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THE Rise of
A history of the Muslim people
Life in the Desert
• Life of the Bedouins, nomads, was centered
around clans and tribes
• Prided themselves on self defense and taking
care of their flocks
• With the development of trade with the silk
road caravans brought new products and new
Origin of Islam
• Mecca was a major trade center and holy city
assiated with Abraham but had become a
Ka’aba, church, for over 360 gods
• god was called Allah
• Muhammad was born to a
powerful tribe in 570 AD
• Orphaned at 6
• Trader, married at 25
• Muhammad believed an angel
told him to follow 1 god, Allah,
and abandon all others
• Islam- submission to the will of
• Muslim- one who has
• Left Mecca fearing death and
moved to Yathrib, later called
Medina-City of the Prophet
Conquest of the Region
• Many tribes converted and Mohammad became a
political, religious and military leader
• Brought 10,000 followers to take Mecca
• Mecca gave up and
• converted to Islam
in the Ka’aba all the
idols were destroyed
• 2 years later at the
age of 62, Mohammad dies
Beliefs and Practices
• One god, accountable for actions and judged
• All beliefs are found in the Qur’an
• Follow 5 Pillars
– Faith- one god is Allah
– Prayer-5 times a day facing Mecca
– Alms-money for poor as a tax
– Fasting-no food/drink from dawn to dusk during
holy month
– Pilgrimage-go to Mecca one in your life
Spread of Islam
• Religion required all teaching be in Arabic leading to spread
of language
• Abu-Bakr- close friend of Muhammad to over as leader and
became first Caliph
• Tribes began to leave Islam and not pay tax
• Military force was used to bring them back
• Continued to conquer areas from Africa to Persia and India
• Claimed that their victories showed Allah was on their side
• Civil wars and murder of leaders
• Umayyad family took control, move capital to
Damascus and focused on wealth and left
simple life
• Lead to a split over leadership
– Shi’a-leader must be related to Muhammad
– Sunni-leader must only follow his example
– Sufi- group like monks but for Islam
Abbasids Leadership
• Drove out Umayyad to Spain
• Taxed land, imports, exports and NON Muslims’
• Sent diplomats all over region
• Could not control all empire lead to small states
• Fatimid Dynasty- daughter of Muhammad,
spread across Africa
• Uniformed money, language lead to banking and
sakk, Checks across empire