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The Middle Ages in Europe
(476 A.D. – 1400’s)
Chapter 8
Page 1: Essential Questions
What were the main characteristics of the
Byzantine Empire? (Pages 2, 4)
How was Western Europe affected by the collapse
of Rome? (Page 6)
How did the system of feudalism restore order to
Western Europe? (Pages 8, 10)
How did religious beliefs shape life-styles in this
period? (Page 12)
How did English political traditions contribute to
our American system of government? (Page 14)
Page 3: Key Terminology
Byzantine Empire
9) Knights
17) Thomas Aquinas
10) Serfs
18) Magna Carta
Eastern Orthodoxy 11) Manor
Code of Justinian
12) Manorialism
Middle Ages
13) 3-Field System
14) Roman Catholicism
15) The Pope
16) Crusades
Page 2: Introduction
• Byzantine Empire merged with Constantinople, lasting 1K
years—Emperor Justinian used Roman laws to create new
legal code
• After fall of Roman Empire, Europe fell into period of chaos
know as the Dark Ages—invaders kept cities in chaos—cities
became ruined and weak—the learning of the ancient world
was lost
• As a result, Europeans developed feudalism—the Catholic
church preserved learning & became most power institution
in Europe
Introduction: (continuation)
• St. Augustine emphasized the role of faith
• St. Thomas Aquinas believed Christian teachings were
compatible with the exercise of reason
• Christians and Muslims fought for the Holy Land—The
Page 2: A Byzantine Culture Emerges
• 330 A.D. Emperor Constantine moved the empire’s capital to
Byzantium, renamed it Constantinople
• Constantinople was surrounded by 3 sides of water and had
thick walls—almost impossible to attack
• Western half of Roman Empire collapsed in 400 A.D. –
Eastern half survived another 1K yrs.
• Imperial system of govt./led by an emperor
• Official language was Latin but was changed to Greek
• Did not follow Roman Catholicism, they were Eastern
Orthodox Christian
• Eastern Orthodox: does recognize Pope as head of church,
had own patriarch/leader, decorated churches with
icons/images of Jesus and saints
Byzantines Develop a Strong Culture
• Church of Hagia Sophia
• Schools taught ancient Greek texts
• Used gold, silver, and ivory for art/expensive materials!
• Known for exquisite art and elongated tile mosiacs
Under Emperor Justinian (527-565 A.D.)
• Conquered the old Roman Empire
• Justinian’s Code: organized Roman laws into a single
• Special religious laws, all people had to be E. Orthodox
Page 4: Reasons 4 survival of Byzantine Empire
• Classical Culture: rich infusion of Greek, Roman, Christian,
and Middle Eastern cultures
• Location: major city 4 trade: silks and spices from East, furs
from Russia
• Strong Central Govt.: powerful emperors with strong
administrators and single set of laws
• Large Army: taxed merchants and peasants to support army
Decline of Byzantine Empire
• In constant battle with: Slavs and Avars to the north,
Persians to the east, Islam/Muslims to the south, Muslims
took most of lands in the Middle East
• Seljuk Turks defeated Byzantine army in 1071
• Crusaders attacked city in 1204
• By 1440’s empire reduced to small area around
• 1453 Constantinople conquered by Ottoman Turks
Western Europe in Turmoil
• The Barbarian Invasions: Romans considered foreigners
“barbarians”, Germanic tribes: Goths, Vandals, Lombards,
Burgundians, and Franks
• In 300 A.D. warlike tribe-Huns attack Roman Empire
• Visigoths sack Rome in 410
Germanic Tribes Created Kingdoms
• Angles and Saxons/England
• Visigoths/Spain
• Lombards/N.Italy
• Franks/Gauls take France
Page 5: Byzantine Empire Influences
• Read page 106: Influence on Russia segment
• Write 1-2 short paragraphs summarizing how the
Byzantine Empire influenced Russia’s economy,
politics/government, culture, and religion.
• Be sure to address all components of this assignment!
Page 6: Constant Warfare Creates Chaos
(Leads to Feudalism)
• Traveling became unsafe
• Bridges/roads fell apart
• Cities/towns abandoned
• Criminals roamed free
• Rich families moved to fortified homes/castles in
• Food shortages
The Rise of the Franks
• Franks estab. largest Germanic kingdom
• Charles Martel unites Franks
• (732 A.D.) Battle of Tours - Martel stops advance of Islam
from Spain into France
• (751 A.D.) Martel’s son, Pepin- seized power and now King
of Franks
• Frankish kings created powerful army by granting land to
nobles in exchange of service in King’s army with their
knights = Feudal System
Reign of Charlemagne
• Pepin’s son, Charlemagne, became king in 768
• Expanded practice of giving land to nobles in exchange for
loyalty and services
• Nobles gave land to knights in exchange for protection
• Peasants gave up their rights to their local lords for
• Services included providing firewood, livestock, crops
• Charlemagne’s kingdom included: France, Germany,
Holland, Belgium, N.Italy
• Used $$ 2 attract scholars to his palace 4 children of
• Crowned “Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire”
• After his death, the empire was divided among his sons
Page 8: Europe’s New Threats
• Slavs and Magyars from east invaded Germany, France, Italy
• Muslims from N. Africa attack S. Italy
• 800-1000 A.D. Vikings- fierce warriors from
north/Scandinavia attacked coasts of W. Euro. (England &
• Spread fear and destruction
Page 7: Feudalism Social Structure
• Use notes found on pages 8 and 10 in ISN
• Create a graphic organizer/chart featuring the social
system of Feudalism
• Be sure to incorporate into your graphic organizer the
relationships between following people and terms :
lords, nobles, knights, serfs, fief, manor,
• You may wish to examine pages 110-111 in textbook
Feudal Society
• In order to protect themselves and provide basic needs,
people adopted feudalism
• King would give land (fief) to noble (vassal) in exchange for
loyalty and service
• Vassal would give piece of land to servants in exchange for
services and food
Feudalism: Social
• Strict class structure based on control of land and military
• People born as serf/peasant farmers, knight, or lords could
not change social positions
• Lords who had large pieces of land had a large army of
Feudalism: Political
• Leading nobles controlled political life
• Built large castles for protection
• King needed lord’s knights for his army
• Nobles fought against each other and against king
• Civil wars were frequent and powerful nobles would take
Page 9: Feudalism
• Summarize: How did the system of Fedualism
restore order to Western Europe after the Fall of the
Roman Empire?
• Length: 1-2 paragraphs
Page 10: Feudalism: Economic
• Most people lived in manors
• Each manor produced its own food, clothing, shelter
• In England alone, 9K manors alone
• Serfs gave their lord a part of their harvest, in return they
would get land to live on and protection
• Lord passed laws, required labor, acted as judge
• Serfs were property, bound to the land and their lords
• Serfs could almost be considered slaves
Farming in the Middle Ages
• Farmers used a 3-Field system: 2 fields used to farm, 1 for
summer, 1 for winter, 1 left to recover fertility/fallow
• Farm animals were small and few
• Bad weather and poor harvest could lead to famine or death
Peasant Life Styles
• Produced the food needed
• Worked long hours, most on the land
• Most were farmers some had other jobs(millers,
blacksmiths, tavern owners)
• Lived on farms or near cities on a lord’s manor
• Cottage house had no floors, bed was made of hay, pigs and
animals lived inside house
• Water was drawn from a well or stream
Women in the Middle Ages
• Roles were determined by Catholic Church
• Suppose to be obedient to men
• Gave birth to large # of children/many died in infancy
• Life-styles varied according to social status
• Noble women spent most time praying and domestic chores
(some would receive and education)
• Peasant women worked in fields plus take care of house,
husband, children and animals
Page 12: The Age of Faith
• Catholic Church single most powerful organization in W.
• Pope: head of the church, governed cardinals, bishops, and
other important church officials
• Church controlled large amounts of land in Euro.
• Possessed monasteries, abbeys, convents
Page 11: Two Christian Thinkers
• Read pages 112-113 in textbook
• Why do you think the teachings of Saint Augustine and
Saint Thomas Aquinas were important to people in the
Middle East?
• Length: 2 paragraphs: one paragraph addressing each saint
Reasons for the Church’s Power
• The Role of Faith: people very religious, church represented
God and had power to send people to heaven/hell
• Power and Wealth: nobles gave land to church when they
died hoping to go to heaven, church largest landowner in
Europe, collected $ through tithes/church tax
• Center of Learning: church officials usually only people able
to read and write, rulers depended on church because they
were educated
The Crusades Holy War vs. Muslims
• 1000 A.D. Seljuk Turks/Muslims took control of the Holy
Land (Jerusalem), drove out the Christians
• 1095 Pope Urban II received plea from Byzantine Emperor
with the Muslim invasion
• Church called all Christians to Europe to unite and
recapture the Holy Land
• Volunteers were promised salvation
• “Crusade”- means “war of the cross”
• Flag was a red cross with a white banner
• Many participants died of hunger or disease on way 2 Holy
• Several crusades were fought for next 200 years
Page 13: The Crusades
• Using ISN notes on page 12 and textbook page 115
• Create a recruitment poster featuring Pope Urban II call for
the Crusades
• Poster should include relevant images, wording, and color
Page 14: English Political Traditions
• England developed traditions of liberty and limited selfgovernment
• 1215 Magna Carta
• English Bill of Rights
Page 14: 1215 Magna Carta
• King John II forced to sign agreement by nobles
• Couldn’t take away a free man’s property
• Couldn’t imprison a man w/out legal procedures
• Free men had right to trial by jury
• King needed consent of council of nobles for new taxes
• Significance: helped establish Parliament, King must now
consult other branches of government, does not have
unlimited power