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Islam: Ethics
Revision Booklet
Useful Quotes
Section one: Life and Death
Faith and Ethics
Sanctitiy of Life
Ethics: Relating to what is right and what is
Sanctity of Life: The holiness or sacredness of Life
Quality of Life: A measure of how good or bad life is in all its aspects.
Main goal of a Muslim is to earn a place in
Paradise after death. This can be achieved
by religious observance (fulfilling the five
pillars) and a righteous living (a moral life that
pleases Allah).
Human life is more special than any other species however, guidelines are in place
to ensure Muslims only use other species if it is necessary to advance human life.
Islamic ethics are guided by the Quran and
Islamic counties are ruled by Shariah law and
crimes usually carry severe punishments(death
for crimes such as murder, drugs and
adultery). However, British Muslims must
incorporate self control and resistance as
many things that are legal under British law
are forbidden under Islamic Law e.g.) alcohol ,
interest and dressing immodestly.
‘God gives your life and
causes you to die’(Quran)
‘Kill not your offspring
for fear of poverty; is we
who provide for them and
for you surely killing them
is a great sin” (Surah 17)
Human life is special as Allah is responsible for creating the original life forms.
Therefore, no person has the right to destroy or damage life. The Quran is clear
on Allah’s role as the giver and taker of life:
Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave, the term being fixed in writing’
Therefore to take life(murder/ abortion/ euthanasia) is regarded as a sin.
Quality of life is measured against how comfortable and pain free a person’s life is
or how dignified it is.
Muslims believe that Allah allows people to suffer as a test of their faith but he
will not allow them to suffer more than they can bear.
If a life threatening operation has left an individual in extreme pain or with a life
long disability then they should cope and not consider death as an option.
The nature of abortion and abortion legislation
Abortion: The deliberate termination of a pregnancy before the
foetus is 24 weeks.
Two doctors must authorise the abortion if they are convinced by
reasons put forward by mother e.g.) mentally unstable
Life is sacred & it is a gift from Allah = sanctity of life.
Life begins when soul has entered foetus at 120 days , some
Muslims claim it enters at 40 days (ensoulment )
Views on abortion
UK law has allowed abortion up till first 24
weeks of pregnancy so not breaking any laws.
Some women believe they should choose what
happens to their baby as it is their right and
their life.
Before24 weeks if the baby is affected by a
defect or blood disorder it can be aborted. It’s
a greater good as the baby may have a poor
quality life anyway.
Some say it is permitted in case of rape or if
the mother’s life is in danger.
Against (pro-life)
-Sanctity of life
-Abortion is like murder
-Not permissible to seek abortion if parents are
worried they will not be able to care for their child
as fostering/ adoption is an option.
-Muslims argue that Allah has stated He sustains all
life and provides for his creation so the above
reason is invalid.
-You should not seek abortion if pregnancy is a result
of adultery.
-Unplanned pregnancy is also not a strong reason for
- Who has given us the right to prevent life from 3
entering this world?
Section one: Life and Death
Contraception: methods used to prevent pregnancy e.g. condoms
Fertility: Ability to produce children.
Why do people use contraception?
Couple /partners don’t want children
Too young / old
Worried that they will not be good parents
Lifestyle – jobs that require ravelling
Pregnancy harmful to mother’s health
Protection against STDs (sexually transmitted disease)
Muslim Attitudes to contraception
Islam teaches that life is a gift from Allah
“To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and
earth .He creates what He pleases...”(Surah 42)
Children are a precious gift.
Some Muslims oppose the use of contraception as the
purpose of marriage is procreation.
Some argue that it is acceptable if the mother’s life is
at risk
Also, many Muslim s ague that the prophet was aware of
birth control and approved of it.
Not-acceptable –contraception
Acceptable –contraception
When mother’s life /health is at risk
Some believe Muhammad (pbuh) supported withdrawal
method of contraception
Non-permanent methods of contraception are acceptable
for married couples.
Permanent methods of contraception(vasectomy or
sterilisation ) are forbidden as having children is important is
Islam (ummah expands)
Methods that cause earl y abortion are also forbidden e.g.
Morning After Pill
Euthanasia (Illegal in UK)
Euthanasia- painless killing of a person who is suffering.
Voluntary = life ended with patient’s consent
Non-voluntary = ending someone’s life when they can’t ask but it is believed to be in the person’s best interest.
Involuntary= Disabled, sick or elderly people, for whom life is seen to have no point, are killed without consultation.
Active euthanasia = carried out by doctor performing a deliberate action –giving a drug which will end life.
Passive euthanasia = medical treatment/ life support is withdrawn or severely ill person is not given treatment.
For euthanasia
-Painless death
-Patient dies with dignity
-Saves medical costs
-Medical staff can focus on patients more
likely to recover
-Relieves family of burden
Against euthanasia
-Sanity of life
-If euthanasia is legalised the value of
life will be reduced.
-Some elderly/sick patients are
pressurised into euthanasia.
-Doctors can be wrong at diagnosing and
patient may recover.
-Doctors swear by the Hippocratic Oath
to preserve, care and protect life so will
be going against their duty.
Section one: Life and Death
Artificial Insemination
Muslim attitude to Artificial Insemination
Artificial Insemination: Sperm is medically inserted into
the vagina to assist pregnancy.
Allah bestow children to married couples as a gift and
not all couples receive this gift.
Artificial Insemination by Husband (AIH)-Woman is
made pregnant by the sperm of her husband
Should accept this as fate and not go against what
Allah has written for them.
Artificial Insemination by Donor(AID)- Woman is made
pregnant by the sperm of a man other then her partner.
Other Muslims believe that Allah is happy for us to use
technology positively.
IVF- In Vitro Fertilisation
However, artificial insemination involves masturbation
and many Muslims disapprove of this.
IVF- A scientific method of making a woman pregnant
which does not involve sex. The sperm and egg are
fertilised in a petri-dish.
Muslims accept AIH as even though it involves
masturbation it was done with the intent to have
children and not seek sexual pleasure.
How does it work?
-Eggs are removed from body of mother and fertilised with
the sperm of the father.
AID is forbidden in Islam
-Embryos(fertilised eggs) are inserted into the mother.
-Hope that one successfully attaches itself to the uterus
Muslim attitude to IVF
-Islam allows it if natural conception not possible.
-Only the sperm of the husband and egg of the wife is
-No third party involved.
-Child will not doubt its parentage.
-Donor is a stranger
Inserting a strangers sperm can be regarded as
-Child will be negatively impacted when it matures as it
will not know of true identity of biological father.
-AID allows homosexual couples to have a child and
bring them up in a same-sex home. Homosexuality is
forbidden in Islam.
Surrogacy: Carrying a baby which is artificially conceived for another
Surrogate Mother: A woman who has a baby for another woman.
How does it work?
-Fertility treatment used to impregnate surrogate.
-Gives birth to child
-Hands it over
-Intended parents apply for Parental Order after 6 weeks. This gives
them rights over child and surrogate loses all hers.
Usually the surrogate mother’s eggs are used and intended fathers sperm
BUT if the intended mother has working ovaries her eggs are used.
UK law says surrogate mother can be helped with expenses during
pregnancy but not a fee.
Muslim Attitudes
-Classed as adultery as a second woman is involved.
-Child will be affected when it grows up particularly if surrogate mother is
biological mum.
-Couple should accept childlessness and not interfere with Allah’s plan.
Designer Babies
Designer Babies: Babies
characteristics may be selected by
parents to avoid inherited disease
or to choose desired features.
What it would involve:
Selecting genes specifying gender,
height, intelligence, hair colour, eye
colour etc.
-Scientists involved in human
genetic engineering(modifying gene
make-up to change features of a
human) claim that the purpose of
their work is to find cures to
Muslim View
-Allah is the perfect creator we
are challenging his creative powers
-We would all aim to create
-what about those who do not live
up to the ‘perfect‘ expectation? 5
Section one: Life and Death
Somatic Cell Therapy
Reproductive Cloning
Somatic Cell Therapy: The repair or replacement
of a defective gene within the body.
Reproductive Cloning: To make a completely
genetically identical animal, plant and possibly a
-New genetic material added to cells to correct
-Muslims believe that such advances are good as
they aim to improve human life.
However, there are some who argue that humans
should not interfere with the genetic make-up of
humans as it is determined by Allah.
Saviour Siblings
Saviour Sibling: Baby conceived to provide genetically
compatible material for seriously ill sibling.
Muslim View
-What happens to all the embryos that were not
compatible? You are ending life when disposing of them!
-It’s wrong to have a child with the intention to use them
to help cure a sibling.
-Can it be guaranteed that no harm and suffering shall be
afflicted on the baby.
-Will psychologically affect the child (parents only had
me for ulterior motive)
-Child may feel neglected as parents always busy with
sick child.
Interfering with Allah’s plan. Allah only places burden on
us to test us.
Why do Muslims believe in life after
“Do you think you are created for nothing and
that you would not be returned to us?”
(Surah 23
-No human has ever been cloned although some
scientists claim they are able to.
-cloning humans could lead to many problems; armies
of identical clones.
-cloned people would lack two parents…Family unit
very important in Islam.
-However some Muslims do allow animal cloning as
they claim that we are simply using the knowledge
that Allah has bestowed us with.
-Most Muslims oppose animal cloning as it is
interfering with Allah’s creative power.
Therapeutic Cloning
Therapeutic Cloning: Removing cells from a patient
and treating them in a lab in order to produce stem
cells which may be used to treat disorders e.g.
Alzheimer's disease.
Muslims are concerned about creating and modifying
embryos for this purpose.
Therefore, they disapprove of creating embryos
especially for this purpose but will allow embryos not
to be used in IVF treatments to be used.
Muslim Beliefs About Life After Death
-All Muslims believe in akhirah
-Muslims also believe in resurrection(coming back to
life) body stays in grave after death until
judgement day.
-Individuals will either find selves in
heaven(Jannah) or hell(Jahannam) for eternity.
“in paradise Allah prepares for righteous
believers what no eye has seen ...” (Hadith
Belief in life after death and how it affects
“...your good actions will benefit you...”
(surah 41)
-Muslims believe they will be judged so they try to
live within the guidelines of the Qur’an and
-Muhammad (pbuh)though that there is life
after death
-The Quran teaches about life after death
-Life is a test so it makes them want to do well.
-Earthly life is given a purpose.
Section two: Wealth and Poverty
Ummah: All Muslims are regarded as part
of a brotherhood; the nation of Islam.
Muslims have a duty to care for the
community, but care must be shown
towards less wealthy family members first.
The prophet condemned the person who
eats and drinks whilst his brother goes
Ummah(brotherhood/sisterhood) offers
Muslims around the world a feeling of
unity and support
Muslims make up much of the population in
LEDCS such as Somalia and Niger, despite
the support that is given by the
brotherhood of Muslims the world is still
unable to cope with the scale of the
How can poverty be removed?
Less Economically Developed Countries(LEDC)- a country
lacking the economic development to help people out of poverty.
More economically developed country (MEDC)- a country
where economic development allows people to enjoy a
comfortable standard of living
-Rich countries charging less debt, less interests or removing it completely.
-Helping countries by providing a means of education and skills so people can get jobs and become self-sufficient
-Help to establish health care so to reduce risk of HIV/AIDS
-Help in emergency situations such as earthquakes.
Emergency Aid: Giving needy people short term aid
as a response to a crisis or disaster e.g. food in
times of famine or war.
Once immediate needs have been met long term
aid begins.
When a disaster occurs the aim is to rescue as many
people, save lives and provide medical help.
-Homes are rebuilt
-Roads and railways are repaired to enable
-Clean water supplies needed.
-Crops needs to be grown for food.
-Food, shelter, water and medical supplies are then
Could take years for community to rebuild itself
with the help of aid workers.
Case Study: Pakistan Earthquake 2008600 dead
2000 homes destroyed
Within 24 hrs international and Pakistani agencies
provided survivors with blankets, tents, food and
World Health Organisation(WHO) provided medical
aid to assist 50,000 people.
Many organisations teach people about healthcare
so to reduce spread of life threatening disease
such as HIV/AIDS.
20% of adults in some African counties who have
HIV have no knowledge about the disease or how
it can be prevented.
-Help may be provided by members from other parts
of the country or other countries..
Section two: Wealth and Poverty
Muslim Agencies(Charities)
Islamic Relief: Establishes offices in 13 countries.
Offers both emergency and long term aid.
-First ever donation was 20p
- Wishes to empower the poor so they can lift selves
out of poverty
- Runs many projects that offer the poor skills and
training for becoming self sufficient.
Muslim Aid-Provides relief in 70 countries.
-Offers emergency relief to LEDCs
-Long term aid involves offering education, skills, clean
water and healthcare so people have basic necessities
and can become independent.
-Helps people of all races, faiths and opinions.
-One of its largest projects was the appeal of
£2million pounds for Gaza.
Muslim Aids Work in the UK
WARM HEARTS WINTER PROJECT 2013/14Offered blankets, heathers and flasks to the elderly
as respect and care for elders is an important Islamic
Muslim Attitudes to Money
Gaining Money
-Muslims are allowed to establish businesses and own
-However, striving to earn money should not divert
one from the remembrance of Allah
-Allah is the one who bestows us with money and
riches are a test for the wealthy.
-Money cannot be earnt through interest
as the rich are exploiting the poor
-Gambling is forbidden as it is an addictive pastime
and can lead to many problems e.g. bankruptcy
-All money must be earnt through halal means.
Using Money
‘Waste not…for Allah loveth not the
Money should not be hoarded as it is suggests a deep
love and attachment for wealth.
‘There are those who bury gold and silver and
spend it not in the way of Allah, on them is a
Why do Muslim agencies try to end
world poverty
Hadith : “...he is not a believer who eats his
fill while is neighbour remains hungry by his
side “(Hadith)
Care and compassion for others is showing
your love for Allah
Sadaqah is voluntary and is encouraged.
“ ignorant person who is generous is
nearer to Allah than a person full of
Zakah: Almsgiving( Charity) of 2.5% per year
-Muslims have a duty to help others and those
in need.
-Zakah reminds one that both the rich and poor
are part of the Ummah.
-Sharing resources helps gain spiritual riches
-Purifies possessions
-Acknowledges greatness of Allah
-Supports the Ummah
-Removes selfishness
-Creates equality
-Commanded in the Quran
-Show submission to the will of Allah
Muslims Only
Helping the poor, people in need, freeing
prisoners, helping people out of debt, widows,
orphans, new Muslims(converts) and to spread
Sadaqah: Voluntary almsgiving in addition to zakah
-God has commanded for Muslims to ‘give regular
-Saaqah can be in the form of money or time.
- Should not offer charity so to attain praise
from the people of the world nor boast about
how much was given.
- Sadaqh can be given to non- Muslims too
Section two: Wealth and Poverty
Organisations in the UK
How do organisations aim to relieve poverty in the UK?
Ways in which the mosque can help people who are suffering:
Birmingham Central Mosque offers the following services:
•Family counselling
•Library services
•Evening school for children
•Community classes for adults
•Help and support to the sick
•Help and support to the bereaved
•Help and support to the poor
Section Three: Conflict and Suffering
Purpose of Justice
Justice: Bringing about what is right, fair
according to the law or making up for a wrong that
has been committed.
-Justice is very important in Islam and Allah
expects Muslims to treat each other with respect,
compassion and justice
- Justice is a duty
- Allah has sent his prophets and laws to help
people understand how to achieve justice.
- E.g. how to treat poor, widows, criminals and
- Wrong to ignore the suffering of innocents
- Shariah law helps Muslims determine what is
right(halal) and wrong(haram)
- Muslims believe if everyone followed the will of
Allah justice would be achieved.
Reconciliation and Peace
Reconciliation: When two people or groups of
people who have disagreed or fought with each
other make up.
Peace: The absence of conflict.
-Disagreements are inevitable as not everyone will
have the same opinion.
-The Quran teaches that when a wrong has been
done Muslims should work towards reconciliation
not pursue revenge.
-Reconciliation does involve compromise
-Reconciliation should result in harmony and peace.
-Sunnah of the prophet encourages achieving
peace over grudges.
Lesser Jihad
Jihad: Struggle or to strive
Greater Jihad: is a personal struggle to perfect
their character.
‘God does not accept belief unless it is expressed
in deeds’ Hadith
-Duty to improve themselves and overcome
-Live with taqwa, a feeling of God consciousness.
-Committing to the five pillars is a Muslims Jihad
-Avoiding haram foods and actions is a form of
greater jihad.
Disarmament: When a country gets rid of its
Multilateral Disarmament: Number of countries
agree to reduce or abolish their weapons( usually in
efforts to achieve reconciliation)
Unilateral Disarmament: When a particular country
decides to abolish its weapons by own choice.
Muslims Views on Disarmament
-If everyone lived as Allah willed then weapons would
not be needed.
-Necessary to use weapons in self defence
-It is a duty to defend Islam against aggressors
Lesser Jihad : Holy war, physical struggle to
defend the religion of Islam.
-Involves armed combat against non-Muslim
- Lesser jihad is the only form of war Islam
- -Must be led by a an imam
- Cannot be for personal gain (conquering land)
- Must be to defend the rights of Muslims to
practice their faith
- To correct an injustice.
- Holy war should not be embarked upon to
force people to convert to Islam.
- -Innocents, non-participants, crops and
animals must not be harmed.
Pacifism: The belief that it is unacceptable to
take part in war and any other form of violence.
-Pacifists believe killing people in war is wrong
and that there are better ways of resolving
-it links to concept of sanctity of life
-War encourages brutality and destruction and
so pacifists are opposed to war.
-Muslims believe it is ok to resort to violence in
-Lesser Jihad is s duty therefore pacifism does
not fit in with theses beliefs.
Section Three: Conflict and Suffering
Nuclear War and Proliferation
Terrorism: When groups use violence, or threat
of violence to achieve their aims. Violence is
often indiscriminate and intended to create fear.
-Acts of terrorism are criminal activities and go
against human rights.
-Terrorist attacks are usually targeted against
innocent civilians.
-Acts of terror involve bombing, suicide
bombing, kidnapping, assassinations and hijacking.
-Terrorist groups can be associated with
political, ethical and religious beliefs.
e.g. animal rights and anti abortion activists and
religiously motivated groups such as ISIS.
- Terrorists groups think they are freedom
fighters and fighting for what is right.
Muslims Views on Terrorism
Nuclear War: A war in which the participants use
nuclear weapons
Nuclear Proliferation: The increase in the number
of countries that have nuclear weapons.
Why do countries have nuclear weapons?
-Need nuclear weapons to use as deterrents so to
stop other countries attacking.
-This establishes peace
-Makes nations feel secure and empowered.
-Nuclear weapons are part of modern warfare.
Problems with Nuclear Weapons
Never been used since WWII due to the devastating
effects, although Japan immediately surrendered.
These weapons have the power to kill thousands of
people with one warhead
The radiation travels miles from site of attack and
can affect human, animal and plant life for years to
Terrorism is forbidden in Islam
Islam and Nuclear Weapons
In recent years the actions of extremists has
resulted in misinterpretations of Islam.
Modern day issue so nothing on it in the Quran
War is only allowed in self defence and terrorism
is not lesser jihad.
Life is sacred and even in war the aim is defence and
to achieve peace.
Acts of terrorism are cowardly
Muslims must establish peace on earth and
actions that go against this are condemned.
‘Do not take life which Allah has made sacred’
‘Do not kill yourselves…’ Quran
Protest: An action to show
disagreement with something for
example, government policy.
Muslims agree with protesting to
overcome an injustice although
peaceful protests are preferred.
However, Allah created the earth and Muslims have a
duty to preserve it and establish peace.
Therefore, nuclear weapons would be wrong to use.
They are far too destructive and not in line with the
rules of lesser jihad ( protecting animals , crops and
The after effects are horrific (deformity, disease
and illness) and can be experienced decades later.
However, Muslim nations have taken different
positions Iran does not have it whilst Pakistan does.
Case Study of Muslim Protest
Danish newspaper printed offensive images of the prophet Muhammad
in 2005.
Caused global backlash from Muslims
Protests turned violent (139 people died)
Some called for the death of the cartoonists
Danish embassies were firebombed.
Danish products were boycotted (170 million dollar loss)
Petition was filed claiming the newspaper broke the blasphemy law.
In 2006 the newspaper published an apology
Section Four: The Environment
The Created World
Stewardship/ Khalifah
Allah existed before all else. He created the
universe with the command ‘Be’ and it was.
Stewardship/ Khalifah : The belief that believers
have a duty to look after the environment on behalf
of God.
‘He created the heavens and the earth in six
He ordered the angels to bring Him seven handfuls
of different coloured sand from the earth and
from it moulded a man and breathed life into him.
O mankind we created you from a single male
and female and made you nations and tribes(
-Allah created all life and Muslims should be
grateful for this gift.
-The earth and everything on it belongs to God and
is entrusted to mankind until the Day of
- Allah has placed knowledge and wisdom in people
so that they do not destroy its harmony and
- Muslims shall be questioned about how well they
fulfilled this duty.
Causes of Pollution
Pollution: The act of harming or contaminating the
-Natural disasters (Volcanic eruptions)
-Transportation (cars, buses planes) emit CO2 in
Burning fossil fuels to generate energy
-Millions of litres of liquid waste and sewage poured
into rivers and seas.
Consequences of Pollution
-Global Warming- Climate change will result in
damage to many of the earths fragile ecosystems
-Will also result in flooding, droughts and growth of
desert areas
-Some Animals may face extinction
Types of Pollution:
Land: Due to toxic waste being buried in the ground
and composition of non biodegradable waste e.g.
plastic does not rot away easily.
Water: Liquid waste released into oceans which is
harmful to sea life.
Air: Result of harmful gases being released into the
air we breathe.
Islamic Attitudes to Pollution
The Quran has made it clear that Muslims have a
duty to care for the earth.
-Avoid waste, buy eco-friendly products and
-Community leaders can deliver sermons on
Leaders of Islamic nations can create conservation
zones(banning fishing) and regulate industry.
- Must not be selfish with the earths natural
resources as Muslims must consider the future
Case Study: Muslim leaders of The Tower Hamlets
community in London initiated a joint project
between the council and the mosques this involved
Conservation: Looking after the environment and
protecting animals.
What does the conservation movement do?
-Protects fragile environments such as rainforests
-protects animals and other species in danger of extinction
Monitor use of timber and the fishing industry.
Muslim Responses to Conservation
Must maintain the balance in nature that Allah has created.
The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences. IFEES is an organisation working with governments in
establishing projects. Worked in Indonesia after the Tsunami in 2004. Helped reforest and protect Indonesian Rainforest
Section Four: The Environment
Animal Rights
Word ‘rights’ links with idea of fairness
and justice.
Islam teaches animals are a gift from
God for humans to use not abuse.
Humans have the ability to reason and
animals are instinctive. Humans are more
important than animals.
Animals have the right to be treated
with respect but humans can use them
for their personal needs.
Care of Animal in Islam
-Humans have been given power over animals but not so that
they can be abused.
-All of creation is aware of Allah and animal too worship God in
their own way.
-They prophet forbade hunting and told a man off for
sharpening his knife in front of the animal he was about to
- Animals should not be caged or taken out of their natural
environment(Battery hens)
- Battery hens are against principle of compassion in Islam.
-Muslims would not approve of zoos and circuses
Animal Experimentation
Animals are experimented upon to further human
knowledge and understanding
Most of the animals that are experimented on are
bred for that purpose only.
Arguments for Animal Experimentation
-Most experiments use anesthetic; any suffering is
therefore minimal
-Many drugs would not have been developed without
this research.
Medicine would not make progress without these
Arguments against Animal Experimentation
Muslim Views on Animal
If research is being conducted to
develop medicine it is ok.
Animals must be treated humanely
Tests should not be unnecessarily
Experimenting on animals for luxuries is
Experiments to find effects of smoking
is forbidden as smoking is self inflicted
-New technology means experiments can be done
without animals.
-Causing deliberate suffering is cruel and inhumane.
-Animals react differently to humans; tests are
-Animals are experimented on to develop luxuries
like cosmetics.
Section Five: Crime and Punishment
Law and Punishment
Law: Rules in a country that govern how people live.
Crime: The breaking of a state law.
If laws did not exist moral values may decline and
society may experience anarchy(chaos)
Islamic countries governed by shariah law have a
lower crime rate
People abide by laws either for the reward or due
to fear of punishment
Categories of Crime in Islam
Hadud: Crimes which cannot be forgiven and are
punishable to physical beating or death e.g.
adultery, drugs, alcohol and rejection of Islam.
Forgivable Crimes: Crimes against the right of an
individual e.g. Murder
Community Crimes: Anti-social behaviour
Crimes against the state law: Breaking speed limit
Death Penalty and Corporal Punishment
Capital Punishment: This is a form of punishment in
which a prisoner is put to death for crimes
committed. It is otherwise known as the death
Methods used
-The lethal injection
-Electric chair.
-Firing squad.
Islam allows capital punishment as under shariah
law, some crimes are punishable to death e.g.
Corporal Punishment: This is a form of punishment
in which pain is inflicted upon a person in order to
punish that person for crimes or other offences
Causes of Crime
Greed-Want something that they cannot afford
so will steal to buy it.
Peer pressure- So that they are accepted by
gang members
Addiction- To be able to meet and pay for their
drug need an individual may steal.
Hate: Could be a result of prejudice.
Aims of punishment
Protection – to stop the criminal hurting anybody
in society.
Deterrence – to put people off (or deter them
from) committing crimes.
Reformation – to change a criminal’s behaviour
for the better.
Retribution – to get your own back on the criminal
– based on the teaching of ‘an eye for an eye’.
Allah has allowed d retribution but reconciliation
is preferred.
‘We ordained therein for them, life for life, eye
for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for
tooth….’(Quran) but if a Muslim forgives then this
is a deed more worthy.
Allah as Judge
There is only one true judge, Allah
Offending against shariah law is like sinning
against Allah
Allah forgives any offender that returns to him
in true repentance.
Under shariah law corporal punishment is also
Corporal punishment acts a deterrent to the rest
of the population.
-Public stoning, flogging and amputation of hands
Section Six: Relationships and Lifestyle
The Family
He who has no love for our little ones and does not
recognise the honour due to our elders is not one of
us. (hadith)
Duties of Parents:
Bring their children up as good Muslims.
Keep a halal home.
Give children a good education.
Duties of Children:
Follow the Islamic examples that parents have
portrayed. Implement them in religious practice and
social practice.
Follow Halal guidelines outside the home too
whether it be at school, work or socialising.
Why is family so important?
-Provides security within the home and in society
-Children can learn values and basic rules of good
-Prophet said that the extended family is important
& it is the duty of children to care for elders.
‘May his nose be rubbed in dust who found
his parents approaching old age and did not
enter paradise serving them’ Hadith
Heterosexual Relationship: A sexual relationship
with someone of the opposite sex.
Sexual Intercourse: The sexual act between two
This relationship seen as following the normal
pattern of behaviour.
Only permissible between a man and woman who
are married.
Islam teaches celibacy(choosing not to marry) is
Adultery: Sex outside of marriage, where one or
both of the individuals are already married.
-Forbidden in Islam
-Punishable to death
-Destroys family life
-Destroys the loving bond between a husband and
- Could lead to unwanted pregnancy
Islam regards sexual relationships between a
husband and wife as healthy and a blessing.
Islam does not forbid use of contraception as it
recognises that sex has other purposes than
Sexual dissatisfaction is considered a valid
reason for both men and women to seek divorce.
Homosexuality: A sexual relationship with someone of the same sex
Many Muslim’s believe that homosexuality is a grave sin and that homosexuality is a product
of an individual’s environment, not as a result of their genetics.
These Muslim’s believe that humans have a choice and that they must choose not to be
homosexual, just as an alcoholic must choose not to drink.
The Qur’an teaches
“If two men among you commit indecency punish them both. If they repent and mend their
ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving and merciful.”
-Quran makes statements against homosexuality.
-Prophet’s Hadith states ‘kill the one who is doing it and the one it is being done to.’
-Story of Prophet Lut in the Qur’an is evidence that homosexuality is forbidden in Islam.
Section Six: Relationships and Lifestyle
Usury: The act of loaning money with excessive
Gambling: Playing games of chance to win
The Qur’an bans Muslims from being involved in riba - the
lending of money at interest.
It states that those who lend or borrow at interest will go
to hell. This is because interest
takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich, whereas
a Muslim should take money
from the rich and give it to the poor.
This causes problems for Muslims living in the United
Kingdom because:
they cannot have mortgages
they cannot have savings accounts in banks or building
they cannot have current accounts in banks which give
they cannot have loans.
To avoid these problems, many Muslims:
only use Muslim banks which give a share of profits rather
than charging or giving interest form savings groups so that
houses can be bought one at a time without involving anyone
in mortgages
save for things so that they can pay cash.
Why is gambling wrong?
-Gambling wastes money that could be spent on
the family or the poor
-Allah has said that nobody should have what
they have not earnt
-‘Get rich quick’ is against the spirit of Islam
-Gambling is addictive and cause many problems
for families and society
-Very few people win
-It takes one away from the remembrance of
Illegal Drugs: Drugs whose possession is against the law.
Cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, cannabis etc.
Reasons for taking illegal drugs:
-Helps them to relax
-A way of escaping from problems
-Peer pressure
-For fun
-Like the effects
Muslim Attitudes to illegal drugs and alcohol
Why do Muslims avoid drugs and alcohol?
-It is healthier to avoid drugs and alcohol
-Allah has lent us our earthly bodies , we must look after them.
-Helps Muslims stay on the straight path to reach paradise
-The Quran forbids Muslims from taking drugs or alcohol
-Obeying Allah
-Some drugs are against the law
-They cause people to commit other sins
-It is easy to become addicted this leads to problems
-If a Muslim drinks or takes drugs their prayers will not be
accepted for 40 days.
Satan plans to excite…you with intoxicants and gambling.
Drugs: A drug is any substance that affects the
mind or body
Prescribed Drugs: Drugs which are legal, obtained
on written instruction of a doctor.
-Used for medical and social reasons
-Drugs such as alcohol a tobacco are legal in the
UK, taken socially for pleasure
-Drugs prescribed by the doctor are intended to
cure illness.
Muslims told by Allah to respect their bodies as
they are a gift and so they will use drugs
(medicines)that cure illness and relieve pain.
Islamic Schools
-Many Muslims send their children to
Islamic state schools.
-They argue they have a right to choose an
appropriate education for their child.
-There are many Christian faith schools.
-Current faith schools provide an excellent
standard of education
-A faith school provides more then just a
secular education
Problems with Faith Schools
-Can lead to segregation from wider British
Religious practices should be taught at
home not in schools
Education funding should be used on more
important needs.