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Human Anatomy — Biology 255
Exam #4
Please place your name and I.D. number on the back of the last page of this
exam. You must answer all questions on this exam. Because statistics demonstrate
that, on average, between 2-5 questions on every 100-point exam are ambiguous
enough to come out “aberrant” on an item analysis, the total number of points
possible on this exam is 105. However, grades will be calculated out of a possible
100 points, assuming that 2—3 questions on this exam are aberrant.
Section 1:
Terminology. Define the following terms in the space provided. (2 points each)
labium (pleural = labia)
Section 2:
True-False Questions. If the following statements are true place a (+) in the
space provided; if the statements are false place a (O) in the space provided.
(2 points)
11. The external oblique muscles insert onto the linea alba and the ilium (iliac crest)
12. The rectus abdominis originates from the pubis (pubic crest, pubic tubercle, pubic
symphysis), inserts onto the costal cartilages of ribs 5 through 7 and the xiphoid
13. A mesentery is a piece of connective tissue that connects the visceral and parietal
layers of the peritoneum.
14. An omentum is a piece of the peritoneum that is connected to the stomach.
15. The lesser omentum connects the lesser curvature of the stomach to the
esophagus, duodenum and the liver.
16. The mucosa of the stomach demonstrates folds termed rugae. These folds increase
the surface area of the stomach for absorption and secretion. In addition, these
folds disappear when the stomach is stretched as it is filled.
17. The glands of the stomach have parietal cells, chief cells and mucous cells. The
mucous cells produce mucous, which protects the mucosa of the stomach from the
hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells and the pepsinogen and pepsin
produced by the chief cells.
18. Except for the pyloris (which is retroperitoneal) the stomach is intraperitoneal.
19. The spleen and the kidneys are all retroperitoneal.
20. The internal anatomy of the small intestine is specialized to maximize absorption
and secretion, because the small intestine is where most of the nutrients are
absorbed by the gastrointestinal system. The mucosa of the small intestine is the
site where these specializations, which are termed haustra, microvilli, plica
circularis, and villi, may be found.
21. The various regions of the small intestine have differing relationships to the
peritoneum. The duodenum starts out being intraperitoneal and then the terminal
2/3 of the duodenum is secondarily retroperitoneal. The jejunum and all but the
last 10 cm. of the ileum, which is secondarily retroperitoneal, are intraperitoneal.
22. Like the small intestine, the regions of the large intestine (also termed the colon)
have differing relationships with the peritoneum. The cecum is intraperitoneal; the
ascending colon is intraperitoneal; the first segment of the transverse colon is
intraperitoneal; the terminal segment of the transverse colon is secondarily
retroperitoneal; the descending colon is retroperitoneal; the initial segment of the
sigmoid colon is intraperitoneal; the terminal segment of the sigmoid colon is
secondarily retroperitoneal.
23. The colon exhibits the same specializations of the mucosa that increase surface
area for absorption and secretion as does the small intestine.
24. Collect two free points by signing your initials in the space provided.
25. The clitoris is the erectile organ of the female. When cut into cross section the
clitoris would demonstrate two erectile bodies that fill with blood during
preparation for sexual activity. These structures are called corpora spongiosa.
26. When cut into a cross section the male penis exhibits the two erectile bodies
(termed the corpora cavernosa) and one structure that contains the penile urethra.
This structure is termed the corpus spongiosum.
27. The pelvic floor (in both males and females) is composed of two pieces of smooth
muscle: the levator ani and the coccygeus. These muscles function to contain the
organs of the pelvis and also as the involuntary sphincters of the urethra and
28. The kidneys and ureters are both retroperitoneal.
29. The male urethra is composed of three segments: prostatic urethra, membranous
urethra, and penile urethra. The prostatic urethra is the site of the involuntary
sphincter, while the membranous urethra is the site of the voluntary sphincter.
30. The medial surfaces of the labia minora and the labia majora lack pigmentation.
Section 3:
Short answer/drawing questions. Answer the following questions in the space
provided. Each question is worth the number of points indicated.
One of the functions of the liver is detoxification of the blood. As a result, the anatomy of
the vasculature of the liver exemplifies this function. In the space provided
(a) For 5 points draw and label the Hepatic Portal System and the vasculature that
connects the liver to the inferior vena cava
(b) For 5 points explain how the Hepatic Portal System allows the liver to accomplish its
function of detoxification
Draw and label the venous vasculature of the abdominal and pelvic cavity. (20 points)
In the space provided list the structures that are supplied with blood by the following
arteries. (3 points each)
splenic artery
left gastric artery
superior mesenteric artery
internal iliac artery
inferior mesenteric artery
Section 4:
True-False. If the following statement is true place a (+) in the space provided; if
it is false place a (O) in the space provided.
_____ 34.
While celebrating his birthday on Saturday night Dominic Lifonti fell (at least)
twice on stairs: once at Bartholomew and once at a house where a few sorority
ladies were hosting a party. Now, I don’t want to disparage the sorority (hence it
isn’t named) and I don’t want to disparage Dom, as I believe he was sober at the
time, but this statement is true, so place a + in the space provided.