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THE ROMAN EMPIRE III- OCTAVIAN - Octavian was only 18 when his adopted father Julius Caesar was assassinated - Was confident and mature for his age - He secured his position with the help of his army, i.e. he marched on the city of Rome and claimed his inheritance - Octavian created the _____________________________________ With Marc Anthony and Lepidus in 43 BCE - Octavian defeated Lepidus ( the weakest member ) and acquired power over the western portion of the Empire - Marc Anthony was married to Octavian’s sister, aptly named : ________________________ - Anthony decided to go to ____________________________ in order to acquire the financial support and supplies needed to continue his struggle for control of Rome - Anthony felt justified in this endeavor as he had always seen himself as a Hellenistic Sovereign and felt Cleopatra Ptolemy would be sympathetic to his cause - He fell under the spell of Cleopatra’s charms and promptly divorced Octavia, this hereby severed any ties to _______________________ - In fact he gave land back to Egypt that it had lost to Rome under Octavian - He married Cleopatra and together they had three children who were pronounced kings and were given Roman _______________ to rule/govern - The rumor back in Rome was that Anthony wanted to move the capital to ________________________________ - Octavian meanwhile consolidated his position in Rome: he had himself appointed Consul and revealed to the politicians that Anthony had written a will in which he left everything to _____________________________ and their children - Fears increased that Anthony was trying to move the center of power from Rome to Alexandria - The Senate feared this & deposed him from his command in the East (Rome despised the idea of a foreign Queen) - Off the West coast of Greece at ACTIUM in 31 BCE a battle ensued between Octavian and Anthony - Cleopatra withdrew her support (60) ships leaving Anthony’s fleet in confusion - Anthony pursued Cleopatra, leaving command of his fleet to others resulting in their defeat- they surrendered to Octavian - Octavian pursued Anthony to ______________________________ - Here Anthony challenged Octavian to personal combat - Prior to the combat, Anthony was duped into believing that Cleopatra had committed _________________________; where upon he stabbed himself .He was then told the story was a lie and was brought to Cleopatra before he died - Cleopatra did commit suicide, but not until she had tried and failed at the seduction of Octavian (who had heard the stories and even refused to look at her… for fear he’d be entranced or spell bound) - Cleopatra is said to have held an asp to her breast, allowing it to bite her - Octavian returned to Rome and was appointed the first Roman ________________________________ by the Senate - Seems to have used ‘reverse psychology’ in that, he marched in and rather than seize what he was entitled to, he laid down his authority - This method/ploy was met with a show of good faith by the Senate and they in turn restored his power - The Senate believed that the only way for the Empire to survive was to consolidate power in one person… OCTAVIAN for the sake of peace and prosperity - He called himself EMPEROR AUGUSTUS and later changed the title to “CAESAR AUGUSTUS” in recognition of the role played by Julius Caesar in the movement toward creating the position - Augustus means: “ _______________________________________” - From then on Emperors were deified and the Cult of the Emperor began as did the practice of Emperor worship - Octavian had Anthony and Cleopatra buried together & had Caesarian killed so he could never rule Rome as Caesar’s son