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Fisher College of Business
Undergraduate Specialization
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
What is Marketing?
Marketing at The Fisher College of Business
Sample Job Titles and Descriptions
Marketing Salaries and Outlook
Student and Professional Organizations
Marketing Contact Information
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
What is Marketing?
• The American Marketing Association defines
marketing as the “process of planning and
executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational objectives”
• Often the career path to top management is
through marketing management -- Why?
Because marketing products and services is how
companies generate revenues
• Whatever your particular set of skills, you can find
a marketing related position that “fits” with you
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
More On Marketing…
• Marketing involves the conception, promotion, and physical
distribution of good and services to satisfy the economic needs of
• While it is easy to visualize those employed in wholesale and retail
establishments as engaged in marketing, employees of other firms
primarily engaged in manufacturing and services also perform
marketing functions
• Marketing is an important area of activity in financial institutions, public
utilities, and insurance and some not-for-profit organizations
• Representing more than fifteen percent of all persons employed,
marketing plays an ever-increasing role in our economy
• Employment opportunities in any phase of marketing--advertising,
selling, buying, financing, or merchandising--are varied, attractive, and
• An education in marketing is broadening and cultural, as well as
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
General Preparation
• Most employers prefer college graduates
• High grades are considered important along with specific
courses taken
• Extracurricular college activities are often given considerable
emphasis, as is part-time or summer employment
• Generally, a Masters degree is preferred for marketing
• Most marketing positions require an outgoing personality, clarity
of self-expression, and skill in the area of human relations
• Employers stress such qualities as personal motivation,
initiative, drive and creativity
• A high degree of analytical ability combined with the ability to
identify and solve problems is required in marketing research
and logistics
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Marketing at Fisher
Undergraduate Ranking
13th Nationally - U.S. News and World Report
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Competitive Admissions
Information concerning application to the Marketing
specialization is available on the web:
Admission to the Marketing Specialization largely
depends on space availability
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Marketing Curriculum
Specific information about the Marketing
Specialization can be found on the Fisher
website under:
- Current Students
- Undergraduate Students
- Academics
- Specializations
There you will find a complete list
requirements as downloadable pdf files
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Areas within Marketing
Marketing is often divided along two lines and your career
path could include parts of both:
• Sales -- identifying customer needs and helping to
deliver existing products and services to the customer
• Marketing -- assessing customer wants and helping to
plan and promote products and services to satisfy
those wants (often to well-defined groups of customers)
Sales and marketing both attract professionals who will
perform many specialized functions and build expertise
in many specialized fields and industries
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Marketing More Specifically
Marketing’s diversity is one of its many attractions to students and
practitioners alike
Sales and Customer Service
This field is possibly the most diverse and difficult to classify. Here,
opportunities are available with manufacturers as well as wholesale and retail
firms. One also might consider a wide range of products and customers since
college graduates can be found selling products ranging from massive
computer installations to women’s apparel. A career in sales or customer
service affords a college graduate an almost infinite variety of duties as well
as opportunity for promotion to managerial positions.
Product Development
Many companies have given managers and their subordinate’s major
responsibility in the determination of customer needs, and the translation of
these needs into a combination of goods and services designed to satisfy the
demands of their market. In this area of marketing, people work closely with
engineers, manufacturing executives, or others concerned with the product
offerings of the firm.
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
More Areas in Marketing
Marketing Research
This field has grown rapidly in importance over the past
decade. Specialists in this field gather, from a variety of
sources, information needed by management relative to the
marketing environment within which the firm operates, as well
as data necessary for internal control.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
These areas are concerned with the employment of news
media, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and
other devices, to present goods or services to the potential
market and to supplement the work of the personal sales force
by reducing initial buyer resistance. Careers in advertising may
be pursued both within independent agencies as well as within
advertising departments of manufacturing, wholesale, and retail
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Types of Marketing Jobs
• Sales Account
• Manager
• Industrial, Wholesale,
Direct Sales
• Customer Service
• Sales Promotion
• Retail Manager
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Product Development
Marketing Research
Public Relations
Corporate Marketing
• Advertising
• International Marketing
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Internship & Full Time Positions
•Brand Management
•Industrial Marketing
•Marketing Consulting
•Sales Management
•Product Management
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
•Customer Service
•Market Research
•Retail Merchandising
•Sales Representative
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
What Can You Market?
Just about anything…
Services such as:
• Insurance
• Financial
• Banking
• Hospitality/Travel
• Communication
• Consulting
• Educational
• Health Care
• Arts/Entertainment
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Products such as:
• Medical Equipment and Supplies
• Pharmaceuticals
• Food & Beverage
• Computer/Technology
• Real Estate
• Energy
• Transportation
• Textiles and Apparel
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Who Can You Work For?
Just about anyone…
Abercrombie & Fitch
American Greetings
Bridgestone Americas
Dow Chemical
Frito Lay
General Mills
Kraft Foods
Limited Brands
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Marathon Petroleum Company
Procter and Gamble
The Ohio State University
Total Quality Logistics
Wells Fargo Financial
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
What are Marketing Salaries Like?
Salaries often depend on the industry you are in as well as
the type of position
If salary is important to you, you should realize that while
entry-level salaries are mid-range, over the long term, it is
the potential for significant salary increases that will matter
This is because your salary (especially in sales related
positions or positions where you income is dependent on
the product’s success) can be determined by a ratio of
fixed salary, commission, and bonuses
Consequently, don’t just look at starting salaries, look at a
professional’s salary 5,10 or 15 years into the future
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Marketing Salaries
Fisher College of Business Average Salaries
• Intern
NACE Salary Survey (Summer 2009)
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Industry Specific Marketing Salaries
• Advertising
$ 35,792
• Brand/Product
$ 44,991
• Buyer/Merchandising
$ 44,172
• Customer Service
$ 35,384
• Distribution
$ 50,860
• Market Research
$ 40,941
• Purchasing
$ 45,300
• Sales
$ 42,015
(From the Summer 2009 NACE Salary Survey)
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
The Outlook for Marketing
Employment of advertising, marketing, promotions,
public relations, and sales managers is expected
to increase by 12 percent through 2016 - about as
fast as the average for all occupations.
Most starting positions are in the field of sales or in retail
See the Occupational Outlook Handbook for additional
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Student Organizations
American Marketing Association
Pi Sigma Epsilon
Additional Fisher Student Organizations
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Professional Organizations
American Marketing Association
Students can become members
American Advertising Federation (AAF)
American Academy of Advertising (AAA)
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Study Abroad & Exchange Contacts
Fisher International Programs Office
OSU Office of International Affairs
• OIA has many other opportunities for business
and non-business opportunities to supplement
the Fisher curriculum
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Study Abroad & Exchange Programs (Fisher
International Programs)
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
Nantes Summer School, France
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Quinn School of Business, Dublin, Ireland
London School of Economics, England
Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey, Mexico
• Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
• Singapore Management University
• Curtin School of Business, Perth, Australia
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Max M. Fisher College of Business
Academic Department: Marketing and
The Ohio State University
500 Fisher Hall
2100 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1144
(614) 292-8808
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue
Fisher logo
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Office of Career Management
150 Gerlach Hall 2108 Neil Avenue