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Presentation Details:
Slides: 28
Duration: 00:29:58
Filename: C:\Users\jpage\Documents\NCVPS Learning Objects\Spanish II IO Pronouns Navigation to PPT
Presenter Details:
Published by Articulate® Presenter
Slide 1
Los objetos indirectos
Duration: 00:00:09
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 2
3 preguntas
Duration: 00:01:25
Advance mode: Auto
Published by Articulate® Presenter
Unidad 4, Lección 5 Los objetos indirectos
En esta lección, hablamos de objetos indirectos.
Es un tema bastante pesado, pero si ya
entiendes bien los objetos directos, no será tan
díficil. Ve las preguntas a continuació conmigo:
¿Qué te dio tu familia para tu cumpleaños?
¿Qué le regalaste a tu familia al llegar?
¿Qué te regaló tu familia al despedirte?
Cada pregunta demuestra el concepto de los
objetos indirectos. A ver. ¿Puedes comprender
cada una? Vamos a ver.
¿Qué te dio tu familia para tu cumpleaños? ¿A
quién refiere la palabra te? You! What did your
family give you for your birthday?
Los otros objectos indirectos mostrados aquí son
le y te. ¿Sabes lo que significan y a quién
Slide 3
As we go through this lesson…
Duration: 00:00:45
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 4
Los objetos directos
Duration: 00:00:33
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 5
Los objetos directos
Duration: 00:01:01
Advance mode: Auto
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As we go through this lesson, there are a few
steps you can take to master our objectives.
Take notes. These notes will help you on future
Practice pronunciation. When given time in the
lesson, repeat the words as you hear them.
Use your vocabulary list as we go along. The
concepts presented here are presented using
this lesson’s vocabulary list.
Remember the lesson goals and objectives! The
three questions we just looked at will guide us as
we move through this lesson.
Before we begin our lesson on indirect objects,
let’s take a trip down memory lane and review a
little about direct objects.
How do you find a direct object in a sentence?
Usé el trapo para limpiar la cocina.
What is the DO in this sentence? Start from the
verb and ask yourself the question Who? Or
I used what? Oh, a cloth! Cloth is my DO.
Let’s replace the word cloth in the sentence now
and use a DO pronoun. Let’s say “it”. I used “it.
Lo usé para limpiar la cocina. I used it to clean
the kitchen.
What does the lo mean? It. What does it refer to?
The cloth (el trapo).
Slide 6
Los objetos directos
Duration: 00:00:55
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 7
La, Lo, Los, Las
Duration: 00:00:52
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 8
Pronombres del objeto directo
Duration: 00:00:55
Advance mode: Auto
Published by Articulate® Presenter
Usé la escoba para barrer el piso.
What is the DO in this sentence? Start from the
verb and ask yourself the question Who? Or
I used what? Oh, a broom! Broom is my DO.
These were the direct object pronouns you
learned when studying DOs. Do you remember
these? Lo, La, Los, Las
Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
1. Lo usé para limpiar la cocina.
Slide 9
Lo usé para limpiar la cocina.
Duration: 00:00:27
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 10
Lo usé para lavar la ropa.
Duration: 00:00:24
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 11
Los usé para barrer el piso.
Duration: 00:00:42
Advance mode: Auto
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Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
Lo usé para limpiar la cocina.
Lo could be el trapo or el jabón. It would have to
be a word that is masculine and singular.
Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
Lo usé para lavar la ropa.
In this case, lo refers to a masculine singular
word. It could be el cloro or perhaps el
detergente as well.
Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
Los usé para barrer el piso.
This is a tricky one. Los refers to a masculine
group or item. So you couldn’t just say la
escoba or las escobas. In this case, la
escoba and el recogedor would make a nice
masculine pair. I used them to sweep the
Slide 12
Los usé para poner la mesa.
Duration: 00:00:21
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 13
Las usé para preparar la cena.
Duration: 00:00:36
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 14
Objetos indirectos
Duration: 00:00:24
Advance mode: Auto
Published by Articulate® Presenter
Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
Los usé para poner la mesa.
Los refers to a masculine plural word here. You
could use dishes (los platos), glasses (los
vasos), or any other item that is masculine
and plural.
Here are a few more examples of direct objects
in use. Looking at these sentences, what could
the DO pronouns be referring to?
Las usé para preparar la cena.
Las is a feminine plural object, so the noun must
match. You could use any food word or utensil
word here that makes sense as long as it is
plural and feminine. Some options might include:
las frutas, las carnes, las salchichas, etc.
Now that we’ve review our direct objects, let’s
take a look at indirect objects and their pronouns.
With DO, to find the DO in a sentence, you
asked yourself the questions who? Or what?
To find the IO, you ask the question to whom? Or
for whom?
Slide 15
Duration: 00:01:07
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 16
Duration: 00:01:25
Advance mode: Auto
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Regalé un osito a Bianca. I gave a teddy bear to
What is the IO in this sentence? Start from the
DO and ask yourself the question to whom? For
I gave a teddy to whom? Oh, to Bianca! Bianca
is my IO.
You will come to learn that most times, IO are
people since you are doing things to people or
for people.
In the next sentence, we are going to re-word it,
replacing the IO with an indirect object pronoun.
We are going to keep the meaning of the
sentence the same.
Le regalé un osito. This sentence now means I
gave a teddy bear to her. I replaced Bianca’s
name with a pronoun, her.
Dimos unos regalos a los gemelos durante su
fiesta. We gave some gifts to the twins during
their party.
What is the IO in this sentence? Start from the
DO and ask yourself the question to whom? For
We gave some gifts to whom? Oh, to the twins!
The twins are my IO. It is important that you can
identify the DO in a sentence in order to best
isolate the IO. A sentence cannot have an IO
without a DO. The DO might be implied, but
there will also be one. You can however, have a
DO without and IO.
In the next sentence, we are going to re-word it,
replacing the IO with an indirect object pronoun.
We are going to keep the meaning of the
sentence the same.
Les dimos unos regalos durante su fiesta.
This sentence now means We gave them some
gifts during their party. I replaced the twin’ with
Slide 17
Duration: 00:01:07
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 18
Los pronombres de objetos
Duration: 00:01:10
Advance mode: Auto
Published by Articulate® Presenter
Hizo un picnic para mis amigos y yo como
sorpresa. She made a picnic for my friends and I
as a surprise.
What is the IO in this sentence? Start from the
DO and ask yourself the question to whom? For
She made a picnic for whom? Oh, my friends
and I! My friends and I are the IOs.
In the next sentence, we are going to re-word it,
replacing the IO with an indirect object pronoun.
We are going to keep the meaning of the
sentence the same.
Nos hizo un picnic como sorpresa.
This sentence now means She made a picnic for
us as a surprise. I replaced the my friends and I
with us.
Now that you’ve seen some examples and how it
works, let’ take a closer look at the IO pronouns.
In the chart you can see the Spanish pronouns
and below are the meanings in English in yellow.
Slide 19
Le y Les
Duration: 00:02:02
Advance mode: Auto
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Le and les do propose some problems for usage.
By looking at the chart, you can see that “me”
means me. There is no other means. “Nos”
means us. No other possible translation.
This is NOT the case with le and les. “Le” could
mean him, her, or you. “Les” could mean them or
you all.
Because these pronouns have various
meanings, if the context is not established or
clear, you will have to clarify the le and les with a
short phrase at the end.
Le escribiste la carta (a ella). You wrote a letter
to her.
If I already knew that we were talking about “her”
then I wouldn’t need to add in “a ella” and I could
just use le. However, if the context was not clear,
or it is just a random sentence, you will need the
“a ella” phrase to show that we are talking about
her, and not him or you.
Les compraste unos pantalones nuevos ( a
ellos). You bought some new pants for them.
If I already knew that we were talking about
“them” then I wouldn’t need to add in “a ellos”
and I could just use les. However, if the context
was not clear, or it is just a random sentence,
you will need the “a ellos” phrase to show that
we are talking about them, and not you all.
Slide 20
Más ejemplos
Duration: 00:01:50
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 21
Pronombres del objeto indirecto
Duration: 00:03:19
Advance mode: Auto
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Now that you’ve seen all the IO pronouns, let’s
look again at how to use them in sentences.
We wrote her a letter everyday.
Le escribimos una carta cada día.
Who sent you that text?
¿Quién te mandó este mensajito?
What do you notice about where the IO pronoun
is in each sentence? Take a look again. The
pronouns come right before the conjugated verb
in each example. The conjugated verbs are
escribimos and mandó. You will see that there
are a variety of places where we can put the IO,
but before the conjugated verb is an option.
Here are a few examples where the IO is shown
in red.
Le regalé una cuerda para su cumpleaños.
Me dio el triciclo.
Les compramos una moneda nueva para su
Le dabas un regalo cada año.
Te regaló la muñeca rosada.
Slide 22
La posición
Duration: 00:01:38
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 23
Duration: 00:00:55
Advance mode: Auto
Published by Articulate® Presenter
On the previous page you saw how the IO
pronoun can go before the conjugated verb. You
can also attach the IO pronoun to the end of an
infinitive in a sentence where this would apply.
Te vamos a regalar un triciclo. In this sentence,
te is before vamos, the conjugated verb. We do
have another option for placement though since
there is an infinitive in this sentence: regalar.
Vamos a regalarte un triciclo. Here the pronoun
is attached to the sentence. It’s important to note
that the meaning is the same, no matter where it
is placed.
Mis padres me acaban de dar una fiesta de
sorpresa. Me appears before acaban, the
conjugated verb here.
Mis padres acaban de darme una fiesta de
sorpresa. I can also attach me to dar since it is
the infinitive.
You have seen many times now in the Spanish
language, that you can place pronouns before
the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive.
This was the case with
• Reflexive pronouns
• Direct object pronouns
• Indirect object pronouns
So what do you do if you want to put an IOP
before a conjugated verb and there is already a
pronoun of some type there? Great question!
You follow the RID order. You can have lots of
pronouns together, but they must go in a certain
R (reflexive)
I (indirect)
D (direct)
Slide 24
Duration: 00:02:27
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 25
La-La rule
Duration: 00:01:47
Advance mode: Auto
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Let’s look at some examples where you might
need to use the RID order.
Compraste el dinosaurio para mí.
Lo compraste para mí.
Me lo compraste.
Mis padres se olvidaron darme el regalo.
Mis padres se me olvidaron dar el regalo.
There is one caveat to using the RID rule.
When you use DOP and IOP together, you may
end up with a lot of “L” pronouns together. This
creates a sing-song la-la effect which is tricky to
pronounce. Thus, you cannot have 2 “L”
pronouns side-by-side.
Le Lo
Les La
Le Los
Les Las
No combination of L pronouns is allowed.
You simply need to remember the la-la rule and
change the IOP then to se.
Let’s look at this example.
• No mandé estos mensajitos groseros a
• No los mandé a ellos.
• No le los mandé.
• No se los mandé.
Slide 26
La-La rule
Duration: 00:01:07
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 27
¡Buena suerte!
Duration: 00:00:31
Advance mode: Auto
Slide 28
Here is another example of the la-la rule in
• No queremos comprar los trenes para
• No los queremos comprar para él.
• No le los queremos comprar.
• No se los queremos comprar.
Review this presentation as many times as
necessary until you feel like you have mastered
Duration: 00:00:05
Advance mode: Auto
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