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DIPLOPODIA WITH DOUBLE FIBULA A I. C. From A 14-year-old girl with CASE NARANG, V. the Forces Armed a congenitally R. AND AGENESIS OF TIBIA REPORT MYSOREKAR, B. Medical and deformed P. MATHUR College, Pune, shortened right india foot is described. leg and The patient could not bear weight on the deformed limb and had to hop on the left leg. The deformed foot faced backwards and had nine toes. The right leg was shorter than the left by 26 centimetres. Radiologically, the lower end ofthe right femur were two metatarsals, the calcanei, one talus, one navicular, and all the toes had three phalanges two cuboids except for be only there as we)). attained. by partial duplication on the tibial aspect. differentiated two or three are additional tarsal and resembles generally associated and the According whole foot to Jones, a with fan. The therefore Barnes three of whom phalanges condition is two of the children. bizarre combination epiphysis but A the tibia is of “ double to Jones fibular fibula” configuration are (1978) et a!. do extremely two not rare slender and bones necessarily of represent Laurin, of diplopodia Favreau and Labelle (1964) with absence of both tibiae tion of both fibulae. There calcanei. the cuboids born suggested that the Mysorekar where there cuneiforms, findings and Lohokare were eight of pointed (1970) toes, ten a navicular, the little toes. to a fibular a bifid talus and I. C. Narang. MS. FICS. Brigadier. Commandant B. P. Mathur, MS. MPhiI, Lieutenant-Colonel. Deputy Commandant V. R. Mysorekar. MSc. PhD, Professor of Anatomy, Armed Forces Requests for © 1982 British 206 healthy. reprints Editorial should be Society sent to Professor of Bone and V. Joint in diplopodia are neither associated with REPORT to 1980 years The and the Artificial with then All mother a Limb congenitally had four College. leg and only one other toes foot faced Limb Centre, Pune-41 elder taken during examination leg had five having the no learnt out of seven any the on children and both was no drugs or pregnancy. patient systemic to hop brothers Her grandparents, normal. There illness were right right her normal. were febrile general being Artificial J Medical her There there and parents. any the from a there structures. absent of the tibia. The anatomical foot are also presented. June of nine of deformed calcaneus. of left leg. She is the sixth On of the dimelia. tarsal patients conditions reported in to healthy history have reported a foot metatarsal heads, five a cuboid, age contracted They three These her younger sister are maternal and paternal, reported a case and reduplica- was also reduplication and the the sound podia. three and deformed and shortened right leg and foot on which she could not walk (Figs 1 and 2). She had only crawled until duplication of the fibula with absence of the tibia. In one of their cases, the lateral fibula was longer than the medial one, and, paradoxically, there was also diplo- with metatarsal These are, therefore, examples of a of a proximal hypoplasia or aplasia girl Pune, each toes and related in four and totally CASE 14-year-old nine of diplopodia, toes, remaining fibula and absence in the amputated Centre, short. Cases in the supernumerary was hypoplastic later. There were six cases extra corresponding with a distal duplication. hereditary nor familial. We report a case deviation. (1978), double findings according with whereas two tibia of the tibia: in in the second, upper segment the proximal are present reported is lies in a varus and Lloyd-Roberts the diaphysis and There three extra foot a monstrous tibia and the two fibulae cuneiforms. had two. (1973) were The or aplastic were carried bones, metatarsal there are three degrees of malformation the first, the tibia is completely absent; only the proximal epiphysis and a short are present: and, in the third, both and and four one which in and a hypoplastic There was done and a prosthesis fitted in the leg and foot were duplicated. Karchinov of This from polydactyly additional toes; The formation of an entire The whole doub)e foot has appearance no kneejomt. disarticulation ofthe muscles condition should where there are bones never was A through-knee dissected. Many Diplopodia is manifested foot, the duplication being diplopodia and there was ill-developed tibia and the patella were absent. The amputated leg and foot were was slim abnormalities but apart foot. a deformed great on toe either 1 001, having short side backwards Pune-I, foot (rather with of it (Fig. the heel AND JOINT nine toes, in length) 3). The pad and India. lisdia. R. Mysorekar. Surgery 0301-620X182/2036-0206 $2.00 THE JOURNAL OF BONE SURGERY DIPLOPODIA WITH Fig. 1 Figures sole than that patient upwards and before of the left. limb AND AGENESIS OF 207 TIBIA the treatment. dorsum of the foot Movements at the ankle joint There was flexion contracture the knee with limitation of the right lower limb of the right the 2-The downwards. restricted. degrees at musculature FIBULA Fig. 2 1 and pointing pointing markedly DOUBLE of was Measurements flexion. The less developed showed by 26 centimetres were of 45 shortening predominantly below knee. A radiograph that the showed developed, were two of the right lower end there fibulae being almost knee and leg of the femur (Fig. was no normal knee joint. identical in length and the upper ends of which of the femur on its medial projected above side. There was 4) ill- There shape, the lower end no tibia and no Fig. patella. The patient after 5 amputation. Treatment In view of the marked shortening of the right leg, absence of the right knee and the deformity of the foot a through-knee disarticulation was done on June, 1 980. Two weeks later a temporary prosthesis fitted After to enable two weeks her to learn of training through-knee end-bearing 5). The patient has now extremely happy with aspects of the Anatomical to walk with the the right 30th was for the first time. pylon a definitive prosthesis was provided (Fig. been fully rehabilitated and is the functional and cosmetic prosthesis. findings It was initially vessels intact, aimed to keep but, as the all the dissection nerves and blood progressed this became impossible. Hence, the muscles and bones. The the findings are restricted toes are numbered from to the medial being axis for border of side, reference the foot. VOL. 64-B. the has No. great been 2, 1982 toe considered the as the fifth. medial The - Fig. 6 Figure medial muscles, muscles. Fig. 7 6-The two parts of the triceps surae muscle. Note that the part is larger. Figure 7-The two flexor digitorum longus the two flexor digitorum accessorius iind the lumbrical Note that the medial flexor digitorum/accessorius muscle is larger than the lateral one. 208 I. C. The two and flexor digitorum a lateral, each the posterior the longus muscles arising from the surface were the ankle. the lateral respective fibula. in separate strong while the the extensor supplied toes. The expansion of the middle into five medial arose the two-thirds tendons, each which second form and medial the for of an expansion On the medial the tibialis two-thirds passed medial ankle. fibula. The entered the foot was a thin muscle two fibulae were which bone was was bellies arose belly from tendons fourth side gave in three from the to toes. of the tendons area the fourth toe to the roots which tarsi to arose The third belly the great the from middle fibula. It half of the extending the base between toes. The the sixth three to the part supplied the two other flexor of the into ninth first the toes and ninth base of respectively. the eighth respective flexor digitorum brevis muscle. ofthe and fourth deep first The tendon of navicular medial belly lateral calcanei. abductor and and the metatarsals. muscle to the inserted into bases of the third, It was inserted metatarsal. aspect ninth the toe arising lateral side of The of the transverse tendon of the fourth, into the head eighth and base of the arose oblique from the and was head inserted into the third, sixth, seventh and eighth toes. In the lateral half of the foot there were eight interossei, four dorsal and four plantar. The plantar interossei arose from the sixth to the ninth metatarsa)s and were inserted into the medial side of the base of the respective proximal inserted phalanges. into the one on second gave toes. aponeurosis an calcaneus Of the dorsal proximal phalanx interossei, of the two seventh were toe, whereas the sixth and eighth toes had one each. On the medial side of the foot the dorsal and plantar interossei were almost fused at their origins, and were inserted, digitorum the cuboid ninth of the ofthe was the the base of the proximal phalanx. The oblique head of the adductor hallucis arose from the plantar aspect of the brevis and medial side of supplied the lateral toe. The lateral belly the plantar from from The calcanei. part, the Fig. 8 and the intermediate them. On the sole of the foot two aspect medial the and fibres were inserted of the first and The There the parts, sixth arose toes. toes tertius. muscle, the extensor second, seventh the two of the medial toes. There were and phalanx extensor attached the to the base of the foot intermediate by transverse which muscles to the 8) arose from both and a larger lateral to the third and sixth the lateral part supplied toes, while and third metatarsals proximal presumably upper to that the dorsal between first, The third medial the peroneus sinus eighth second (Fig. part calcaneus. from the by a thick each joined the tendons tendons of the. third aspect arose from the lower part of the into the dorsal aspect of the base In front of the peroneus brevis into in the midline. On the dorsum brevis from presumably inserted to the of the to be attached joined being for brevis medial It divided medial superficial metatarsal. The brevis fibula and was inserted of the ninth metatarsal. two slips a separate and was inserted into the On the lateral side there in a common retinaculum at arose passed digitorum a smaller muscles. of both these two muscle arose surface longus Its tendon into flexor It had to the lateral was a muscle, which of were and of the there divided into the toe and fibula. first to the under a retinaculum the first metatarsal. two peronei enclosed base the side anterior, had anterior and two for the fourth toe. Between muscles there was a small unidentifiable in the P. MATHUR membrane. It passed into five tendons, one eighth and two for the of the one the flexor digitorum the larger. They of the muscle, from of to B. and were inserted into longus tendon. There The first three were the interosseous fibulae and divided sixth, seventh and retinaculum, at tendon the first fourth toes respectively. The fourth was inserted sixth toe, the fifth and the sixth into the seventh the seventh into the ninth toe. There were two extensor digitorum longus The lateral arose from the lower three-quarters fibulae and between the each for the two retinacula tendon ninth toes. There were two muscles, the medial being into The with the supplied lateral arose from the respective calcanei the respective flexor digitorum were seven lumbrical muscles. ninth R. MYSOREKAR, (Fig. 7), a medial lower two-thirds of partial decussation the medial tendon toes sixth to the accessorius of the enclosed After muscle, fourth inserted V. The triceps surae was in two parts, the the larger (Fig. 6). Both had two heads and into the respective calcanei. There were muscles. medial being were inserted muscles NARANG, had It either side, into the proximal phalanges to the fourth toes. The flexor hallucis arose from was inserted the great toe. The bones. been were conclusive, removed base of the fifth and sixth into the base of the distal Since the radiographs of the longus metatarsals phalanx of the foot and of the had at the end of the dissection all soft from the bones revealing that there THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT not parts were SURGERY DIPLOPODIA WITH DOUBLE FIBULA AND fused the on left. calcanei. AGENESIS the right but Similarly, The tarsal generally smaller phalanges and 209 OF TIBIA there was bones were in the was there size. rest a joint between them a joint between the The had of normal shape fifth had three toe on two though only phalanges two each. DISCUSSION In the present be considered in size and case, The duplication together with Fig. 9 The tarsal bones after the have been removed. soft parts metatarsal bones of the diplopodia” . calcanei, cuboids, one one talus, on one either navicular side, between the cuboids, the most the medial cuboid (Fig. 9). The in the midline, and four two monsters to amuse been presented cuneiforms medial being fused talus and calcaneus with were give right bones enough foot No particular It monstrosity. two two of the of some muscles the duplications duplication “ the leg should to be fibulae as they were almost shape: the tibia is to be considered challenge the stimulate anatomists. has been evidence of the that a partial of the nature present case the medical regarding use foot and term can be assigned said itself. The to amuse surgeons of the leg and of some tarsal to justify cause both identical absent. the to this creates has therefore public, to treatment and to REFERENCES iones D, Barnes i, Lloyd-Roberts GC. Congenital aplasia and dysplasia of the tibia with intact fibula. J Bone Joint Karchinov K. Congenital diplopodia with hypoplasia or aplasia of the tibia. J Bone Joint Surg [Br) 1973:55-B:604Laurin CA, Favreau iC, [Am) 1964:46-A:137-42. Mysorekar VR, VOL. No. 64-B, Lohokare 2. 1982 Labelle 5K. P. Bilateral A case absence of eight-toed of the radius foot.’Br and J Radiol tibia with l970:NS bilateral 43:740-2. reduplication of the ulna Surg and [Br) 1978:60-B:3l 1 I. fibula. J Bone -9. Joint Surg