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Physics - First Semester Review
You can either print this review or do it in your notebook. It is due on the day of the final.
Memorize these “Big Ideas” from each of the units. Each is worth 5 points. Recite them to me to receive your points.
Unit 0 – Think like a Physicist - Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and interactions of matter, energy, forces, and motion
throughout the universe. Physical laws can be modeled with equations, allowing us to predict how objects and systems of objects will behave.
Unit 1 – Motion – Motion can be understood and predicted using the relationships between position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration that are
described by the kinematic equations. Motion in more than one dimension can be described using the vector sum of motion in each dimension.
Unit 2 – Forces - Forces are the cause of all changes in motion. Understanding forces allows you to understand how and why things move or don’t move.
The net force on an object, which determines how an object will accelerate, is the vector sum of all of the forces acting on the object.
Unit 3 – Energy - Energy is the capacity to do work, which means to apply a force over a distance. When objects do work, they transfer energy. Energy
can be converted between kinetic (motion) and potential (stored) energy, but the total amount of energy in an enclosed system remains the same.
Unit 4 – Momentum – The changes in velocities that occur when objects interact are governed by the law of conservation of momentum. When objects
interact, the net momentum (the vector sum of the momenta of all of the objects in the system) doesn’t change.
1. ___________________ is
the branch of physics that
deals with how objects move
in everyday situations, while
____________________ is
the branch of physics that
deals with how objects behave
near the speed of light.
2. How magnetic fields are
produced is a question related
to which branch of physics?
6. 478,000 picoliters is equal
to 0.478
7. If a child is 1,000,000.0
minutes old, she is
__________________ days
old and
milliseconds old.
8. A car traveling at 28 miles
per hour is traveling at
____________ m/s.
9. The SI unit for the
expression d/v2 would be
A rock falling at 51 m/s is
falling at _____________
t/a would have units of
12. An object starts from rest,
then falls. After 5.0 seconds,
the object will be falling at
__________________ m/s.
13. If a ball is kicked straight
up in the air at 15 m/s, it will
rise to a height of
How far will this object have
If the ball were thrown upward
twice as fast, how high would
it rise?
14. A car driving at 28 m/s
has its brakes applied, causing
it to accelerate at -4.2 m/s2.
After 3.0 seconds, it will be
travelling at
____________________ m/s.
11. Suppose you walk 2.4
miles to school each day. From
Monday morning when you
leave for school until Friday
afternoon when you get home,
your displacement is
___________________ miles
and the distance you’ve walked
is ___________________
The interaction between
protons and neutrons falls into
which branch of physics?
3. The base SI units for mass,
time, length, and electric
current are ___________ ,
___________ , ___________
, and ___________.
4. 256 decimeters is equal to
millimeters and
5. 382 mN is…
a) how many newtons?
b) how many micronewtons?
Would this car hit a deer 73 m
away before stopping?
10. Which of these is
dimensionally consistent?
v = t/a
v = at
Thus, which of these could
possibly be a valid equation?
15. Rearrange the equation
d = 1/2at2 to solve for t.
16. Rearrange the equation
vf2 = vi2 + 2ad to solve for vi.
17. Two balls start from rest. If
one accelerates twice as fast as
the other by rolling down a
steeper ramp, how much
further will it roll after 1.0
18. What pattern do you notice
from the previous question?
19. A bird flies across a road in
1.8 seconds. If the road is 7.2
m wide, what is the bird’s
average velocity?
20. You drive from the 48 mile
marker on I-90 to the 63 mile
marker in 13 minutes. What is
your average velocity in miles
per hour?
After 2.0 seconds?
After 3.0 seconds?
21. In a velocity vs. time
graph, a flat line indicates
A line approaching zero
22. In a position vs. time
graph, a diagonal line indicates
____________________. A
curved line indicates
23. Draw a position vs time
graph of a skateboard rolling at
a constant speed.
24. Draw a position vs time
graph of a running tiger
slowing down to a stop.
25. Draw a velocity vs time
graph of a person jumping
from the moment they leave
the ground to the moment
they land.
26. What does speeding up
look like on a velocity vs time
27. If a velocity vs time graph
shows a diagonal line, what
does the acceleration vs time
graph look like?
Describe the velocity and the
acceleration of a car with the
following position vs time
Time (s)
Pos. (m)
28. Velocity:
30. __________________ and
__________________ are
examples of scalar quantities,
while __________________
and __________________ are
examples of vectors.
29. Acceleration:
31. If you drive 13 miles north,
then 8 miles west, then 3 miles
east, your displacement is
___________________ and
the angle from where you
started to where you ended is
32. A hurricane that has
moved 480 miles at 36° N of E
has moved
___________________ miles
north and
___________________ miles
33. A car driving at 45m/s
goes horizontally off a cliff. If
it takes the car 3.2 seconds to
hit the ground, it will hit
_________________ meters
from the side of the cliff and
the cliff is
meters tall.
34. When an object is launched
in the air, it’s acceleration
downward is
______________ and its
acceleration sideways is
35. A snowboarder goes off a
jump. If she leaves the ground
at 12 m/s at a 25˚ angle, what
is her height at t = 0.62 s?
36. What shape do projectiles
make as they move through
the air?
37. Why doesn’t an airplane
follow the path of a projectile?
38. It will take a force of
___________________ to
accelerate a 20.0 kg mass at 5.0
39. A bag weighing 85 N has a
mass of
40. According to this data,
what is the force on this 5.0 kg
Time (s)
Vel. (m/s)
41. What is the difference
between force and net force?
42. What are the four
fundamental forces of nature.
43. A 5.0 kg table being
pushed with a 35.0 N force to
the left and a 20.0 N force to
the right will feel a net force of
___________________ and
experience an acceleration of
44. If you double the mass of
an object without changing the
net force on it, how does the
acceleration change?
45. The mass of a brick that
feels 50.0 N of friction as it is
pulled across the floor is
___________________ if the
coefficient of kinetic friction is
46. You pull on a box with a
force of 162 N at a 38˚ angle
above the ground. If it doesn’t
move, what is the force of
static friction between the box
and the ground?
47. If you pull up on a string
holding a 6.0 kg bag with a 92
N force…
48. Two people push on a
table. One pushes with a force
of 50.0 N at an angle of 30˚ N
of W. The other pushes on the
table with a force of 100.0 N at
an angle of 20.0˚ S of W. What
is the net force on the table?
(include the direction)
49. Why do you slide further
on a vinyl floor in your socks
than in your shoes? Reference
the coefficient of kinetic
friction in your answer?
50. Which of these objects has
a greater coefficient of static
Mass Force to
move it (N)
A 185
B 301
What is the net force on the
What is the acceleration of the
How far will the bag move in
0.25 s?
51. At terminal velocity (the
speed at which a falling object
doesn’t accelerate any further),
the net force on an object is
because the force of gravity is
counteracted by air resistance.
52. Rewrite Newton’s Law of
Gravitation to solve for
53. If you triple the mass of an
object, what would happen to
the force of gravity it exerts?
54. What force exists between
the earth and the sun based on
this information:
Sun mass
Earth mass
1.99E30 kg
5.97E24 kg
The earth is on average 149.6
million km from the sun.
55. How far apart would you
have to place two 10,000.0 kg
masses for them to exert a
force of 1.00 mN on each
56. The
___________________ is the
force that is perpendicular to
the surface an object is sitting
on, ___________________ is
the force that is parallel to the
surface that an object is sitting
on when the object is being
pushed or pulled, and the force
of ___________________
always pulls downward.
57. When force and
displacement are
___________________, the
work done is at a positive
maximum. When force and
displacement are
___________________, the
work done is zero. When force
and displacement are
___________________, the
work done is at a negative
58. The force of
friction is always greater for a
given object on a given surface
than the force of
59. If all you know is that it
takes 30.0 N to lift a box, can
you find the mass of the box?
Why or why not?
60. The Joule is the SI unit for
_______________. Written in
base SI units, it is
If all you know is that it takes
30 N to drag a box sideways,
can you find the mass of the
box? Why or why not?
61. From a physics
perspective, what is work?
62. If I push on a bus to the
west, but it is moving to the
north, am I doing any work on
the bus? Explain using W =
63. How much work does it
take to push a box 20.0 m
against a 50.0 N force of
64. How work does it take to
lift a 30.0 kg box 2.0 m?
65. I lift a bag that weighs 40.0
N 2.0 m, then I carry it 5.0 m
down the hall. How much
work do I do?
66. Suppose I have to push a
car across a parking lot.
Explain using W = Fdcosθ
why I should push in the same
direction that I want the car to
move. (This is obvious from
an intuitive perspective. I want
you to back up your thinking
with mathematical reasoning).
67. How much kinetic energy
does a 1.5 kg Falcon have that
is diving at 60.0 m/s?
68. If the velocity of a train
increases from 8.0 m/s to 34
m/s, how much does the
kinetic energy increase?
69. Rearrange the kinetic
energy equation to solve for
70. If 72 kg bike rider has 4184
J of Ek, what is her velocity?
71. How many food calories
would it take to accelerate a 61
kg runner from 0.0 m/s to 8.0
72. If 3500 kg of water were
raised 45 m off the ground,
how much work would it be
able to do if it were to flow
down to the ground?
73. Gravitational potential
energy depends on what two
74. What mass of rocks could
be lifted to a height of 5.0 m
with 1000.0 of energy?
75. Mechanical energy is the
___________________ and
the ___________________
added together.
Suppose your body were to
turn food calories into kinetic
energy with 36% efficiency.
How many calories would it
Kinetic energy depends on
what two factors?
76. A 1.82 pound owl flying at
10.0 m/s at a height of 20.0 m
has kinetic energy of
potential energy of
___________________, and
mechanical energy of
77. A 35,000 kg airplane flying
at 250 m/s at a height of
11,000 m would have how
much mechanical energy?
78. If the airplane in the
previous question were to lose
power and begin falling to
earth, how fast would it be
going right before hitting the
ground? (ignore air resistance)
79. If a 0.60 kg squirrel,
starting from rest, accelerates
at 18 m/s2 for 0.25 seconds, its
kinetic energy will be
80. How much power does it
take to exert a 32 N force over
5.0 m in 2.5 s?
81. A 360 mW potato battery
can do how many joules of
work in 15 seconds?
82. Rearrange the power
equation to solve for force.
83. How fast would a 6.0 kW
motor be able to lift a 200.0 kg
pallet of onions?
84. Momentum depends on
what two factors?
85. Which would be able to
push you back further, a 15 kg
dog running at 10.0 m/s or a
25 kg deer running at 4.0 m/s?
86. If you run into someone in
the hall and you lose 50.0 kg
m/s of momentum, how much
momentum does the other
person gain?
87. If your mass is 50.0 kg and
your velocity is 10.0 m/s, your
momentum is
___________________ and
your kinetic energy is
88. You fire a 700.0 kg cannon,
causing it to move backwards
at 8.0 m/s. If you know the
cannonball it fired has a mass
of 10.0 kg, how fast did the
cannonball leave the cannon?
89. Impulse is the change in
___________________ of an
object, and is also equal to
force times
90. show that Ft = m∆v is
dimensionally consistent.
91. Landing on a soft surface
instead of a hard one does less
damage to the object because
when landing on a soft surface,
the ___________________ is
92. Describe the concept of
conservation of momentum in
your own words.
93. In all collisions,
_____________ is conserved.
In perfectly elastic collisions,
_____________ is also
94. Landing on a soft surface
instead of a hard one does less
damage to the object because
when landing on a soft surface,
the ___________________ is
95. In an elastic collision, it is
possible for both objects to
come to a stop (think of a
head-on car crash). How is it
that we can say momentum is
96. Doubling your velocity and
quadrupling your mass will
increase your momentum by
___________________ times.
97. When two objects push off
each other, their changes in
momentum are
___________________ in
magnitude and
___________________ in
98. Using Newton’s Third Law
of Motion (Interacting objects
exert the same force on each
other but in opposite
directions) and the impulse
momentum theorem (Ft =
m∆v), prove that momentum
(p = mv) is conserved in
99. What is the momentum of
this object:
Time (s)
Position (m)
3.0 s
-12.8 m
3.5 s
-10.4 m
4.0 s
-8.0 m
4.5 s
-5.6 m
100. Two pitchers throw
baseballs at each other. If the
first pitcher throws the ball at
38 m/s to the right, and the
second throws the ball at 45
m/s to the left, what is the
velocity of the first pitcher’s
ball after they collide in midair
the second pitcher’s ball is
moving at 38 m/s to the right?
Both balls have masses of
0.142 kg
101. Suppose in the previous
question, instead of wearing
Velcro, you were both wearing
bouncy rubber suits. Your
velocity after the collision
would be
___________________, and
the other student’s velocity
would be
102. A tennis ball (mass:
0.0572 kg) collides with a
basketball (mass: 0.675 kg).
How fast must the tennis ball
have been moving before the
collision if after the collision,
the tennis ball moves at 29.83
m/s and the basketball moves
at 4.43 m/s. The initial velocity
of the basketball is 8.4 m/s.
103. Two asteroids collide with
each other head on. If the first
asteroid has a mass of 83,000
kg and a velocity of 375 m/s
and the second asteroid has a
mass of 120,000 kg and a
velocity of -415 m/s, what are
their velocities after the
104. You collide with another
student in the hallway and for
some reason you were both
wearing Velcro suits, so you
stick together. If you are 48 kg
and you were walking at 2.5
m/s to the east, and the other
student was 58 kg and walking
at 2.8 m/s to the west, after
the collision, the two of you
would be moving at
105. If a 600.0 kg car traveling
west at 20.0 m/s were to
collide inelastically with a 1100
kg truck traveling east at 10.0
m/s, what direction would the
car/truck be moving