Download Principal Investigator: Dr Andrew Watts

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Marie Skłodowska Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships 2016 Recruitment Information
Principal Investigator: Dr Andrew Watts
Department: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Link to research webpage:
Short description of research area to investigate with a potential MC Fellow
(Please keep within this page):
Immuno-oncology is one of the most recent and exciting areas of research into new anti-cancer
drugs. This is where our entire immune system is activated in order to assist the drugs kill cancer
cells more effectively. Here at Bath, we have taken a different approach. We have developed a
method where we can selectively stimulate the immune system only at the location of the cancer,
and target our immune system to perform the killing of cancer cells itself. To do this, we have
created a unique protein that activates part of our innate immune system, only at the surface of
cells we want to kill. We are then able to target our protein to cancer cells, by attaching it to
antibodies which recognize the cancer. Using this technique, we believe we have the potential to
develop drugs against multiple cancers which are difficult to treat, or currently untreatable. This
project will involve the design and development of antibody-protein conjugates to target a range
of cancers including breast, pancreatic and lung cancers. The project is multi-disciplinary, with
the fellow having the opportunity to perform research in areas of chemical biology, biochemistry,
cell and molecular biology, depending upon the interests and background of the fellow. The
project is also supported by a number of industrial and academic collaborations, providing the
opportunity for the fellow to develop cross-disciplinary and commercialisation expertise.