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MCQs 2012 First Term Test
Time : 1 hour FIRST TERM EXAMINATION Subject: Behavioral Sciences Date: March 21,
2012, AMDC
Instructions: Tick the most appropriate answer . Cutting is not allowed. Total Marks: 46
Dr Usman Amin Hotiana [email protected]
1. A theory of motivation suggesting that people are motivated to maintain an optimal level of
alertness and physical and mental activation
1. arousal II) Arousal theory III) expectancy theory IV) emotion2. Motives (such as the need for
affiliation and achievement) that are acquired through experience and interaction with others
1. social motives II) Motives III) Stimulus motives IV) Basic emotions3. Needs or desires that
energize and direct behavior toward a goal
1. Motives II) emotion III) motivation IV) drive4: Exceptions to informed consent are : a)
emergency b) waiver by patient c) incompetent Patient d) therapeutic privelege (unconscious,
confused, physician deprives pt of autonomy in pts interest) e) All above
5. A disorder developed as a profound result of severe stress. It is marked by prolonged anxiety
and depression. Many cases were seen in Pakistan following Earthquake .
i) Autonomic Nervous System ii) Substance Abuse
iii) posttraumatic Stress Disorder iv) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder6. Following failing , the
psychologist advised the student to see it as another opportunity to learn. Strategy of
reinterpreting a situation to make it seem less threatening.
i) Sadness ii) Fear iii) reappraisal iv) Anxiety7. Maintaining levels of biological conditions that
vary according to an individual's needs and circumstances. Our behavior often anticipates
future needs; eating a large breakfast because you have a busy day ahead and may not get
lunch. Animals put on extra fat and fur to protect against winter's cold.
i) Stress ii) Emotions iii) Homeostasis iv) allostasis8. The rape victim could not recall any of the
incident while investigation was in progress. The doctor explained it as 'coping with an
overwhelming situation by temporarily forgetting it; temporary amnesia'
i) repression ii) projection iii) regression iv) perception9. All around the globe measures are
being taken to improve health care. Methods of encouraging the best communication between
the applicant and the interviewer is called....
i) kinesics ii) Interview techniques iii) defense mechanism iv) time focus10. Memory system is
just like a computer in humans. One of the step is 'creating a message to be sent'
i) decode ii) masking iii) undoing iv) encoding
11. conscious awareness of one's own feelings and feeling of others
i) perception ii)projection iii) regression iv)repression12. nonverbal communication that includes
unconscious body movements, gestures, and facial expressions that accompany verbal
a) undoing b) culture c) denial d) Body language13.: A 25 year old man who is HIV + comes to
doctors for treatment of skin. Because doctor is afraid of HIV , she refuses to treat. This can be
best described as: a) unethical and illegal b) ethical and legal c) Unethical but legal d) ethical
and illegal
14. means of eliciting a response
MCQs 2012 First Term Test
from a patient by turning a question into a statement of interest
a) compensation b) Indirect statements c) active listening d) displacement15. received message
is paraphrased back to the sender to verify the correct message was decoded
a) Active listening b) displacement c) clustering d) rationalization16.A 55 yr old woman
undergoes surgery to repair a torn ligament. After surgery, she has partial paralysis of affected
leg and sues the surgeon for malpractice. the lawsuit will be successful if the patient can prove
a) Standards of care not followed b) paralysis is permanent c) physician not board certified in
orthopedic surgery d) sexual function is negatively affected by paralysis e) she will lose her
work significantly17. Things that are required in order to live
a) message b) listening c) information d) Needs18. data converted into a meaningful and useful
a) needs b) Information c) communication d) message19. use of specific and well-defined
professional communication skills to create a feeling of comfort for patients even when difficult
or unpleasant information must be exchanged
a) high content communication b) low-context communication
c) Therapeutic communication d) rationalization20.Opinion or judgment that is formed before all
the facts are known. Its hampers the communication.
a) denial b) decode c) projection d) Prejudice21. Moving back to a former stage to escape
conflict or fear. Examples include temper tantrums etc.
a) perception b) regression c) repression d) projection22. Displacing negative feelings onto
something or someone else with no significance to the situation
a) projection b) culture c) decode d) displacement23. A physician is impressed by new aerosol
medication for treatment for a 13 year old girl with recurrent asthma attacks who wants a new
treatment. the mother but refuses . The physician should now
a) politely but firmly prescribe for girls interest b) not dispense as lack of support from mother c)
Not dispense as not given consent. f) provide a simpler inhaler to use 24. Disease is caused by
a biological process that can/must be identified and corrected.
a) What is the Biomedical Model? b) What should we tell patients about pain? c) What is the
Biopsychosocial Model?25. 'a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli
and anticipate events '
a) higher-order conditioning b) Classical conditioning c) operant conditioningd) associative
learning26. 'the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior'
a) insight b) Biofeedback c) Reinforce d) modeling27. An operant conditioning procedure in
which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired
a) learning b) insight c) modeling d) shaping28. The hopelessness and passive resignation an
animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events a) learning b) learned
helplessness c) latent learning d) law of effect
29. 'in
classical conditioned, an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an
unconditioned stimulus (US), comes to trigger a conditioned response'
a) conditioned response (CR) b) conditioned reinforcer c) conditioned stimulus (CS)
d) unconditioned stimulus (US)30. In operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that
reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
a) variable-interval schedule b) variable-ratio schedule c) fixed-ratio schedule d)Fixed-interval
schedule31. "behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences"
MCQs 2012 First Term Test
a) prosocial behavior b) operant conditioning c) respondent behavior d) Operant behavior32.
The immediate, very brief, initial recording of sensory info in the memory system; includes most
immediate thoughts
a) long-term memory b) working memory c) Sensory memory d) echoic memory33. 3-stage
memory model; 1. info is recorded as sensory memory, 2. processed into short-term memory, 3.
encoded for long-term memory
a) Three-stage processing b) effortful processing c) visual encoding d) automatic processing34.
1st step of information processing/memory storage; how we get information into our brain; input
is translated into something meaningful to be remembered; encoded meaning
a) Encoding b) chunking c) priming d) relearning35: A 14 year old girl sitting in passenger seat
is severely injured in an accident. She has profuse internal bleeding and loses consciousness
immediately. The mother , who is driving brings her to trauma center. Physician tells emergency
transfusion is essential to save life. Girls mother rejects it on religious grounds: The physician
a) Not give b) give transfusion c) discuss options and tell consequences d) gives plasma then
blood e) any of above36. The persistence of learning over time; storage and retrieval of
a) acronym b) recall c)imagery d) Memory37. Identifying the strands that lead to a specific
memory held in storage; prime the mind to get the specific details out
a) Priming b) recall c) encoding d) chunking38. 'Memory that holds a few items briefly before
they are stored or forgotten; includes some important thoughts; can remember up to 7 things
(ex. phone numbers)'
a) sensory memory b) Short-term memory c) loss of memory d) long-term memory39. Tendency
to remember the first and last items better than the rest; remember things because of their
a) misinformation effect b) Serial position effect c) spacing effect d) recognition 40. Creating words or setences from the first letters of words to be remembered (ex. ROY G.
BIV) '
a) acronym b)imagery c)memory d)amnesia41. A newer understanding of short-term memory
that focuses on consciousness, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spacial
information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory '
a) working memory b)IConic memory c)Sensory memory d) Echoic memory
42. Stores implicit emotional memories; damage to this brain area prevents one from learning to
i) recall ii) amnesia iii)imagery iv) amygdala43. Informed consent disclosure for research
i) aim is method of research, anticipated benefits and risks, any anticipated inconvenience or
discomfort, subjects right to withdraw without penalty from research
ii) Intentional, large degree of understanding, free from influence
iii) Ability to make decision regarding health care options
iv) Autonomy and authority; can respect authority and moral principles at same time.44. Test for
adequacy of autonomy
i) Whether it coheres with the moral requirement that we respect the ways in which we govern
MCQs 2012 First Term Test
our lives.
ii)required for any substantial intervention.
iii)person understand if they have acquired pertinent information and have relevant beliefs about
the nature and consequences of their actions. Level of understanding dependent not only on
info given, but also on persons ability (capacity) to understand
iv) before investigation (at first appearance)45. Autonomy
(which statement is most suitable)
i) At minimum self rule that is free from controlling interference by others and from certain
limitations like inadequate understanding that prevents meaningful choice. ii)free from
controlling influences iii) Autonomous actions should not be subjected to controlling constraints
by others iv)Intentional, large degree of understanding, free from influence46. During an annual
check-up, a 39 year old female for whom you have provided care for years confesses that her
husband of four years has been abusing her both physically and psychologically since her
marraige. She states that his beatings have been more severe recently. She rolls up her
sleeves to reveal severe echymoses around her neck. You tell her that some thing needs to be
done, and she tells that she has purchased a handgun and plans to kill her husband that
evening. What is the best course of action at this point?
A. Call the husband to inform him of this imminent threat to his life.
B. Call the authorities to report this threat to the husband
C. call the authorities to report the abuse by the husband and the wife's plan
D. Fall the authorities to report the abuse and arrange lodging for the patient in a battered
women's shelter