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2016/2017 Online Instructional Materials Correlation
Biological Applications in Agriculture
8086 - 36 weeks
Last Updated
Course Title
Course Syllabus URL
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Biological Applications in
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People
Demonstrate positive work
Required 1
Required 2
Demonstrate integrity.
Required 3
Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required 4
Demonstrate self-representation
Required 5
Demonstrate diversity
Required 6
Demonstrate conflict-resolution
Required 7
Demonstrate creativity and
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required 8
Demonstrate effective speaking
and listening skills.
Required 9
Demonstrate effective reading
and writing skills.
Required 10
Demonstrate critical-thinking
and problem-solving skills.
Required 11
Demonstrate healthy behaviors
and safety skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 12 of workplace organizations,
systems, and climates.
Required 13
Demonstrate lifelong-learning
Required 14
Demonstrate job-acquisition and
advancement skills.
Required 15
Demonstrate time-, task-, and
resource-management skills.
Required 16
Demonstrate job-specific
mathematics skills.
Required 17
Demonstrate customer-service
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrate proficiency with
Required 18 technologies common to a
specific occupation.
Required 19
Demonstrate information
technology skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 20 of Internet use and security
Required 21
telecommunications skills.
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Examine aspects of planning
Required 22
within an industry/organization.
Required 23
Examine aspects of management
within an industry/organization.
Examine aspects of financial
Required 24 responsibility within an
Examine technical and
production skills required of
Required 25
workers within an
Examine principles of
Required 26 technology that underlie an
Required 27
Examine labor issues related to
an industry/organization.
Examine community issues
Required 28 related to an
Examine health, safety, and
Required 29 environmental issues related to
an industry/organization.
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Identify the purposes and goals
Required 30
of the student organization.
Explain the benefits and
responsibilities of membership
Required 31 in the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic
organizations as an adult.
Demonstrate leadership skills
through participation in student
Required 32 organization activities, such as
meetings, programs, and
Identify Internet safety issues
Required 33 and procedures for complying
with acceptable use standards.
Exploring Leadership Skills and FFA Membership
Identify benefits and
Required 34 responsibilities of FFA
Required 35
Participate in supervised
agricultural experiences (SAE).
Required 36
Apply for an FFA award, based
on an SAE.
Required 37
Explore career opportunities
related to agriculture.
Describe leadership
Required 38 characteristics as they relate to
Understanding the Study of Living Things
Required 39
Describe the relationship
between agriculture and biology.
Required 40
Explain the key steps of the
scientific method.
Develop experimental
Required 41 procedures to solve a problem or
answer a question.
Required 42
Demonstrate safe laboratory
Required 43
Describe the relationship of
atoms and molecules.
Required 44
Describe how organisms are
classified and identified.
Identify roles of federal, state,
Required 45 and local regulatory agencies in
Understanding Cell Structure and Functions
Required 46
Describe the cell as the building
block of life.
Required 47
Analyze the differences between
plant and animal cells.
Compare and contrast the
Required 48 characteristics of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
Required 49
Analyze the structures found in
Explain how biotechnology in
agriculture uses cell structure
Required 50
and function to improve
agricultural practices.
Required 51
Explain the cell's surface area to
volume ratio.
Required 52 Explain the process of diffusion.
Required 53 Explain the process of osmosis.
Required 54
Explain the concept of
Required 55
Explain the processes of mitosis
and meiosis.
Understanding Basic Genetics
Required 56
Explain Mendelian Inheritance
and Principles of Genetics.
Required 57 Analyze a Punnett Square.
Required 58
Describe the structures and
components of DNA molecules.
Required 59
Discuss the process of DNA
Specify how genetic principles
Required 60 are used in animal and plant
Required 61
Explain how hybrid plant and
animal varieties are developed.
Describe how genetics are used
Required 62 in animal and plant breeding
Identify how information
technology is used in the
Required 63
selection of breeding animals
and plants.
Explain the role of genetic
Required 64 mutations in animal and plant
Exploring Principles of Genetic Engineering
Required 65
Explain the principles of genetic
Describe how genetic
engineering is used in
Required 66 agriculture to improve the
production of plants and
Identify emerging trends that
Required 67 will affect the future of genetic
Required 68
Analyze ethical issues related to
the use of genetic engineering.
Required 69
Summarize the laws affecting
genetically altered organisms.
Explain safety procedures and
Required 70 policies related to genetic
engineering and the laboratory.
Understanding Basic Plant Structures, Functions, and Nutrition
Explain the life sustaining
Required 71 processes by which all plants
grow and develop.
Describe the roles of air, water,
Required 72 light, and media in relation to
plant growth.
Describe the movement of
Required 73 minerals, water, and nutrients in
Required 74
Describe the ways various plants
store food.
Explain how plants protect
Required 75 themselves from disease,
insects, and predators.
Distinguish between
Required 76 reproduction and plant
Compare and contrast the
Required 77 primary methods of asexual
Compare and contrast
Required 78 hydroponics and traditional
plant production.
Understanding Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition
Describe the anatomy and
Required 79
physiology of domestic animals.
Explain the four major classes of
macromolecules: carbohydrates,
Required 80
proteins, lipids, and nucleic
Required 81
Explain nutrition requirements
for a specific animal species.
Calculate the amount of feed
Required 82 needed based on energy
Required 83
Describe the roles of nonnutritive factors in feed.
Required 84
Identify toxic substances that
can harm animals.
Required 85
List factors that influence energy
Required 86
Calculate the feed conversion
ratio (FCR).
Understanding Principles of Animal Health
Evaluate overall health or
Required 87 homeostasis for a chosen
domestic animal species.
Required 88
Define terms associated with
disease conditions.
Required 89
Define terms associated with
severity of disease or condition.
Required 90
List and compare treatment
Required 91 Explain disease resistance.
Outline general management
measures for preventing disease
Required 92
outbreaks in a domestic animal
Understanding the Principles of Water and Soil Quality
Define terms related to water
Required 93
quality management.
Explain factors that affect
Required 94 dissolved oxygen concentrations
in water.
Required 95
Explain how turbidity affects
water quality.
Required 96
Identify best management
practices for water management
Required 97
Explain how water quality
affects living organisms.
Required 98 Conduct a water analysis.
Required 99
Analyze key issues relating to
water quality and agriculture.
Required 100 Identify parts of a soil profile.
Required 101 Identify types of soil particles.
Required 102
Explain the purpose of testing
soil fertility.
Required 103 Conduct a soil test.