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 Refers
to the appearance
of a new species over time
Patterns of Macroevolution
• Convergent Evolution
–Directed by environment
–Species in similar environment
should evolve similar adaptations
–Example: dolphins and sharks/ fish
• Coevolution
–Species that live in close contact have
clear adaptations to one another’s
–Example: hummingbirds and flowers
Yucca Moth & Yucca Plant
Moth & Lily
• Adaptive Radiation
–Over time, species may split into two
or more lines of descendents, or
–New species enters an environment
with few otherspecies
• Extinction
–All members of a species die off
–Example: dinosaurs
• Gradualism
–Small gradual change over long periods
of time
–Example: Galapagos finches
• Punctuated Equilibrium
–Environmental changes create new
pressures which cause new species to
appear suddenly