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Unit 3.4 Part 1. Solar System Notes: SOLAR SYSTEM
Part 3: Re-read the
information in your
notes. Construct
quiz questions
using this
information. Write
the questions next
to the paragraph
where the answers
can be found. Name: ________ Part 1: Fill in the blanks during the class discussion.
Solar System basics
The Solar system is every thing that is held by the GRAVITY
of the sun.
It includes the SUN,
Inner Planets
Inner Planets are also called TERRESTRIAL planets because they
have solid, rocky surfaces.
1. Mercury
Ø so small there is no ATMOSPHERE because there is
not enough gravity to keep the gases on the planet
Ø lots of craters since there is no atmosphere to burn up any
2. Venus
Ø The hottest planet in the solar system
because the CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) in
the atmosphere traps heat and causes a
greenhouse effect
Ø Planet is called Earth’s TWIN or SISTER
since it is about Earth’s size.
Ø Brightest object in the sky-called the
3. Earth
Ø Only planet that has LIQUID WATER on
Ø Only planet that has OXYGEN in the
Ø Therefore, likely the only planet in the
solar system with LIFE on it
4. Mars
Ø Nickname is the RED planet because the
rocks are RUSTING.
Ø Mars Rovers recently found evidence of
LIQUID WATER in the past
Ø Has a huge volcano named OLYMPUS MONS.
Outer Planets=JOVIAN Planets
The Outer Planets are also called GAS GIANTS because they are
very large and made of low density gas.
5. Jupiter
Ø Biggest planet
Ø Spins very FAST (~10 hrs).
Ø Has the Great Red Spot which is a
Giant STORM.
Ø Has FOUR large moons which are
called the Galilean moons because
they were discovered by the
famous astronomer GALILEO .
6. Saturn
Ø Has the best developed rings
made of ICE and SMALL ROCKS
or DUST.
Ø Density is LESS THAN 1.0
meaning the entire planet could
7. Uranus
Ø SPINS on it side.
Ø Due to its spin, one side never has
Ø May have been knocked over by an
IMPACT OR collision with another
moon or planet.
8. Neptune
Ø Blue color caused by METHANE in its
In addition to the planets, there are many
“Dwarf Planets” in the solar system
Dwarf Planets are made of rock and ice and are
found in 3 locations:
ASTEROID BELT between Mars and Jupiter
KUIPER BELT past Pluto
OORT CLOUD at the very edge of our solar system.
“Famous” dwarf planets include PLUTO, ERIS, and CERES.
Part 2. Re-read your notes. Highlight the most important information