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Gravity and Newton's 2nd Law
Mass = how much matter is in an object
More mass = greater inertia
(harder to move or stop)
Newton's Second Law of Motion
the acceleration of an object is in the same direction as the net
force on the object and can be calculated with this equation:
Or simply............
F = ma
1. If you push an object that has
a mass of 2 kg, and the net force
acting on the object is 6N, what is
the object's acceleration?
F = ma or
a = f/m
2. If a mass of 5kg is moving at
an acceleration of 3 m/s2, what is
the force?
More Practice
1. If a toy helicopter has a mass of 30kg,
and the net force on it is 150 N, what is the
helicopter's acceleration?
2. A boat being pulled by a truck has an
acceleration of 2 m/s2.The boat's mass is
1000kg. What is the force pulling the
3. A block is being pushed with a force of
20N and it has a mass of 5 kg. How fast is
the block accelerating?
Friction = a force that opposes the
sliding motion between two objects
It keeps
these cars
from sliding
down the
images by
The amount of fiction depends on the surfaces
and the force pressing the surfaces together.
An icy surface has less friction than a dry surface.
Why does putting
sandbags in your
trunk help you to
not slide on the ice?
Static Friction is what prevents two
surfaces from sliding past each other.
Ex. You push a large box, but it just won't move
See Simpsons Ice Skating Video
Sliding Friction is the forces that opposes
two surfaces that are already sliding.
Ex. Once you get the box moving, it is easier to slide.
Air Resistance = a friction like force that
affects objects that move through the air
The feather has more air
resistance, so it falls slower
than the elephant.
Normally, objects fall at the
same speed.
If you jump out of a plane, you might
want to use a parachute.
When you first jump out a
plane, gravity is the force
acting upon you (with some air
Eventually, the force of the air
resistance and gravity is equal
and you no longer accelerate this is called the TERMINAL
Gravity = the attractive force between two
objects; depends on mass and distance
Law of Universal Gravitation.
Fg = Force of Gravity
M = mass1
m = mass 2
d = distance
G = a constant
If the objects move
farther apart, the force
between them will
[increase / decrease /
stay same ]
1. What force pulls the apple down?
2. Force = _______________ x
3. The rate of acceleration on earth is
_________ m/s2
______________= the gravitational force exerted on an object
________________= the amount of matter in an object
_________________remains constant, while
_____________________________is dependent upon gravity.
FORCE is measured in ______________________
Weight depends on gravity, which can vary
depending on the planet. The force of gravity
on the moon is 1.6 m/s2
So, you would actually weigh less
on the moon than you weigh on
Weightlessness & Free Fall
When an object appears to be floating, like the astronauts in
space, it is because the force of gravity isn't as strong, so
they *feel* weightless. Astronauts still have mass, and in
actuality, gravity is still acting upon them, they are just falling
*around* the earth, not straight down.
Check out this animation of an orbiting cannonball
Elevator Physics
When you travel in an elevator, the force acting upon you varies
depending on whether you are going up and down. For a very short
period, you will be "weightless" as the elevator's acceleration is equal to
the acceleration of gravity.
If you stand on a scale
while an elevator
As it moves upwards,
your weight will
As it goes down, weight
At free fall, weight = 0
Projectile Motion
Imagine two balls on top of a building. One is dropped and the
other is thrown. Which one lands first?_________________
The thrown ball has both horizontal and vertical motion, and the
dropped ball has only vertical motion.
CENTRIPETAL FORCE = acceleration toward
the center of a curved path; as an object goes around a
curve, it accelerates, producing a force
The force depends on
mass, velocity and
the radius of the
Roller coaster goes around a loop
but the car (and people) don't fall
You can spin a bucket full of water
around your head without losing
the water
When you are in a car turning, you feel like you’re being pushed
toward the outside of the turn. So why does it FEEL like you’re being
Because of _______________________________
Your body wants to continue on its original path as the car turns, you
will continue to move straight.
What Law is this? _______________
1. Write the equation used to calculate FORCE
2. Use that equation to calculate the force of an
object traveling at 10 m/s2 and having a mass of
3. Name the force that opposes two objects
sliding against each other: _______________
4. A skydiver reaches terminal velocity when the
force of air resistance is equal to ___________
5. Mass is how much _________________is in an
6. If you are on an elevator, and your weight is 0, you
are in _________________ fall.
7. Weight = ________________ x gravity
8. What is the force that causes acceleration around
a curve?________
9. What is the force of gravity on the moon? ____
REVIEW: How does mass affect inertia??