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Overview of the Ethical Issues of
Germ Line Modification in
Alison Van Eenennaam, Ph.D.
Cooperative Extension Specialist
Animal Biotechnology and Genomics
Department of Animal Science
University of California, Davis, USA
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @BioBeef
Photo credit: Cornell Alliance for Science
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Overview of the Ethical Issues of
Germ Line Modification in
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Breeding Method:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents/Zebrafish
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Attitudes towards the use of animals in
People’s attitudes toward experiments involving animals are
dependent upon the beneficiary, purpose or necessity of the
research (are there non-animal alternatives?)
People are more supportive of using smaller-brained animals such
as mice and rats and less supportive of higher order animals
Public concerns about the use of animals in research are
accentuated when genetically modified (GM) animals are used
Concern about increase in the number of animals used in research
due to the (previously) inefficient and unpredictable nature of the
genetic modification process
The creation of GM animals for research may challenge the Three
R’s principles (replacement, reduction, refinement)
Ormandy, E.H. and C.A. Schuppli. 2014. Public Attitudes toward Animal Research: A Review.
Animals 391-408
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Factors affecting people’s acceptance of
animals in research:
Invasiveness, genetic modification,
Support for non-invasive research (in this paper on pigs for
agricultural research) was high irrespective of regulation
Became less acceptable if invasive, but acceptance increased if
animals did not suffer unnecessarily, that the benefits
outweighed the harms, that the research was regulated, and
that the use of animals was reduced, refined (minimizing pain and
suffering), and replaced wherever possible
Low level of support for research using GM animals, and
proposing regulation had little effect on this
In the case of acceptability of GM animals in research only 26% of
people weighed costs and harms in making a decision as
compared to 72% who used cost-harm for invasiveness decision
Ormandy, E.H., C.A. Schuppli, and D.M. Weary. 2015. Public Attitudes towards the Use of Animals
in Research: Effects of Invasiveness, Genetic Modification, and Regulation. Anthtozoos
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Factors affecting people’s acceptance of
animals in research:
Species, breeding method used to achieve
genetic modification
Participants who were willing to accept biomedical research
involving genetic modification on zebrafish were also willing to
support the same research on mice
Participants expressed low levels of support for ENU
mutagenesis on zebrafish in both unregulated and regulated
research programs
Some participants expressed a preference for use of geneticallymodified (GM) animals over ENU mutagenesis, based on the
belief that the former involves less pain and improves both the
accuracy and efficiency of the animal models
Ormandy, E.H., C.A. Schuppli, and D.M. Weary. 2012. Factors Affecting People’s Acceptance of
the Use of Zebrafish and Mice in Research. ATLA 321-333.
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Method Used:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education GLOFISH
Species: Tetras, Danios and Barbs
Breeding method: Genetic Engineering
Purpose: Pet
Should we keep pets?
Does the trait impact fish?
Should we breed animals to be pets?
Does breeding method hurt fish?
Is this a food species?
Do they pose an environmental hazard? Governance?
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Does breeding method pose new risks?
How else is this trait achieved in pet fish?
Breeding Method
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Method Used:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education AquAdvantage salmon
Species: Atlantic salmon
Breeding method: Genetic Engineering
Purpose: Agriculture/Food animal
Should we eat fish?
Should we farm raise salmon?
Does the trait impact fish health?
Are there health risks from eating fast growing fish?
Does breeding method hurt fish?
Is this a food species?
Do they pose an environmental hazard?
Governance? Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Does breeding method pose new risks?
Can this phenotype be achieved with other breeding methods? Has it already?
Breeding Method
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Method Used:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Photo credit: Cornell Alliance for Science
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Hornless Holstein
Species: Bos taurus
Breeding method: Gene editing
Purpose: Agriculture/Food animal
Photo credit: Cornell Alliance for Science
Should we eat beef?
Does hornless impact cattle health?
Are there health risks from polled cattle?
Does breeding method hurt cattle?
Is this a food species?
Do they pose an environmental hazard? Governance?
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Does breeding method pose new risks?
Can this phenotype be achieved with other breeding methods? Has it already?
Breeding Method
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Method Used:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Research in mice
Species: Mus musculus
Breeding method: ENU mutagenesis/Knockout/GE
Purpose: Research
Should we perform Purpose
research on animals?
Does breeding method impact health?
Are there non‐animal substitutes to reduce experimental numbers?
Does breeding method hurt the mice?
Is this a food species?
Do they pose an environmental hazard?
Governance? Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Does breeding method pose new risks?
Can this phenotype be achieved with other breeding methods? Has it already?
Breeding Method
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Mouse x mutagenesis/genetic
engineering/KO x research
There are approximately >50,000 live genetically engineered
mouse lines. That is based on the fact that there are ~22000
protein coding genes in the mouse genome, and mutagenesis
induced randomly (ENU) or by targeting (geneticallyengineered) elicit numerous alleles in these genes.
If you consider all the lines frozen and stored as germplasm
(sperm and embryos) and embryonic stem (ES) cells from
which we readily make mice, then the number of lines is far
higher, likely >500,000.
Kent Lloyd, UCD, Personal Communication
Thousands of off-target effects in ENU lines
According to one estimate, 10 to 50 million GE laboratory
animals are used annually in the United States (Mak 2008).
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Method Used:
Selective Breeding Genomic Selection
Mutagenesis (ENU)
Gene Knockout (ES) Genetic engineering
Sterile insect technique
Gene Editing
Millions of Mice/Laboratory Rodents
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Pigs ‐
Rabbit ‐
Goat – ATryn, spider silk Xenotransplantation
Cattle – polyclonal human antibodies
Pest Control
TseTse fly –
sleeping sickness Mosquitoes –
malaria resistance Moths –
agricultural pest control
AquAdvantage Salmon –
fast growth
Polled Holsteins
Disease resistance
Improved product quality
Decrease environmental footprint
Single gender offspring
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education Gene Editing x Research purpose
Possibility of reducing number of research animals used due to
efficiency of gene editing as compared to genetic engineering
Less off target effects than random ENU mutagenesis
Can generate specific research lines (e.g. targeted mutations
for disease models) more efficiently and less expensively
Can perform targeted gene knockout in species that are more
useful as models of human disease as compared to mice
Inexpensive nature of technology opens up use to many more
laboratories potentially using many more research animals
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Species x Gene Editing x Research
Gene editing can be used to perform targeted edits in many more
animal species as compared to ES knockouts (mostly mice)
including larger-brained animals and non-human primates
May have environmental risks associated with inadequate
containment of research animals from species with potential to
disturb wild populations; or those specifically edited with gene
drives (e.g. insects)
Governance and regulation of this technology for research
purposes is ambiguous, triggered by use of an ill-defined process
rather than the attributes of the animal itself, and may differ
depending upon species and intended purpose of the gene edit,
and even base pair size of the genetic change
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Need to be careful to contextualize the ethical concerns
associated with a genetically modified animal application
[species/method used to make the genetic modification/purpose
of modification] to avoid conflating longstanding ethical issues
that are not uniquely associated with the method used to make
the modification
There are many ethical issues associated with the use of animals
in general, the use of animals for research purposes, animal
welfare, and the intentional development and use of genetically
modified animals for research purposes
Those uniquely associated with gene editing to modify germ line
are a subset of this set of broader issues
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education
Thanks for inviting me
Alison Van Eenennaam, Ph.D.
Cooperative Extension Specialist
Animal Biotechnology and Genomics
Department of Animal Science
University of California, Davis, USA
[email protected]
Twittter: @BioBeef
Van Eenennaam 12/8/2015
Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Education