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Nature of Science, Evolution, and Natural Selection Notes – CH1 Sec 3 and CH13
CONTROL EXPERIMENTS (CH1 section 3 – Pg 17 main focus):
An EXPERIMENT in which TWO or More groups are TESTED and COMPARED making sure
that ALL things are kept the ________________ in BOTH groups EXCEPT the ____________
VARIABLE being Tested!!!!
Types of VARIABLES in a Control Experiment?
_____________________________ = The ONE you PURPOSEFULLY
CHANGE to see the effect it will have!
_____________________________ = The “D”ata! What is MEASURED to
reflect the effect of the change!
_____________________________ = ALL OTHER FACTORS that are kept
IDENTICAL in ALL GROUPS so that the results are Valid!
Why So IMPORTANT????????
Two types of GROUPS:
____________________________ = Does NOT have the INDEPENDENT
Variable – Used for COMPARISON!
____________________________ = Does have the _____________
INDEPENDENT Variable – Used to see if it caused a Change!
NOTE: Our Intro Demo Lacked a TRUE Control Group! Why?
Graphing Results: Bar Graph’s ALWAYS use the Following Format to Label
the X-Axis and Y-Axis when Comparing Groups!
Do Bubble Lab to Identify Parts of a Control Experiment and Graph!
THEORY of EVOLUTION and NATURAL SELECTION: (CH 13 and “The Origin of Species”
Video Series from HHMI Linked on – Chapter Links – CH1 & 13):
To EVOLVE means to _______________!
Who?? ______________________ - First to provide EVIDENCE / Mechanism of how Species
Evolve over Generations! NOTE: A POPULATION
Evolves Not Individuals – Why? – See Page 279 for
- Support/Evidence gathered during _________________
(Pg 277 and Videos will provide details!)
Mechanism: ____________________________________!!!
Four Parts:
O V S D!!!
“O” = ____________________________________ (PG 279 – Figure 13-4)
“V” = ____________________________________
“S” = ____________________________________
“D” = ____________________________________
First Day Activity Analogy!
Read Pg 279-280 “Natural Selection” Paragraph!
(Pg 280)
= All adaptations start as Variations - _________________ in the __ __ __ code
of a _______________that reveals a new Physical Trait (Phenotype)
NOTE: Not ALL Variations become Adaptations! Why?
“Struggle to Survive”: Due to TWO Types of Environmental Factors!
1. __________________ - Living or Once Living Factors in an Environment
2. ___________________ - Nonliving Factors in an Environment
Natural Selection is sometimes referred to as the “Survival of the _________________!”
_____________________ - Measured by the Number of Offspring an Individual Makes & How
Many of the Offspring go on to survive and Reproduce! The Fittest
is the organism that has the MOST Variations that are Helpful in
their Environment!
Beetle Example:
Which Type of Beetle Has a HIGHER FITTNESS??? ___________ Why?
LOWER FITTNESS???? ___________ Why?
What Could CHANGE the FITTNESS of these Beetles?
View VIDEO: The Origin of Species ( link at
Part 1: The Making of a Theory! (30minutes)
1852 - Alfred Russel Wallace – came up with Mechanism of Natural Selection independently,
but after darwin – Lost majority of his research due to
_________________________! (More info on Pg 280)
1831 - Most Believed in ________________________________ – Each Species in Present
form created by God and Constant (Pg 277)
Darwin – Also Believed in Special / Divine Creation – Studying ____________________!
HMS Beagle – Voyage –
Sept 1832 – Argentina: Ate Roast ______________________!!! Found Fossils of LARGER
Extinct species (Glyptodon)
Read Book Page 283-285: Fossils Provide an Objective Record of Evolution!
Sept 1835 – Galapgos Islands!
____________________: one can tell which Island they came from because of the
shape of the shell!
Explain Pictures:
Also seen with Mockingbirds! How/Why?
Special/Divine Creation vs
Natural Selection due to Environment on Island
March 1837 - Species come from Other Species!!!
Diagram: Page 286 Figure 13-11! This one Based on DNA Sequence!
Keeps this SECRET due to CONFLICT with Creation!
Alfred Russel Wallace – Meets Darwin and Continues to Collect Specimens to answer the ? of
how species Originated.
Studies 8 years in the Archpelago!!! Many Examples: Butterflies/birds/Manatees etc.
Species Arise Near Similar Species – They must be connected like Branches on a Tree!
Proof: Wallace Line! _________________ (East) vs ___________________ (West)
Why???? Variation + Massive Death = Species Change!
June 1858 – Darwin and Wallace both Present Findings! 1859 – Darwin Publishes “On the
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” (Book Pg 280)
Part 2: The Beak of the Finch! (16min)
? How did so many Species come to be??? Example – Finches of the Galapagos
1973 to Present – Doctors Peter and Rosemary Grant (Pause and Read Page 292)
- 1 Common Ancestor from Mainland into 13 Different Island Species! HOW??
What Does This Data Comparison Support???
? What Keeps them from INTERBREEDING? Experiments with Cactus Finch vs Medium Ground Finch
- _____________________ =
- _____________________ =
- See Book Pages 293-294 and 281 for Additional Examples!
Summary – GEOGRAPHY and ECOLOGY Drive Evolution!
Note: TWO Types of EVOLUTION Exist!
1. Divergent Evolution – Start with ONE Common
Ancestral Species and Evolve into Many Different
Species that do NOT Interbreed
- Supported by Homologous Structures! Pg 287
- Diagram:
2. Convergent Evolution – Unrelated Species develop
more and more similar features due to adaptations to
similar environments. The same “Selective Pressures”
result in similar outcomes.
- Supported by Analogous Structures!
- Diagram:
ANALOGOUS Structures
Observe + Bk Pg 287
Homologous: ___________ Structure, ____________ Function, Close Common _________
Analogous: _____________ Structure, ____________ Function, NO CLOSE ____________
Part 3: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree! (~18minutes)
Focus Specimens – Different Species of ANOLES
_______________________ = Long Tail and Slender / Lives in Grasses and Bushes
_______________________ = Long Leg and Stalky / Lives on Lower Trunk and Ground
_______________________ = Small, Slender, Short Leg / Lives higher up on Twigs and Branches
_______________________ = Large Green w/ Large Toe Pad / Lives in Canopy
Form =’s Function!!! Each Species Adapted Physical Traits to Function BEST in Each Envi!
Experiment to Test this:
Which is FASTER on a THICK Branch? Why?
Which is FASTER on a THIN Branch? Why?
Which is FASTER on Vertical LEAF? Why?
Proof for EVOLUTION of these Physical Traits by Natural Selection?????
Moved a Mating Pair of Long Legged Ground Anoles onto Islands Void of Lizzards and ONLY
Bushes. Allowed them to Mate and went back in 1 year. Removed members of next
generation – Measured Toe Pad, Leg Bones, and Height on Bushes.
Findings After Four Years???
HW – Come up with your OWN Form =’s Function of something found in different Environments!
How does SPECIATION occur?
Changes that eliminate the ability to ____________________________ with eachother!
Geographic ____________________!
Change in _____________________!
Competition and Environment too!
How did Each ISLAND end up with Same Four Body Types??
Used __________ Sequence Comparison and Created a “Phylogenetic ______________”
Conclusion: All Four on Same Island ____________ Genetically Similar DNA Sequence which
supports that _________ Common Ancestor ended up on Each Island and then Independently
Evolved into ______ Species on Each of the Four Islands!
________________ ________________ worked the SAME on Each Island!!!!
EVIDENCE of EVOLUTION (HW READ Section 13-2 Book Pages 283-289)
1. ______________________ - Remains of things that Once Lived!
Variety has _______________ over time to Support Evolution of Greater Variety
of Species!
Proof of ___________________ - Not all species survive!
2. ___________________________ - DNA and PROTEIN Sequences can be Compared!
Ex. 4 Species of Anole DNA to make Phylogenetic Tree
3. ___________________________ - Looking at the Body Parts that Different Organisms
_____________________________ = Similar Structure – Different Function –
RECENT Common Ancestor
= ___________________ Evolution
_____________________________ = Different Structure – Similar Function –
No RECENT Common Ancestor
= ___________________ Evolution
4. _________________________________ - Structures Still Present but NO ____________!
Flightless Cormorant with ____________ Wings – Bk Page 287!
Whale with ____________ Bone – Supports Evolution from _________________
Bk Pages 284-285
5. _________________________________ - ALL VERTEBRATES are Related to a Degree!
EXAMPLES of EVOLUTION (HW READ Section 13-3 Pages 290-292)
- Industrial Melanism – Peppered Moth Example!
View Wiki Video
Examine Figure 13-16 Page 291
- Beaks of Finches – See Video Notes
Anoles – See Video Notes
Who Proposed a Mechanism to Explain Evolution BEFORE Darwin’s Natural Selection? Pg
________________________ - View Wiki Video!
Mechanism: _____________________________ - During OWN LIFETIME due to Use
and Disuse
Ex. Giraffe Neck Stretching During Life and Passed Down!