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In Search of Giants Video Worksheet
1. Segment 1
a. What did scientists believe about the structure of the atoms in 19th century?
b. Who arranged the elements into the first periodic table?
2. Segment 2
a. What sub-atomic particle did J.J. Thomsom discover?
b. What model did J.J. Thomsom propose for the structure of atom taking into account his
3. Segment 3
a. Who finally solved the mystery of how the electrons fit into the atom?
b. What did Rutherford and his assistants discover when the fired alpha particles at the
atoms in the gold foil?
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c. What did Rutherford conclude about the structure of the atom after pondering this
d. How was the model of the atom that Rutherford proposed very similar to our solar
e. What does quantum mechanics tell us about the location of the electrons?
Instead of orbits, where are the electrons located?
g. What was the most significant outcome of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment?
h. Rutherford along with James Chadwick discovered that the nucleus was composed of
what two particles?
4. Segment 4
a. Gell-Mann, through his research, discovered that protons, neutrons, electrons and the
zoo of fundamental particles are composed of what particles?
5. Segment 5
a. At the Stanford Linear Accelerator, by accident, how did they confirm the model of
quarks proposed by Gell-Mann?
Name __________________________________
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b. What four fundamental particles can be used to explain the structure of all matter?
c. Scientist believe there is one unifying fundamental particle, how do they hope to
discover it?
6. Segment 6
a. For anything to change, what must act?
7. Segment 7
a. What force holds the electrons in place around the nucleus of the atom?
b. What force holds the atoms and molecules together?
c. What force accounts for the electrons repelling one another?
8. Segment 8
a. What was Michael Faraday’s most important discovery?
b. Maxwell unified what forces into one model?
Name __________________________________
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c. What did he then connect these forces to?
9. Segment 9
a. While gravity and electromagnetic forces can account for all of the phenomenon that
we encounter in our everyday world, but they cannot account for phenomenon where?
b. Based on the electromagnetic force model, what should happen to the nucleus of an
atom when two positively charged protons encounter each other?
c. What force prevents this from happening?
d. Weak nuclear forces can convert what to neutrons and neutrons to what?
10. Segment 10
a. What three forces can describe all the phenomenon that we observe today?
b. What do scientists hope to discover?
Name __________________________________
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Segment 11
c. What does the quantum mechanics bring to the model of matter?
d. Quantum mechanics says that matter does not just behave as particles but also like
e. How did Albert Einstein explain the photo-electric effect?
11. Segment 12
a. Until Albert Einstein explained the photo-electric effect, how was light explained?
b. After his explanation of the photo-electric, how did light also behave?
c. Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) proposes that the repulsive forces that two electrons
express between themselves is actually caused by what?
12. Segment 13
a. What particle carries or accounts for the strong nuclear force?