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Science 20 Unit B Final Test
DATE: _____________________
MC = 3 marks/question = Total: _______________________/75
Calculations = 6 marks /question = Total: _________________/30
20–B1.1k distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, including distance and
displacement, speed and velocity
1. You get the answer 25m/s East. Which of the following statements is true about
this answer?
a. It is a scalar quantity representing velocity
b. It is a scalar quantity representing speed
c. It is a vector quantity representing velocity
d. It is a vector quantity representing speed
e. None of the above
2. Which of the following would represent distance?
a. -15 m
b. 15 m west
c. - 15 m/s
d. 15 m/s
e. None of the above
Use the following information to answer the next question
William’s Lake and Kathleen’s Lake are two popular ice-fishing spots. To access these
lakes, people must park in the parking lot, shown on the map below and travel by
snowmobile along the trails shown on the map.
3. If the parking lot is the reference point, then which of the following rows
describes the position of both Gordon’s Creek and Kathleen’s Lake?
Position of Gordon’s Creek
Position of Kathleen’s Lake
5.2 km[east]
3.4 km[west]
5.2 km[west]
3.4 km[east]
2.6 km[west]
1.5 km[east]
2.6 km[east]
1.5 km[west]
20–B1.2k define velocity and acceleration as v d / t and a v / t , respectively
4. Rylee is driving her truck at a speed of 30 m/s if she drives her truck for 5 hours
how many km will she have traveled?
a. 6.0 km
b. 41.6 km
c. 150 km
d. 540 km
e. 1080 km
Use the following graph to answer the next 2 questions
5. What is the velocity of the object in the graph above at 8 seconds?
a. 13 m/s
b. 12.5 m/s
c. 6.5 m/s
d. 1m/s
e. None of the above
6. Using the graph above which of the following statements describes the objects
motion in the first 15 seconds?
a. Acceleration
b. Deceleration
c. Constant velocity
d. Rest
e. None of the above
7. Ryan drops an Egg 2.6 meters onto Miss Surette’s head. If it falls due to gravity
(acceleration = 9.81 m/s2) for 1.7 seconds what is its final velocity at impact?
a. 1.53 m/s
b. 3.77 m/s
c. 5.77 m/s
d. 16.7 m/s
e. 25.5 m/s
Use the following graph to answer the next 2 questions
8. Using the graph above which time interval is the object at rest?
a. 0-2 seconds
b. 3-5 seconds
c. 5-7 seconds
d. 7-12 seconds
e. 12-14 seconds
9. Using the graph above at which point is the object accelerating at a rate of 3m/s2?
a. 0-2 seconds
b. 3-5 seconds
c. 5-7 seconds
d. 7-12 seconds
e. 12-14 seconds
20–B1.3k compare and contrast displacement in uniform motion and uniformly
accelerated motion Skills: analyze position-time and velocity-time graphs to infer the
relationships among displacement, velocity and acceleration
Use the following velocity vs time graph to answer the following two questions
10. According to the graph above how many km did the car travel in the first 6 hours?
a. 40 km
b. 60 km
c. 180 km
d. 210 km
e. None of the above
11. During which of the following time intervals is the car traveling at uniform
a. 0-2 hours
b. 2-6 hours
c. 6-9 hours
d. 9-12 hours
e. None of the above
12. Myles is driving his car. He is currently stopped at a red light. Once the light turns
green he accelerates to 60 km/h. if it takes his car 6 seconds to reach 60 km/h
what distance has he traveled in that time?
a. 360 m
b. 180 m
c. 100 m
d. 50 m
e. None of the above
13. Drayton is driving on the highway at 120 km/h and a deer jumps out 80 meters in
front of him and stops in the middle of the highway if it takes Drayton 0.4
seconds to respond and 4 seconds to come to a complete stop will he hit the deer?
And if he doesn’t hit the deer how many meters is Drayton away from the deer?
a. He hits the deer
b. He stops 66.7 m from the deer
c. He stops 13.3 m from the deer
d. He stops 0.1 m from the deer
e. None of the above
20–B2.1k define momentum as a vector quantity equal to the product of the mass and
velocity of an object (p= mv )
14. Madison rolls a 5 kg ball at a velocity of +2.4 m/s what is the balls momentum?
a. +12 kgm/s
b. -12 kgm/s
c. +2.1 kgm/s
d. -2.1kgm/s
e. None of the above
15. A truck driving along a highway road has a large quantity of momentum. If it
moves at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum is
a. Zero
b. Unchanged
c. Halved
d. Doubled
e. Quadrupled
16. Which of the following do not have momentum?
a. An electron is orbiting the nucleus of an atom.
b. A Yugo (a compact car) is moving with a constant speed.
c. A UPS truck is stopped in front of the school building.
d. A small flea walking with constant speed across Fido's back.
e. A Transport truck accelerating down a steep hill
17. A Mars rover is tested on Earth at a speed of 2.5 km/h. When it travels as fast on
Mars, is its momentum more, less, or the same?
a. More
b. Less
c. The same
d. It is impossible to tell with this information
18. Kass is stopped in her 1600kg car at a red light. If she accelerates at a rate of
+7.5m/s2 for 6 seconds then maintains that speed what will her momentum be at
10 seconds?
a. + 120000 kgm/s
b. + 72000 kgm/s
c. + 16000 kgm/s
d. + 12000 kgm/s
e. + 7200 kgm/s
Use the following picture to answer the next 2 questions
19. What is the momentum of the bug in the image above
a. - 40 m/s
b. + 40 m/s
c. - 2.5 m/s
d. + 2.5 m/s
e. None of the above
20. 20–B2.2k apply the law of conservation of momentum to one-dimensional
collisions and explosions
21. In the hit and stick collision above what will be the final velocity of the vehicles?
a. -0.71 m/s
b. + 0.71m/s
c. – 19.0 m/s
d. + 19.0 m/s
e. None of the above
Use the following picture to answer the next question
22. If the velocity of the minivan is 2.7 m/s after the spring has been released what is
the velocity of the delivery truck?
a. +18.9 m/s
b. - 18.9 m/s
c. + 2.3 m/s
d. - 2.3m/s
23. Tyler and Matthew are in a car crash. Tyler was driving his 1500kg car 90 km/h
south when Matthew hit him from behind with his 1700kg car. After the crash a
camera caught Tyler’s car traveling at 120 km/h south and Matthew’s car
traveling at 115 km/h south. Using this information how fast was Matthew
traveling before the collision?
a. 141 km/h south
b. 141 km/h north
c. 70 km/h south
d. 70 km/h north
e. None of the above
24. When a moving object collides with a stationary object of identical mass, the
stationary object encounters the greater collision force.
a. True
b. False
c. Impossible to tell without knowing the velocity of the moving object
20–B2.3k define change in momentum as impulse p mv Favet  relate impulse
toacceleration and Newton’s second law of motion and apply the concept of impulse to
explain the functioning of a variety of safety devices
25. Maribel is driving her 1600 kg car at 60 km/h if she comes to a stop in 5 seconds
what force must act upon her to bring her to a stop in this time?
a. 19 200 N
b. 5 333.3 N
c. 480.00 N
d. 133.33 N
e. None of the above
26. Use the information from question 17 to answer this question. If Brett was driving
the same car (assuming mass is the same) and he was in a collision which brought
him to a stop in 0.9 seconds which of the following statements would be true?
a. Brett would experience a greater impulse and a greater force
b. Maribel would experience a greater impulse but Brett would experience a
greater force
c. Brett would experience a greater impulse but Maribel would experience a
greater force
d. They would experience the same impulse but Brett would experience a
smaller force
e. None of the above
27. Which of the following is experiencing an impulse?
a. An electron is orbiting the nucleus of an atom.
b. A Yugo (a compact car) is moving with a constant speed.
c. A UPS truck is stopped in front of the school building.
d. A small flea walking with constant speed across Fido's back.
e. A Transport truck accelerating down a steep hill
28. If Kathryn is driving 1700 kg car at 20 m/s and she accelerates at a rate of 2.5 m/s
for 4 seconds. What is the value of the impulse Kathryn’s car would experience?
a. 51 000Ns
b. 34 000Ns
c. 17 000Ns
d. 8 500 Ns
e. It is impossible to tell with this amount of information
20–B2.4k explain how an unbalanced force causes change in motion and apply Newton’s
first law of motion to explain an object’s state of rest or uniform motion;
20–B2.5k apply Newton’s second law of motion and use it to relate force, mass and
20–B2.6k apply Newton’s third law of motion to explain the interaction between two
29. If Kruise throws a ball horizontally while standing on roller skates, he would roll
backward with a momentum that matches that of the ball. Will Kruise roll
backward if he goes through the motions of throwing the ball, but instead holds
on to it?
a. Yes because of Newton’s second law of motion
b. No because of Newton’s second law of motion
c. Yes because of Newton’s third law of motion
d. No because of Newton’s third law of motion
e. None of the above because it relates to Newton’s first law of motion
30. To bring an oil-tanker to a stop, its engines are typically cut off about 25 km
from port. Why is it so difficult to stop or turn a supertanker?
a. Because of Newton’s first law of motion
b. Because of Newton’s second law of motion
c. Because of Newton’s third law of motion
d. None of Newton’s laws explain this phenomenon
Calculation Questions
Use the following information to answer the next 2 questions
A Jon, Tunke, and April go on an ice-fishing trip, which involves the following steps:
Step I
Travelling from Dorothy’s Creek to the parking lot, which takes 1.25 h
Step II
Collecting supplies in the parking lot, which takes 0.25 h
Step III Travelling from the parking lot to William’s Lake by snowmobile, which takes
31. What is the average velocity of the group in km/h and m/s?
32. If the snowmobile was at rest in the parking lot, and the group traveled at a
velocity of 8 m/s west to Williams lake what was their rate of acceleration if
they accelerated for only 4 seconds?
Use the following information for the next 3 Questions
Joel and Brandon are driving towards each other. Joel is traveling right in a
truck with a mass of 1800 kg. Brandon is traveling to the left in a 2100kg
truck, in his truck Brandon has on cruise control and travels 1.5 km in a
minute. Josee and Jonathan witness the collision and record that the vehicals
stick together the collision took 1.5 seconds and their velocity after the
collision is 36 km/h to the right.
33. According to the information above what was Brandon’s velocity before the
collision in m/s?
34. According to the information above and the value you calculated in the
previous question what was Joel’s velocity before the collision?
35. According to the information above and the values you have calculated above
what was the force Joel experienced?