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• What are some words that come to mind
when you consider the following word
The Renaissance: 13.1
Renaissance: A Definition
•a renewal of life, vigor,
interest, etc.; rebirth;
revival: a moral
What was the Renaissance?
• A new age of incredible thought and
expression by thinkers and artists
• Range: 1300s to 1500
• Agricultural life → Urban life
• Creativity & Technology are central to the time
• Florence and Sienna: Two rival cities
• Plagues wipes out Sienna
The Renaissance Thinker
• Reawakened interest in classical civilizations
(Rome & Greece)
• A fresh attitude toward culture and learning
• A “renaissance man” was someone with many
talents, a focus on individual achievement
• Present examples of “renaissance men” or
“renaissance women”?
Present-day “Renaissance ideals”
In your notebooks…
• Write a paragraph (with complete sentences)
in your notebooks on what you might have to
accomplish in order to consider yourself a
“renaissance ideal.” What “mark” would you
like to leave on the world?
• An intellectual movement that stressed the
use of classical cultures to understand the
• Believed that education should be the fire to
inspire creativity.
• Emphasis on the humanities: grammar, poetry,
history, etc.
• Origin of the Renaissance
• Interest in Ancient Rome quantifies importance
of Italy
• Trade remained important because of Italy’s
central geographic location; trade routes carry
new ideas.
• Italy’s city-states are powerful and dominated by
a wealthy merchant class.
• Medici family (for example) controls Florence,
supports the arts financially; they are a model of
Renaissance greatness.
Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam”
What are some key things that make this
fresco what it is?
Renaissance Art
• Reflects the ideas of humanism by stressing
realistic depictions of life (Middle Ages art had
been more stylistic / was not life-like).
• Perspective is used, allowing artists to show
distant objects as smaller than those close to the
viewer (it appears 3-dimensional).
• Renaissance artists studied human anatomy to be
more accurate in their depictions.
• Some art was still religious in nature but also
there is a shift to everyday scenes.
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci
Pg. 413 of World History
Renaissance Men
• Leonardo da Vinci
– Genius of invention, studied anatomy/dissected corpses to
learn how bodies worked, painted the Mona Lisa, a
specialist in botany, music, architecture, and engineering.
Created sketches for flying machines and undersea boats
• Michelangelo
– A sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet.
– Painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (The Creation
of Adam).
• Raphael
– Another famous painter known for realism, with a focus on
individual achievement.
Art and Architecture
BruelleschiDomes make a comeback, no more Gothic,
Credited with creating perspective
Northern Artists: Flanders:
WHERE? Area of France and Belgium: Christians but started to question church authority
New techniques with oil, realistic details
Van Eyck-townspeople
Rubens-classical themes Roman Greek
Durer- engravings, famous one of Erasmus. Studies nature
Writers of the Renaissance in Italy
• Baldassare Castiglione
– Wrote a book that detailed manners, skills,
learning, and virtues of a good member of “court.”
• Niccolo Machiavelli
– Wrote “The Prince”
– A guide on how to gain/maintain power as a ruler
– “The end justifies the means”
– Urged rulers to use whatever technique necessary,
however brutal to achieve goals
• Many humanists such as Erasmus( 1466 b)
• That writing should be in everyday language
and not Latin or Greek.
• Her reflected the ideas that people should be
open minded, show good will
• Teenage vernacular today?
The intellectual and cultural movement that
initiated the Renaissance and its tradition of
Interest in and the study of classical Greek and
Roman culture
Education was key to understanding and creativity
The study and importance of the humanities:
grammar, poetry, rhetoric, and history
Francesco Petrarch and Desiderius Erasmus were
the most famous humanists of their times
Greek and Roman art and architecture inspired
artists: Brunelleschi and Donatello
• How would these special individuals have
been different if they were not born in an era
of rebirth?
Other advances and Ideas
• Gutenberg: Printing press
• Sir Thomas More: Utopia, a perfect place
• Shakespeare: 37 plays that shows interest in
individual issues and the classics
• Rabelais: Classic stories with human themes
and opinion on religious ideas” Gargantua”