The Victorian Governess as Spectacle of Pain
... one; this means that Victorian governesses may have existed and worked, but that most extant source material about governesses exists firmly in the realm of cultural ideologies and controversies. It was the idea of governesses that prompted an outpouring of commentary, lament, art, satire and fantas ...
... one; this means that Victorian governesses may have existed and worked, but that most extant source material about governesses exists firmly in the realm of cultural ideologies and controversies. It was the idea of governesses that prompted an outpouring of commentary, lament, art, satire and fantas ...
Sexual Dissidents: Russian Slash Fiction Community as a Form of
... background, a virtual community dedicated to slash fiction, which is written predominantly by women, has created a space for a more flexible discussion about sexuality in general, and homosexuality in particular. Despite the fact, that slash fiction community is diverse and not unified, I will argue ...
... background, a virtual community dedicated to slash fiction, which is written predominantly by women, has created a space for a more flexible discussion about sexuality in general, and homosexuality in particular. Despite the fact, that slash fiction community is diverse and not unified, I will argue ...
The space between: sexual ambiguity and magical realism in
... chooses to revel in endless costume change. Her first days as a woman are spent among the gipsies, where women, "except in one or two important particulars, differ very little from the gipsy men" (153). In fact, before donning the clothes of an Englishwoman for her journey home, Orlando "had scarcel ...
... chooses to revel in endless costume change. Her first days as a woman are spent among the gipsies, where women, "except in one or two important particulars, differ very little from the gipsy men" (153). In fact, before donning the clothes of an Englishwoman for her journey home, Orlando "had scarcel ...
“Any man can rape”: male students talk about rape
... The literature has shown that there is a lack of studies which have specifically targeted male university students who are educated to see how they construct and interact with rape. The literature also revealed that culture and community influences play an important role in perpetuating attitudes an ...
... The literature has shown that there is a lack of studies which have specifically targeted male university students who are educated to see how they construct and interact with rape. The literature also revealed that culture and community influences play an important role in perpetuating attitudes an ...
Research Report - Advertising Standards Bureau
... Inghams — something wrong with you if you don’t like chicken ...
... Inghams — something wrong with you if you don’t like chicken ...
... months. We find that group-based models of complex networks successfully anticipate conflict in small teams whereas micro-based models of structural balance, which have been traditionally used to model conflict, do not. We developed the Team Analytics web tool, which is an implementation of our grou ...
... months. We find that group-based models of complex networks successfully anticipate conflict in small teams whereas micro-based models of structural balance, which have been traditionally used to model conflict, do not. We developed the Team Analytics web tool, which is an implementation of our grou ...
The Politics Of Ambivalence: Towards A Conceptualisation Of Structural Ambivalence In Intergenerational Relations
... knowledge and passion so as always to be in a potentially critical position (Dirks et al. op. cit., p. 18). Given the ‘compelling evidence of the resilience and plasticity of the psyche’ (Cornell 1988, p. 271) in dealing with discontinuity and inconsistencies it remains an open question when these ...
... knowledge and passion so as always to be in a potentially critical position (Dirks et al. op. cit., p. 18). Given the ‘compelling evidence of the resilience and plasticity of the psyche’ (Cornell 1988, p. 271) in dealing with discontinuity and inconsistencies it remains an open question when these ...
... believed to promote better blood circulation within the penis, and an Italian study found that Ginseng use increased testosterone levels, as well as the number and motility of sperm cells. Damiana: As a sexual stimulant, Damiana has been used for thousands of years as a potent aphrodisiac that is sa ...
... believed to promote better blood circulation within the penis, and an Italian study found that Ginseng use increased testosterone levels, as well as the number and motility of sperm cells. Damiana: As a sexual stimulant, Damiana has been used for thousands of years as a potent aphrodisiac that is sa ...
Transnationalism and Chicana Literature
... and transnationalism. Therefore, this thesis departs from the following research question: are recent Chicana narratives involved in transnational phenomena or are they still only concerned with local (American) issues? This question is fundamentally related to a current discussion in Chicana/o stud ...
... and transnationalism. Therefore, this thesis departs from the following research question: are recent Chicana narratives involved in transnational phenomena or are they still only concerned with local (American) issues? This question is fundamentally related to a current discussion in Chicana/o stud ...
Judgements Made Towards Male Victims of Sexual Assault
... towards male victims of sexual assault. As masculinity appears to have strong implications in terms of how men are judged both in society and as victims, exploring whether this has an effect on blame attributions seems an appropriate step to initiate research on the appearance of male victims of sex ...
... towards male victims of sexual assault. As masculinity appears to have strong implications in terms of how men are judged both in society and as victims, exploring whether this has an effect on blame attributions seems an appropriate step to initiate research on the appearance of male victims of sex ...
Social Norms Toolkit
... responsive professionals and to design programs to increase perceived support to take action to address health and violence behaviors that can be used with individuals, groups and communities. (These strategies and tools are reviewed in Chapters 3 and 4). This tool-kit provides an introduction to th ...
... responsive professionals and to design programs to increase perceived support to take action to address health and violence behaviors that can be used with individuals, groups and communities. (These strategies and tools are reviewed in Chapters 3 and 4). This tool-kit provides an introduction to th ...
Counselling and Mental Health Care of Transgender Adults and
... relating to gender issues, with 32% requiring mental health assessment relating to pursuit of feminizing/masculinizing hormones or surgery and 39% stating a current need for mental health care for issues not relating to gender concerns (Goldberg, Matte, MacMillan, & Hudspith, 2003). Clients may pres ...
... relating to gender issues, with 32% requiring mental health assessment relating to pursuit of feminizing/masculinizing hormones or surgery and 39% stating a current need for mental health care for issues not relating to gender concerns (Goldberg, Matte, MacMillan, & Hudspith, 2003). Clients may pres ...
The effects of music videos on adolescents - UvA-DARE
... category is used (either through real-world or media experiences), the more likely it is to be accessible. And the more accessible it is, the more likely it will influence judgments and interpretations of real-world behaviors. As a consequence, social categories may become chronically accessible if ...
... category is used (either through real-world or media experiences), the more likely it is to be accessible. And the more accessible it is, the more likely it will influence judgments and interpretations of real-world behaviors. As a consequence, social categories may become chronically accessible if ...
... dominance and submission that creates the gender difference in patriarchal societies. Because men held and hold power over women, it has been the content of what men find sexually attractive about women that established the meaning of masculinity and femininity in all of its aspects in social life. ...
... dominance and submission that creates the gender difference in patriarchal societies. Because men held and hold power over women, it has been the content of what men find sexually attractive about women that established the meaning of masculinity and femininity in all of its aspects in social life. ...
The Impact of the Commercial World on Children`s Wellbeing
... Children are often seen here as passive victims of commercial influences. Meanwhile, others – particularly marketers – tend to present children as active agents, who are empowered through their dealings with the commercial world. In general, we have concluded that the issues involved are very much m ...
... Children are often seen here as passive victims of commercial influences. Meanwhile, others – particularly marketers – tend to present children as active agents, who are empowered through their dealings with the commercial world. In general, we have concluded that the issues involved are very much m ...
Advertising appeals in magazine : a framing study
... have also focused on the use of these appeals in different media and for different products. The presentation of ads in the context of the medium is an interesting study from a framing perspective. Framing as a theoretical concept has largely been used in the context of news and political communica ...
... have also focused on the use of these appeals in different media and for different products. The presentation of ads in the context of the medium is an interesting study from a framing perspective. Framing as a theoretical concept has largely been used in the context of news and political communica ...
Genital Piercings: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications for
... Types of Genital Piercings. Figure 1 provides anatomical illustrations of the common types of GP worn by men2 and women,11 yet the urologist should be forewarned that creativity is not unusual. For men, the penis is the usual location for the jewelry. The Prince Albert is the most common with the ur ...
... Types of Genital Piercings. Figure 1 provides anatomical illustrations of the common types of GP worn by men2 and women,11 yet the urologist should be forewarned that creativity is not unusual. For men, the penis is the usual location for the jewelry. The Prince Albert is the most common with the ur ...
A Giselle for Our Time: Mats Ek`s Post
... these ballets, the resulting product is always to some extent at the mercy of the choreographer or director. The liberties taken by such artists vary greatly. Some may strive to present a close replica of the original production, while others may choose to modernize the choreography, costumes, sets, ...
... these ballets, the resulting product is always to some extent at the mercy of the choreographer or director. The liberties taken by such artists vary greatly. Some may strive to present a close replica of the original production, while others may choose to modernize the choreography, costumes, sets, ...
Queering the Spheres: Non-Normative Gender
... (75). Although adolescence may not have been distinguished by a particular age range, Victorians were particularly aware of the positive and negative potential for girls in this awkward phase; girls within this ambiguous space between childhood and womanhood create a site of cultural possibility as ...
... (75). Although adolescence may not have been distinguished by a particular age range, Victorians were particularly aware of the positive and negative potential for girls in this awkward phase; girls within this ambiguous space between childhood and womanhood create a site of cultural possibility as ...
Toril Moi From Femininity to Finitude: Freud, Lacan, and Feminism
... At the same time as I was reading Freud with Beauvoir and MerleauPonty, I was also studying Ludwig Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, and Stanley Cavell. Their understanding of language and meaning made the postSaussurean view of language that underpins Lacan’s theory appear flawed. I also came to feel inc ...
... At the same time as I was reading Freud with Beauvoir and MerleauPonty, I was also studying Ludwig Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, and Stanley Cavell. Their understanding of language and meaning made the postSaussurean view of language that underpins Lacan’s theory appear flawed. I also came to feel inc ...
Benefit or burden? - April Bleske
... varying degrees of companionship, intimacy, affection, and mutual assistance. It is typically not defined by a social category such as blood relations or marital partnership (Fehr, 1996). Viewed in light of these characteristics, cross-sex friendship has been described as a voluntary, cooperative, n ...
... varying degrees of companionship, intimacy, affection, and mutual assistance. It is typically not defined by a social category such as blood relations or marital partnership (Fehr, 1996). Viewed in light of these characteristics, cross-sex friendship has been described as a voluntary, cooperative, n ...
Young men and the construction of masculinity in Sub
... and the definition of what it means to be a man, it is still the case that most analytical and operational work on gender tends to focus on women and girls. This is clearly appropriate since women and girls suffer disproportionately from gender inequality and its many manifestations. However, as arg ...
... and the definition of what it means to be a man, it is still the case that most analytical and operational work on gender tends to focus on women and girls. This is clearly appropriate since women and girls suffer disproportionately from gender inequality and its many manifestations. However, as arg ...
Crossing the Line: Sex, Power, Justice, and the US Navy
... the equator. He talked of men receiving unusual haircuts, being paddled and insulted, being smeared with garbage and old food, and, most curiously, of a number of the men on the ship dressing up as women for a beauty pageant. He showed me photographs of men covered from head to toe in filth and bein ...
... the equator. He talked of men receiving unusual haircuts, being paddled and insulted, being smeared with garbage and old food, and, most curiously, of a number of the men on the ship dressing up as women for a beauty pageant. He showed me photographs of men covered from head to toe in filth and bein ...
Reading Agnes: The Rhetoric of Gender in Ambrose and Prudentius
... are, according to Cameron, its assertively and self-consciously figurai or representational character and its central use of biographical narrative. She suggests that a rhetoric of the human body works to knit together the 1. Still less is this intended as a direct analysis of social relations in th ...
... are, according to Cameron, its assertively and self-consciously figurai or representational character and its central use of biographical narrative. She suggests that a rhetoric of the human body works to knit together the 1. Still less is this intended as a direct analysis of social relations in th ...
Training Guide for Gender and Climate Change Research in Agriculture and Food Security for Rural Development
... boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product ...
... boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product ...