Download 5.02 Discuss the different forms or promotion and the promotional mix.

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5.02 Explain the promotional
mix and the different forms of
Elements of The
Promotional Mix
 Any
combination of the
different forms of promotion
to sell _______ and _______
Different Forms of
Promotion - Advertising
 Any
paid, non-personal form of
communication by an identified
 Examples include: TV
commercials, magazine
advertisements, direct mail, and
the Internet
Different forms of promotion –
Sales Promotion
 Activities
or communications
that encourage consumers to
purchase ________
 Example include: giveaways,
sweepstakes, free samples,
award shows, contests, and
Different forms of promotion
– Personal Selling
 Personal
selling is face-to-face,
personalized communication
between a ______ and a _______
 Examples include: presentation of a
demo from a recording artist to a
record label executive
Different forms of promotion –
Public or Community Relations
 Activities
used by a business or
organization to gain and
maintain a positive relationship
between ____________ and the
Two types of Public or
Community Relations
The internal community
includes the ________ of the
company or organization
For example, Coke holding an
annual picnic for employees
and their families.
Two types of Public or
Community Relations
The ________ community
includes people outside of the
company or organization
For example, Pepsi donating
circus tickets to a Big
Brother/Big Sister
Different forms of
promotion - Sponsorship
 The
financing of a sports
or entertainment entity
(athlete, league, team,
concert, or event) by a
business in return for
________ or _________
Types of media used in
advertising- Print media
 Any
______ form of
communication used to
inform, persuade, or remind
consumers about _______ or
________ offered
Print Media - Newspaper
 The
most ________ and the
most cost ________ type of
print media
 Newspapers are most effective
for local businesses that are
trying to reach a specific
____________ market
Print Media - Magazines
 Likely
to be used by advertisers to
________ the market based on
___________ and ____________
 For example: men more likely to
subscribe to Field and Stream, so
this would be cost effective for a
brand of men’s razors.
Print Media – Direct Mail
 Sent
________ to customers, or
potential customers of a
particular store
 For example: all Blockbuster
Video members would receive a
flyer announcing a special sales
Print Media – Outdoor
 Includes
any ______ signs
and billboards
 Outdoor advertising provides
24-hour __________
Print Media – Transit
 Uses
______ transportation,
such as buses, bus stands,
taxicabs, and subways to
post advertising messages
Types of media used in
advertising – Broadcast Media
 Any
_______ and/or _______
form of communication used to
inform, persuade, or remind
consumers about goods or
services offered
Broadcast Media - Radio
 Advertisers
match their target
market to a radio station that
segments a particular _______.
 Has the ability to reach a
______ audience.
Broadcast Media - TV
 Includes
commercials and
 Is the most _______ type of
broadcast media as well as
the most _______
Types of media used in
advertising – Online Media
 Is
the placement of
________ messages on the
Internet World Wide Web
On-line Media – Banner Ads
 Are
rectangular boxes at
the top or bottom of web
sites that are used to
________ a web site or
On-line Media – Pop-up Ads
 Pop-up
advertisements are
the advertisements that
“_______” and interrupt
Internet surfing
On-line Media – E-mail Ads
 Are
used to tailor messages to
fit individual web _______
 E-marketers compile or
purchase customers databases
containing ________ based on
sites visited by web ______
Types of media used in
advertising – Specialty Media
 Include
“_______” items
with a company name
written on them
 Examples include: calendars,
pens, magnets, and coffee
Types of media used in
advertising – Miscellaneous
 Many
other creative ways of
communicating advertising
messages to ________
 Examples include: blimps,
supermarket carts, hot air
balloons, and in-theater
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
Academy Awards (_______)
awarded by Academy of Motion
Picture Arts & Sciences
 Nomination generates media
coverage and increases ticket sales
 Producers and studios promote
films to Academy members through
trade publications and talk-show
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 National
Academy Of Recording
Arts and Sciences (NARAS) award
the _________ Awards
 NARAS is an association of more
than 13,000 recording
 A Grammy might draw attention to
an artist, but does not guarantee
acceptance in form of ______
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 _______
Awards are awarded
by 2 branches of the same
 Academy of TV Arts and
Science awards prime-time
Emmy Awards for night time
television and Daytime Emmy
Awards for daytime television
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 Emmy
Awards draws
monumental attention to TV
 _______ viewing because of
winning actors/actresses
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 _______
Awards are
awarded to theater
professionals for outstanding
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 ______
Awards by ESPN and
are awarded for excellence in
sports performance
 Nominating committee consists
of sports executives, journalists
and retired athletes
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Annual Awards Shows
 Besides
athletes and coaches,
many actors and musicians
attend and participate in event
 _______ Awards make
contributions to the V
Foundation, established by ESPN
in honor of the late NCSU
Basketball Coach Jim Valvano
Forms Of Sales Promotions –
Trade Shows & Conventions
 Provide
________ opportunities
for manufacturers wholesalers,
retailers, and movie producers
to learn about and support
_____ products in the industry
Forms of Sales Promotions Incentives
 Used
to generate ________,
________, and _______ sales.
Forms Of Sales Promotions Incentives
 Prizes are awarded based on
contestant ____ and/or ______
 Examples include: American
Idol, Fear Factor, and Dog Eat
Forms Of Sales Promotions Incentives
 Prizes awarded based on the
______ or ______ of the
 Examples include winning
concert tickets from a local
radio station
Forms Of Sales Promotions Incentives
 _______ offered by manufacturer
when consumer purchases a sports
entertainment good or service
during specified time period
 For example: mail-in rebates for
purchasing two DVD’s at a time
Forms Of Sales Promotions Premiums
 Low
cost items given away with
the sponsor’s product as part of
a sales _______
 For example: Powerade gives
away a cooler with a purchase
of a case of powdered drink mix
Forms Of Sales Promotions Premiums
 Offer ______ reductions and found
in print advertisements, inserted
inside packaging, incorporated as
part of the product package, or
mailed to consumers
 For example: Blockbuster coupons
on popcorn packaging or coupons
inserted in Sunday newspaper
Forms Of Sales Promotions Premiums
 Low _____ items given to customers
for ________ an event, or visiting a
 For example, first 200 customers to
attend grand opening of new Sports
Authority receive a Sports Authority
key chain
Forms Of Sales Promotions Sampling
 Refers to giving consumers a
“_____” for sporting event or
 For example: fan participation at a
track and field event and Faith Hill
selecting member of the concert
audience to stand with her on stage
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Determine ______ for reaching
target market
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Push strategies
 Used by manufacturer to
convince or “_______“ retailers
to carry and promote products
 Relies heavily on personal
selling and sales _______
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Pull strategies
 Directed towards customers to
increase their interest and
demand for _______
 Customers will “pull“ or _______
retailers to carry sports or
entertainment products.
 Relies heavily on advertising
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Determine the ________ of the
promotional activity
For example, is the objective to
increase sales, increase market
share, or create brand
awareness ?
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Establish a promotional
No exact science exists for
establishing a promotional
Analyze steps of promotional
planning - Budgets
Common methods of determining
budgets include:
Percentage of expected_______.
Based on a percentage of past or
________sales to determine
Advantages include _____ financial
risk. Disadvantages include sales
may ________ reducing
promotional budget
Analyze steps of promotional
planning - Budgets
Objective and task method
Company determines promotional
_____ , steps needed to meet
goals and calculates cost for
promotional activities
Most _____ effective method for it
takes into account what company
wants to accomplish
Analyze steps of promotional
planning - Budgets
Competitive equivalence
Involves _______ competitors
promotional outlay
________ method because it
takes into account competitors’
objective only
Analyze steps of promotional
planning - Budgets
“Whimsical” allocation
All money _______ after
expenses is allocated as
promotional budget
Short-term method used to
increase sales by building
Analyze the steps of
promotional planning
Develop promotional mix
Specific ____ chosen should
take into consideration the
target market, promotional
goals, promotional budget
Care should be given to
aligning ______ and ______
promotional efforts