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1. Know the following terms/definitions: endocrine system, hormone, paracrine, endocrine,
autocrine, hypersecretion, hyposecretion
2. Know the following hormones (where they are made, what they do, where they go): FSH,
calcitonin, PTH, insulin, glucagon, GH, melatonin, TH, estrogen, ACTH, LH, TSH, prolactin (PRO),
oxytocin, progesterone, cortisol, ADH, leptin
3. Know the following disorders: goiter, infertility, pituitary dwarfism, seasonal affective disorder,
amenhorrea, diabetes, acromegaly, hyperthyroidism, cushing disease, hypothyroidism
4. Know the location of the endocrine glands
5. True vs. endocrine glands
6. Receptors with the glands and hormones
7. From the stress movie, know: the difference between stressed brains and non-stressed brains,
physiological effect of stress, types of stressors, chronic stress in women, stress for millenials
8. Know the type of feedback the endocrine system works on
9. Lipid (steroid) hormones vs. amino acid hormones