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15-3 Darwin Presents His Case Reading: 378-386 Homework Sheet: 15-3 Charles Darwin A British naturalist who traveled around the world for 5 years studying life on Earth. Galapagos Islandsarchipelago off the coast of South America. 1859 – Published On the Origin of Species His work polarized the scientific community. Some considered it brilliant, while others thought it was heretical. Darwins Theory of Natural Selection 1) Overreproduction 2) Variation of offspring 3) Struggle for survival due to limited resources 4) Those variants best adapted to the environment are more likely to survive and pass on their traits 5) Over time, life on Earth changes and new species develop. Common Ancestor All life on Earth goes back to a common ancestor. We are all “cousins”. Evidence for Evolutionary Theory 1) Fossil Record 2) Homologous structures 3) comparative embryology 4) DNA evidence