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Latin 8
Culture Review I
Answer the following questions or fill in the blanks.
1. What year was Rome founded? _____________
2. Who was the first king of Rome? ______________
3. Who was the first king’s twin brother? _______________ Their father was the god
__________. Into what river were they abandoned? ______________
4. Rome was built on ________ hills.
5. The ______________ hill is where many emperors built their palaces.
6. The Temple of Jupiter Maximus was built on the ____________ hill.
7. The ____________ river runs through Rome.
8. The Romans traced their lineage back to _______________, a Trojan warrior. His
mother was the goddess ________________. The Roman epic The Aeneid about the
founding of the Roman race was written by the Roman poet ___________________.
9. The first form of government was the __________________.
10. The republic began in _____________B.C.
11. The first Emperor of Rome was __________________. He was the adopted son of the
most famous Roman general, _____________________. This general conquered
France, then known as, _______________. This general was killed on this date:
__________________________, known as the ________ _____ _____________.
12. Mt. __________________ erupted in _______ A.D. and buried the cities
___________________ and ____________________.
13. ________________ the elder wrote letters about the eruption of this Mt.
14. The Punic wars were fought between Rome and this city: __________________. The
most famous general of this city was ________________, who once led elephants over
the Alps to invade Italy.
15. This was the gladiator-slave that led a slave revolt ending in 71BC.
16. The stilus, tabella, abacus, and ludus are all associated with Roman
17. The paedagogus was a (usually Greek) __________________ that accompanied a boy
to school and was responsible for looking after his education.
18. This structure was used for chariot racing in Rome ________________________.
19. This building was used to house gladiator fights and mock naval battles
20. This temple, dedicated to all the gods, was noted for its huge dome
21. This was the structure from which the politicians made their speeches in Rome.
22. The center for business, political, and economic life in ancient Rome was the
23. The __________________ were the public baths in ancient Rome.
24. These structures brought water into Rome __________________.
25. Roman male citizens had _______ (number) names. They were called (in order):
26. The daughter of a Roman citizen named with the feminized form of her father’s
27. Men, women, and children all wore a simple garment called a _________________.
28. Boys and high ranking government officials wore this special toga with a purple
stripe: ___________________________
29. Upon coming of age, boys gave up the necklace called a ____________ that had been
given to them at their naming ceremony, and took on the toga of manhood called the
30. Roman matrons (married women) wore this strapped dress over their tunics:
31. ___________________ was the common word for shoes.
32. The Roman city or townhouse was called a ________________. The Roman country
house was called a __________________. The apartment buildings that took up
entire Roman blocks were called ______________________.
33. The kitchen was the __________________. The dining room was the
_________________. The main room in the front of the house was the
_________________. The pool for rainwater in this main room was the
_________________. The skylight was the ___________________. The bedroom was
the _______________. The master’s study was the ___________________. The
entrance passage way was the __________________. Shops in the front of houses or
in the forum were called __________________. The back courtyard with gardens was
the ___________________.
34. Paterfamilias was the male __________________. Patria potestas is the phrase used
to describe the ______________ the paterfamilias had over the members of his
35. The Roman god of lightning and thunder, also the king of the gods, was
_____________ (Gk: Zeus)
36. The Roman goddess of marriage and women, also the queen of the gods, was
_______________ (Gk: Hera)
37. The Roman god of the sea was ________________ (Gk: Poseidon)
38. The Roman god of the underworld was ________________ (Gk: Hades)
39. The Roman goddess of grain and the harvest was __________________ (Gk:
40. The Roman goddess of war, wisdom, and weaving was __________________ (Gk:
41. The Roman god of war was _______________ (Gk: Ares)
42. The Roman goddess of love and beauty was ______________ (Gk: Aphrodite)
43. The Roman goddess of hearth and home was ______________ (Gk: Hestia)
44. The Roman god of sun, light, music, medicine, etc was ______________ (Gk: Apollo)
45. The Roman god of wine, merriment, and theater was ______________ (Gk:
46. The Roman god of love was __________________ (Gk: Eros)
47. The queen of the Underworld, wife of Hades, daughter of Demeter:
___________________ (Gk: Persephone)
48. The messenger of the gods, and the god of travelers and thieves:
___________________ (Gk: Hermes)
49. The blacksmith of the gods: ________________ (Gk: Hephaestus)
50. The Roman goddess of the moon and hunt: __________________ (Gk: Artemis)
51. Father of Iuppiter and king of the Titans, god of the harvest: ___________________
(Gk: Chronos)
52. The Roman god of doorways, shown with two faces, is ________________.
53. Iuno’s bird is ______________________.
54. Jupiter turned Io into a _______________ in a failed attempt to hide her from Juno.
55. The demigod ____________________ whose parents were _______________ and the
mortal Alcmene, performed 12 labors.
56. The story of the kidnapping of Proserpina explained the ______________.
57. The three-headed dog of the underworld: _____________________.
58. ___________________ ferried the dead across the river Styx.
59. The household gods were known as the ________________ and were worshiped in
the household shrine called a _____________________.
60. ___________________ sprang fully grown from her father’s head.
61. Apollo loved ___________________, but she did not love him back and became a
62. The festival held in December in honor of the god Saturn: __________________
63. The gods and goddesses lived on ______________________.
64. The queen of Carthage in The Aeneid was _____________.
65. A Roman bride wore the flammeum, which was an flame (orange) colored
66. Ubi tu Gaius, Ego Gaia were words spoken by Roman ___________________.
67. This most famous of Roman roads, was known as the Regina Viarum or queen of
roads: ______________________
68. Mare nostrum is the Latin for which body of water: ________________________
69. The main road through the Roman Forum was the _____________________.
70. Label the pictures below: