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Chapter 1
1. Human sexuality is part of your _______ personality.
A. emotional
B. total
C. reproductive
D. mental
2. Sexual arousal is a(n) __________ function.
A. physiological
B. emotional
C. psychological
E. physical
D. mental
E. intellectual
3. In the aging, sexual functioning and behavior can be affected by
A. physical changes.
C. neural changes.
E. all of the above.
B. hormonal changes.
D. vascular changes.
4. The sexual double standard means that men may be ______ and women may not be
A. honest, promiscuous.
C. promiscuous, promiscuous.
E. sensual, sexual.
B. honest, honest.
D. sexual, sensual.
5. Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the sexual therapist, says that sexual behavior "is all between
the __________."
A. legs
B. eyes
C. arms
D. ears
E. feet
6. Religious and spiritual beliefs influence feelings about
A. morality.
C. divorce.
E. all of the above
B. contraception.
D. premarital sexual behavior.
7. __________ refers to the degree of identification an individual feels with a particular
ethnic group.
A. Essentialism B. Ethics
C. Essentiality
D. Ethnicity E. Constructionality
8. The so called “sexual revolution” began during the ___________.
A. 1900’s B. 1920’s
C. 1940’s
D. 1960’s
E. 1980’s
9. ______ in the Middle Ages were often believed to inspire lust in ______and were
accused of being ______.
A. Men, women, warlocks
C. Women, men, sluts
E. Men, men, gay
B. Women, men, witches
D. Women, women, lesbians
10. Spermatorrhea is also called ______.
A. bed wetting
C. age-related shrinking of the penis
B. testicular cancer D. wet dreams
11. Contraception is a means to help prevent
A. sexually transmitted diseases.
B. unwanted pregnancy.
C. HIV transmitting from mother to fetus.
E. masturbation
D. births of twins or triplets.
E. pregnancy problems.
Chapter 2
1. The environment in which research should be conducted should be ______.
A. free from bias B. moderate
C. liberal
D. covertly biased
E. conservative
2. Researchers choose their method of research based upon
A. the problem being studied.
B. the problem being studied and population being studied.
C. the scientific method.
D. whether the possibility of observation exists or not.
E. whether they like the problem being studied.
3. A hypothesis is an educated guess about ______.
A. the study methods
D. the study variables
B. the study literature review E. the study results
C. the conception of the study
4. Generalization can only occur if
A. the study results could have been obtained outside the study and if the scientific
method was followed carefully.
B. the study results could apply only to an isolated situation.
C. the results generally occurred in the study.
D. the methods were generalized.
E. the hypothesis was formulated carefully.
5. Self-report data is
A. researchers telling the subjects about past research conducted.
B. the subjects' body language.
C. the subjects' or respondents' personal accounts.
D. the subjects' observable behaviors.
E. the subjects' socioeconomic levels.
6. Written instruments designed to gather information is
A. a hypothesis. B. a population. C. an interview. D. a sample. E. a questionnaire.
7. In-depth studies of individual or small, select groups of individuals are:
A. case studies
C. quantitative studies
B. experimental studies
D. questionnaires
8. Which type of survey research tends to make subjects feel more comfortable in
answering questions?
A. questionnaire B. interview C. focus group D. content analysis
E. case study
9. In-depth analysis research can be conducted through ______.
A. case studies B. surveys C. experiments
D. observation
E. clinical trials
10. In a study or experiment, which is the group subjected to a particular event or treatment?
A. the control group
C. the study group
E. the statistic group
B. the experimental group D. the return group
11. Observation is the method in which
A. the subjects watch the researchers.
B. the subjects watch a video.
C. the subjects watch other subjects.
D. the researchers watch the subjects
E. the researchers look at the data results.
12. Experimental research requires
A. no control over variables thought to influence behavior. D. no particular event or condition.
B. four comparison groups.
E. adjustable conditions.
C. controlled conditions.
13. Masters and Johnson conducted ______ research about ______.
A. experimental, sexual orientation
D. survey, human sexual response
B. observational, human sexual response E. survey, sexual orientation
C. case study, sexual orientation
14. The most difficult problem in sexuality research is
A. finding subjects to participate. D. keeping subjects from getting embarrassed.
B. having a large response rate.
E. getting subjects to perform.
C. finding subjects who will remain with the study to completion.
15. What is a variable that does not affect our sexuality as much as many people believe?
A. religion.
C. education
E. personal experience
B. size of sexual organ(s)
D. ethnic origin
16. Richard von Krafft-Ebing was a sexuality researcher that
A. promoted the study of sexuality in women.
B. suggested sexual activity should be feared.
C. supported sexual freedom for women.
D. was discredited as a sexuality researcher.
E. was the laughing stock of the medical community.
17. Freud viewed sexuality and sexual pleasure as
A. sick and perverted.
D. a central part of human life.
B. sinful.
E. only necessary for procreation.
C. necessary for human happiness.
Chapter 3
1. One of the pleasures of being in a long-term relationship that can eventually lead to
difficulties is that
communication is easier to do with someone you trust.
once you have established a pattern of resolving conflict you are on your way to a lifetime of happiness.
two incomes are always better than one.
the longer you date, the better your communication will become.
there is such a high level of comfort that sometimes you do not have to talk.
2. According to the basic communication model, a message can be influenced by
A. the sender’s mood, background, culture, and frame of reference.
B. the sender’s background.
C. the sender’s culture.
D. the receiver’s frame of reference.
E. all of the above.
3. Bypassing is
when the receiver of a message is not engaged in active listening.
receiving a muddled message.
converting an idea into words or gestures to convey meaning.
when misunderstandings result from missed meanings.
Translating a message from its symbol form into meaning.
4. An example of feedback is
A. when the receiver of a message responds verbally or nonverbally.
B. when words have different meanings to different people.
C. checking for understanding.
D. translating the message from its symbol form into meaning.
E. none of the above
5. Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication?
A. waving.
C. crossing your arms.
E. frowning.
B. showing signs of fatigue.
D. sighing with boredom.
6. Nonverbal communication is what percent of the overall message?
A. 10% B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 90%
E. 93%
7. If a student in a class is leaning forward in their chair and had consistent eye contact
with the teacher, you might say they
A. were actively involved in listening.
D. were trying to cheat by looking at another student’s paper.
B. were about ready to fall out of their chair. E. none of the above answers are correct.
C. were fatigued.
8. Which of the following is TRUE regarding women and nonverbal communication?
A. Women tend to be great actors.
B. Women tend to be more aggressive with gestures.
C. Women prefer proximity over touch as a nonverbal cue.
D. Women tend to be more expressive and more skilled at sending and receiving
nonverbal messages.
E. Women tend to appear more nervous and uneasy about the use of nonverbal cues.
9. Regarding male-female sexual communication and sub-culture, it can be correctly
stated that men tend to be
A. more emotional.
D. are more aggressive in their speech patterns.
B. both self-effacing and self-promoting.
E. all of the above answers are correct.
C. tend to use power words and messages more frequently than women do.
10. Which of the following statements about female communication as it relates to
culture is TRUE?
A. Women are more relaxed when it comes to sending and receiving emotional
B. Women tend to be more sensitive, especially when speaking about sexuality issues.
C. Women are more comfortable speaking on sexual matters than men are.
D. Over the past 20 years women have learned to be less sensitive and emotional in their
speech patterns.
E. Women have learned to be earnest perfectionists.
11. Understanding possible differences in the way men and women communicate
is not a key issue when examining the difficulties men and women have when discussing sexual issues.
can be helpful when examining sexuality issues.
can be helpful in improving communication and relationships.
can help predict the future and strength of relationships.
is useful, but not an important aspect of communication between the genders.
12. Making eye contact with another person for a little longer than usual can
A. be intimidating.
D. be a signal of interest in a relationship.
B. be misconstrued as a threat.
E. all of the above answers are correct.
C. signal your comfort level.
13. The form of nonverbal communication which seems to contribute the MOST to
interest, intimacy, and emotional closeness is
A. touching.
C. body language.
E. none of the above answers are correct.
B. longer eye contact. D. proximity.
Chapter 6
1. At __________, the female central nervous system (CNS) is typically more advanced
than the male CNS.
A. conception B. birth
C. adolescence
D. puberty E. adulthood
2. When the male reaches puberty _________ increases his muscle mass and skeletal
A. estrogen B. adipose tissue C. protein
D. androgen
E. carbohydrate
3. At the time of menarche estrogen levels increase the development of
A. fat tissues and the enlargement of the female pelvis.
B. physical differences.
D. hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle
C. adipose.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
4. In the early adolescence, girls out perform boys at which task?
A. visual-spatial
B. math
C. physical performances
D. language and verbal
E. None of the above answers are correct.
5. According to Maccoby and Jacklin, boys tend to be more ______ both ______ and
______ than girls.
A. intelligent, mathematically, scientifically
D. verbally aggressive, against girls, against boys
B. aggressive, physically, verbally
E. None of the above answers are correct.
C. physically aggressive, with weapons, without weapons
6. In general women ______ than men, but they also experience more ______ and make
more extensive use of the health care system.
A. live longer, hardships C. live longer, physical trauma
B. live shorter, illnesses D. are smarter, mental illnesses
E. live longer, health problems
7. When selecting a health professional for health care
A. both genders are equally likely to select a professional based of their own gender.
B. males are more likely to show a gender preference.
C. females show less gender preferences than males.
D. both men and women prefer female social workers, nurses, obstetricians and
E. women prefer male surgeons, neurologists and internists.
8. Women often derive intimacy from ______.
A. sexual behaviors
C. talking
B. the act of coitus
D. physical closeness
E. physical touch
9. When it comes to gender differences and dating
it is likely that many males will attempt to deceive females.
males are especially sensitive to rejection.
females assume that males will attempt to deceive them.
females are more likely to be introverted than males.
males are more cautious about dating.
10. Today, increasingly more women are leaving large companies for small businesses because
A. they feel more welcome in family-run businesses.
B. their progress is not impeded by gender bias.
C. small businesses need women.
D. 49% of the professional, managerial and administrative workforce are women.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
11. Since the 1950s, women are depicted significantly more in what roles?
A. nurturing B. mothering C. industrial D. professional
E. housekeeping
12. The Oedipus complex is
A. a developmental stage in both boys and girls.
B. a developmental stage in all children 3 to 5 years of age.
C. resolved when a child identifies with the different gender parent.
D. when a boy wants to possess his mother sexually and sees his father as a rival.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
13. In social-learning theory, the development of gender-typed behavior is explained by
A. identification, imitation, and socializing.
B. modeling, reinforcement, and social learning.
C. sex role stereotyping.
D. observation, identification, and socialization.
E. None of the above answers are correct.
14. The process where children develop behavior that is appropriate to their gender is
called ______.
A. socialization B. gender typing
C. gender bias
D. gender constancy E. gender identity
15. Gender involves all of the following components EXCEPT:
A. biological B. cultural
C. social D. gender identity E. All of the above
In Focus – Body Image
1. As individuals we are getting ______ as our preferences get ______.
A. thinner, heavier
B. heavier, thinning
C. heavier, heavier
D. thinner, thinner
E. there has been no significant change in the average size of individuals.
2. Mode, a fashion magazine,
was developed for women who wear normal and large sizes.
was developed only for women who wear over size 16.
shows only pictures of clothing with no models.
was sued by a group of women who claimed the magazine contributed to their bouts with eating disorders.
none of the above
3. ______ seem to be happier with their bodies and less likely to diet than are ______
adolescent females.
A. European-Americans, Hispanic
B. Asian-Americans; African-Americans
C. African-Americans, European-Americans
D. Hispanic, European-Americans
E. European-Americans, Hispanics
4. Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent binge eating but not
A. inappropriate weight control behaviors.
B. regular exercise.
C. purging.
D. muscle dysmorphia
E. A and C
5. The prognosis for people with _______ is better than the prognosis for people with _____.
A. bulimia, anorexia
B. binge eating, anorexia
C. anorexia, bulimia
D. muscle dysmorphia, anorexia
E. bulimia, binge eating.