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8th Grade
2.1 Quiz
1. A(n) ___________________________________ is a tiny building block of matter,
made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The Greek guy
2. The number of protons in an atom’s nucleus is its ___________________________________.
3. The number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is its
___________________________________, with units labeled as amu.
4. ___________________________________ is anything that has mass and takes up space.
5. A(n) ___________________________________ is a substance that is made of only one type of atom.
6. A(n) ___________________________________ is a particle that has a positive electric charge.
7. A neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom that makes up part of the mass of a nucleus is a(n)
8. The tiny particle that moves around the nucleus of an atom is called a(n)
9. Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are known as
CONCEPTS—Answer in complete sentences where necessary. Fill in the blanks where necessary.
10. How is it that there are only 92 types of atoms that occur naturally (118 total), yet we have billions of
things made of matter?
11. Atoms are the smallest pieces of __________________________________.
12. An atom of carbon always has the same number of _____________________________________. Always.
13. It depends on what kinds of elements you combine as to what kind of ____________________________
you'll end up with.
14. When something, like an atom, is too small to observe with the bare eye, a
______________________________________ is used to help explain it.
15. Who was the Greek philosopher who lived 2300 years ago, and what did he think?
16. In 1800 another scientist added to the idea of the Greek guy. Who was this man and what was his idea?
17. In ____________________’s atomic model, the electrons appear (incorrectly) to orbit around the nucleus,
like planets around the sun.
18. One of the modern atomic models, also known as the
_________________________________________________, shows the nucleus, but the fast-moving
electrons appear as a blur around the nucleus.
19. What are two uses of radioactive isotopes?
20. Draw a model of an atom of oxygen using the information in the box from the Periodic Table of Elements.
Label the atom with its atomic symbol and atomic number and all the parts, including the nucleus, neutrons,
protons, electrons, and all the particles’ charges. Also write the atomic mass of your atom.