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Islam Spreads From Arabia
 Most
of the Arabian
peninsula is a desert
 The herders or Bedouins
lived as nomads.
 Tribal leaders were called
 Mecca was the start of the
caravan route to Syria.
Islam Spreads From Arabia
Muhammad the Prophet
 Muhammad
was born in Mecca around
570 A.D. ( Caravan route)= (ideas)
 He was raised as a Hanif or believer in
one god like the Hebrews.
 When Muhammad was 40 he had a
religious vision of Gabriel telling to
preach the word of Allah or God.
 Mecca’s rulers didn’t like Muhammad’s
preaching. Forced to flee. ( hijra)
Muhammad and Islam
 Muhammad
goes to Medina on his hijra
and converts many to Islam.
 He returns to Mecca and takes the city
and the holy shrine, the Ka’ba.
 He destroys the many idols in the Ka’ba,
and it becomes the focal point of the
pilgrimage to Mecca.
 By 632, Muhammad’s death, most of
Arabia had accepted Islam.
The Faith of Islam
 The
central belief of Islam, “There is no
god but Allah and Muhammad is his
 The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam.
 Muhammad taught tolerance for the
religions of Christianity and Judaism.
 The Qur’an is written in Arabic and
Muslims discourage translations.
 This spread the Arabic language.
The Faith of Islam(cont)
 Muslims
must meet five obligations. The
Five Pillars of Faith. Recite the words of
witness. There is no God but Allah and
Muhammad is his prophet.
 Worship five times a day facing Mecca.
 Give alms o the poor and needy.
 Fast during Ramadan. The ninth month of
the Muslim calendar.
 Try to visit Mecca on a pilgrimage.
The Faith of Islam(cont)
 Islam
requires the virtues of temperance,
humility, justice etc. Drinking alcohol and
eating pork are forbidden.
 Islam only allowed four wives per
husband. Slaves had to be treated
 Balal, Muhammad’s slave became the
first mu’zzin or the caller to prayer.
 The jihad or defending the faith to the
death was sacred and a way to heavan.
The Faith of Islam(cont)
 Muslim
mosques, or places of worship
have no pictures.There is no elaborate
ritual or priests.
 Fridays at noon male Muslims gather for
prayer and worship. Women must
worship at home or seperately.
 Abu Bakr was chosen in 632 as
Muhammad’s successor. The caliph or
successor to the prophet. Umar was the
next caliph. They fought to spread Islam.
The Spread of Islam
 Conquered
people had three choices,
convert, pay tribute, or die.
 Those that paid could keep their religion
but could not hold political office.
 In less than 100 years Islam had spread
over most of the Mediterranean region,
northern Africa and parts of India.
 The Berbers or Moors entered Europe in
Spain. Tariq conquered the Visigoths,
Muslims turned back at Tours in France.
Divisions in Islam
 The
Sunnis believed there was no
intercessor between Allah and the
believer, except for the Qur’an.
 The Shi’is believed that an imam or
spiritual and secular authority was the
true intercessor for Allah. The imam also
was the head of government.
 The Sufis were Muslim mystics who led a
Spartan life and communicated directly
with Allah.