily noticeable, causing
them to be easily eaten. Overtime, because of the Industrial Revolution, the white trees
started to become darker from the coal. The white moths were then easily visible and the
black moths blended in.