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Practical training № 2
Surgical anatomy of the pelvis. Cellular spaces of the pelvis. Surgical anatomy of the urinary bladder and prostate.
Adenomectomy. Surgical anatomy of the uterus with appendages. Ectopic pregnancy. Hysterotomy. Surgical anatomy of the rectum.
Topographical anatomy of the perineum.
Relevance of the topic: knowledge of the topographical anatomy of the pelvis, its cellular spaces and neurovascular formations, ways of spreading
of urinary and purulent bays is the necessary condition for the diagnosing and treatment of inflammatory diseases and injuries of the bones and organs of the pelvis.
surgical treatment of the ectopic pregnancy, uteric tumors, cysts, pathological processes in the rectum (hemorrhoids, paraproctitis etc.) requires detailed knowledge of
the surgical anatomy of the organs of the small pelvis.
Purpose of the lesson:
Learn topographical anatomy of the small pelvis.
Learn surgical anatomy of the urinary bladder and prostate.
Justify the ways of spreading of purulent and urinary bays in the cellular spaces of pelvis.
Learn methods of drainage of the cellular spaces of pelvis.
Master the technique of punction of the urinary bladder.
Master the technique of suprapubic cut and the technique of putting the urinal fistula.
Learn the technique of transvesical adenomectomy.
Study surgical anatomy of the uterus with appendages.
Justify and perform the punction of the abdominal cavity through the posterior fornix of the vagina.
Study the technique of the surgery on the ectopic pregnancy.
Study surgical anatomy of the rectum, topography of male and female perineum.
Perform the incision on paraproctitis.
Master the technique of the surgery of hemorrhoids.
Study technique of the surgeries on the testicular edema and varicocele.
Control questions:
Bony base of the pelvis. Bone connections. Parietal muscles. Formation of holes and their content.
Course of the peritoneum in the pelvic cavity. Floors of the pelvis cavity and their content.
Surgical anatomy of the pelvic fascia.
Cellular spaces of the small pelvis, their content. Ways of spreading of boils, hematomas and urinary bays.
Surgical accesses for the drainage of pelvic cellular spaces.
Surgical anatomy of a. iliaca interna. Exposure and ligating of a. iliaca interna. Indications. Technique.
Surgical anatomy of the pelvic plexus. Blockade by Shkolnikov-Selivanov.
Surgical anatomy of the urinary bladder, pelvic region of the ureter and prostate.
Punction of the urinary bladder, high cystotomy, sururing of urinary bladder, epicystostomy. Adenomectomy. Indications. Technique, instruments.
Surgical anatomy of the uterus.
Surgical anatomy of the uteric appendages.
Surgical treatment of the ectopic pregnancy.
Caesarian. Indications. Technique.
Surgical instruments for special purposes.
Surgical anatomy of the rectum.
Topographical and anatomical justification and technique of the surgery on hemorrhoids.
Justification and methods of treatment of paraproctitis.
Surgical anatomy of the perineum.
Surgical anatomy of the testicle and the spermatic cord. Blockade of the spermatic cord by Lorin-Epshtein. Surgeries on the testicular edema and varicocele.
Surgical instruments for special purposes.
Practical skills:
Show on the body:
branches of a. iliaca interna
pelvic region of the ureter and its relation to a. iliaca and a. uterina
2. Perform on the body:
drainage of the prostatic space by McWhorter-Buyalski and Kupriyanov
intrapelvic blockade by Shkolnikov-Selivanov
access by Pirogov for the drainage of the lateral cellular space
punction of the urinary bladder
high cystotomy
3. Expose and ligate a. iliaca interna.
4. Show on the body:
uteric appendages
uteric ligaments
a. uterina and her relations with the ureter
aa. rectales
elements of the spermatic cord
Perform on the body:
surgery on the ectopic pregnancy
surgery on the testicular edema by Winkelmann
surgery on varicocele by Ivanisevich
blockade of the spermatic cord by Lorin-Epshtein
6. Demonstrate the technique of uteric sutures.
Computer questions for the practical training № 2
Surgical anatomy of the pelvis. Cellular spaces of the pelvis. Surgical anatomy of the
urinary bladder and prostate. Adenomectomy.
1. How is foramen ischiadicum majus limited?
2. How is foramen ischiadicum minus limited?
3. What goes through foramen ischiadicum majus?
4. What goes through foramen ischiadicum minus?
5. What goes through foramen suprapiriformis?
6. What goes through foramen infrapiriformis?
7. What structure divides pelvis into anterior and posterior sections?
8. Name the fascial case for the ampulla of the rectum
9. Name the fascial case for bladder and prostate
10.Name the parietal cellular spaces of the small pelvis
11.Name the anterior wall of spatium prevesicalis
12.How is spatium prevesicalis limited from the behind?
13.How is fascia visceralis vesicae urinariae fixed from the outside?
14.Name the inferior border of spatium prevesicalis
15.What cellular spaces are located between fascia transversa and peritoneum behind pubic symphysis?
16.Where can abscesses of prevesical cellular space spread?
17.What cuts are made for the drainage of the prevesical cellular space?
18.Where is the cut by the method of McWhorter-Buyalski made?
19.What stage of the operation will follow the dissection of skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia propria by the method of
20.Where is the dissection by the method of Kupriyanov held?
21.How is the prevesical cellular tissue of the small pelvis drainaged by the method of Kupriyanov?
22.How is lateral cellular space limited from the lateral side?
23.How is lateral cellular space limited from above?
24.How is lateral cellular space limited from the medial side?
25.How is lateral cellular space limited from the bottom?
26.Name the content of the lateral cellular space
27.What dissection is used for the drainage of the lateral cellular space?
28.How is retrorectal cellular tissue limited in front?
29.What is the content of the retrorectal cellular space?
30.How is the cellular tissue of retrorectal space drainaged?
31.For the treatment of purulent parametritis is often used
32.What abuts vesica urinaria in men from behind?
33.What abuts vesica urinaria in women from behind?
34.What abuts the bottom of vesica urinaria in men?
35.What operation is performed for the temporary urinary diversion?
36.How is fossa ovarica limited in the upper front?
37.How is fossa ovarica limited from behind?
38.How is fossa ovarica limited from the bottom?
39.What makes the bottom of fossa ovarica?
40.What lies near the upper end of the ovary?
41.What goes in the deep of lig. suspensorium ovarii?
42.How is the front end of the ovary fixed?
43.What goes along the superior edge of lig. latum uteri?
44.What goes along the basis of lig. latum uteri?
45.What are the parts of a uterine artery?
46.Pars descendens a. uterina is located
47.Horizontal part of uterine artery is located
48.Pars ascendens a. uterina is located
49.What dissections are used for the performance of surgeries on the genitals of women?
50.What ligament is cut with the removement of uretic tube during the operation for ectopic pregnancy?
51.What is the first stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy?
52.What is the second stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy
53.What is the third stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy
54.What ligament is used for peritonization of uteric mesenterium during surgery for an ectopic pregnancy?
55.What ligaments are not kept by clamps during surgery for ectopic pregnancy?
56.What stage of corporeal cesarean section follows the laparotomy?
57.What stage of corporeal cesarean section follows the dissection of uteric wall?
58.What stage of surgery follows the laparotomy if the caesarian section is performed on the lower segment of uterus?
59.What stage of corporeal cesarean section in the lower segment of uterus follows the mobilization of bladder?
60.How is the lower segment of uterus cut during the caesarian section?
61.How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from the outside?
62.How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from the middle and above?
63.How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from below?
64.How is fossa ischiorectalis limited in front?
65.How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from behind?
66.What goes through the tissue of fossa ischiorectalis
67.What goes on the lateral wall of fossa ischiorectalis?
68.Specify the most radical treatment for hemorrhoids
69.Name the authors of the most common surgeries for testicular edema:
70.Name the authors of surgical treatment of varicocele
71.What tissues are not cut during the surgery for varicose veins of the spermatic cord?
72.Name the deep muscles of urogenital diaphragm
73.Name the superficial muscles of urogenital diaphragm
74.Name the deep muscles of pelvic diaphragm
75.Name the deep muscles of pelvic diaphragm
How is foramen ischiadicum majus limited?
lig. sacrospinale and incisura ischiadica major
#lig. sacrotuberale and incisura ischiadica major
lig. sacrospinale and lig. sacrotubulare
lig. sacrospinale, lig. sacrotuberale, incisura ischiadica minor
How is foramen ischiadicum minus limited?
lig. sacrospinale, lig. sacrotuberale, incisura ischiadica minor
#lig. sacrospinale and incisura ischiadica major
lig. sacrospinale and lig. sacrotuberale
lig. sacrotuberale and incisura ischiadica major
What goes through foramen ischiadicum majus?
m. piriformis, vasa glutea superior, vasa glutea inferior, n. gluteus superior et inferior, n. ischiadicus, n. cutaneus femoris posterior, a. et v. pudenda interna, n.
#m. obturatorius internus, vasa glutea superior, n. gluteus superior
a. glutea superior, v. glutea superior, n. gluteus superior
m. piriformis, n. pudendus, a. et v. pudenda interna
What goes through foramen ischiadicum minus?
m. obturatorius internus, n. pudendus, a. pudenda interna, v. pudenda interna
#m. piriformis, a. pudenda interna, v. pudenda interna, n. pudendus
a. glutea inferior, v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior
m. piriformis, a. et v. glutea inferior, a. et v. pudenda interna, n. gluteus inferior, n. pudendus
What goes through foramen suprapiriformis?
a. glutea superior, v. glutea superior, n. gluteus superior
#m. piriformis, a. et v. glutea superior, n. gluteus superior
m. obturatorius internus, a., v. et n. obturatorius
a. et v. glutea superior, a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus superior et inferior
What goes through foramen infrapiriformis?
a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior, n. ischiadicus, n. cutaneus femoris posterior, a. et v. pudenda interna, n. pudendus
#a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior
m. piriformis, a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior
m. obturatorius, a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior
What structure divides pelvis into anterior and posterior sections?
aponeurosis Denonville
#lig. pubovesicale
lig. puboprostaticum
fascia diaphragmatis urogenitalis superior
Name the fascial case for the ampulla of the rectum:
capsula Amussi
#capsula Pirogovi-Retsiusi
aponeurosis Denonville
fascia pelvis
Name the fascial case for bladder and prostate:
capsula Pirogovi-Retsiusi
# capsula Amussi
aponeurosis Denonville
fascia pelvis
Name the parietal cellular spaces of the small pelvis:
prevesicalis, retrorectalis, laterales
#preutericus, paravesicalis, retrorectalis, laterales
prevesicalis, paravesicalis, retrorectalis, laterales
prevesicales, parautericus, retrorectalis
Name the anterior wall of spatium prevesicalis:
fascia transversa, symphysis pubica
#preperitoneal tissue
fascia prevesicalis
peritoneum parietalis
How is spatium prevesicalis limited from the behind?
fascia prevesicalis
#aponeurosis Denonville
fascia transversa
fascia posteriovesicalis
How is fascia visceralis vesicae urinariae fixed from the outside?
to obliterated umbilical arteries
#to parietal muscles
to aponeurosis Denonville
to fascia pelvis
Name the inferior border of spatium prevesicalis:
diaphragma urogenitale
#diaphragma pelvis
m. levator ani
fascia transversa
What cellular spaces are located between fascia transversa and peritoneum behind pubic symphysis?
prevesicalis, paravesicalis, preperitonealis
prevesicalis, paravesicalis
Where can abscesses of prevesical cellular space spread?
to the lateral cellular spaces, to the thigh, to the paravesical cellular space, to the peritoneal cavity, to the preperitoneal tissue
# to the lateral cellular spaces, to the thigh
to the lateral cellular spaces, to the paravesical cellular space
to the lateral cellular spaces, to the paravesical cellular space, , to the preperitoneal tissue, to the peritoneal cavity
What cuts are made for the drainage of the prevesical cellular space?
by the method of McWhorter-Buyalski, by the method of Kupriyanov
#by the method of McWhorter-Buyalski
by the method of Kupriyanov
by the method of Pirogov
Where is the cut by the method of McWhorter-Buyalski made?
on the internal surface of thigh, on 3-4 cm from plica inguinalis
#paralelly to plica inguinalis, on 3-4 cm higher of it
through anterior abdominal wall on linea mediana
inferior lateral sinister paramedian laparotomy is performed
What stage of the operation will follow the dissection of skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia propria by the method of McWhorter-Buyalski?
muscles are dully defoliated by the forceps, pass through membrana obturatoria to the cavity of small pelvis
# bluntly penetrate the urogenital aperture to the pelvic cavity
cut aponeurosis m. obliquus abdominis externus, m. obliquus abdominis internus et m. transversus
abdominis are shifted upwards, dissect fascia endoabdominalis and get into the preperitoneal tissue
between two tuber ischiadicum through diaphragma pelvis dully get into subperitoneal section of pelvis
Where is the dissection by the method of Kupriyanov held?
through the anterior abdominal wall in the midline
#on the internal surface of the thigh, on 3-4 cm away from plica inguinalis
parallel and on 3-4 cm above the inguinal ligaments
perform the lower right-sided paramedian laparotomy
How is the prevesical cellular tissue of the small pelvis drainaged by the method of Kupriyanov?
after the dissection of anterior abdominal wall dully get through the urogenital diaphragm and with the tip of forceps protrude the skin, which is dissected near the
lower edge of pubis, forceps capture the drainage, which is penetrated into the pelvic cavity by the reverse way
#cut fascia femoris propria closer to the upper edge of foramen obturatorium, dully dissect muscles , transmit the drainage tube through membrana obturatoria into the
cavity of small pelvis
parallel and on 3-4 cm above ligamentum inguinale dissect layers of soft tissue and aponeurosis m. obliquus abdominis externus, m. obliquus abdominis internus and
m. transversus abdominis are shifted upwards, dissect fascia endoabdominalis, make semi-circular cut between anus and coccyx, dully defoliate fibers of m. levator ani
, drain the purulent cavity
How is lateral cellular space limited from the lateral side?
folium parietale fascia pelvis, m. piriformis, m. obturatorius internus
#folium parietale fascia pelvis, m. levator ani
aponeurosis Denonville
thickened part of folium viscerale fascia pelvis
How is lateral cellular space limited from above?
#fascia diaphragmatica pelvis superior
m. levator ani
fascia diaphragmatica pelvis inferior
How is lateral cellular space limited from the medial side??
thickened part of folium viscerale fascia pelvis
#aponeurosis Denonville
fascia transversa
folium parietale fascia pelvis
How is lateral cellular space limited from the bottom?
fascia diaphragmatica pelvis superior, m. levator ani
#m. piriformis, m. obturatorius internus
m. obturatorius internus, m. levator ani
fascia diaphragmatica pelvis inferior m. levator ani
Name the content of the lateral cellular space:
pars pelvica ureter, a. et v. iliaca interna, ductus deferens, pl. sacralis,
#prostata, ureter, a. et v. iliaca interna, ductus deferens
vesica urinaria, prostata, a. et v. iliaca interna
rectum, vesica urinaria, prostata, pl. sacralis, ureter, a. et v. iliaca interna
What dissection is used for the drainage of the lateral cellular space?
by Pirigov
#by Kupriyanov
by McWhorter-Buyalski
by Fedorov
How is retrorectal cellular tissue limited in front?
capsula Amussi
#aponeurosis Denonville
m. levator ani
diaphragma urogenitalis
What is the content of the retrorectal cellular space?
a. sacralis lateralis, a. sacralis mediana, pl. venosus sacralis, pl. sacralis, medial rectal vessels
#a. sacralis lateralis, pl. sacralis, inferior rectal vessels, ureter, pl. venosus sacralis
capsula Amussi, pl. sacralis, a. sacralis lateralis, a. sacralis mediana, pars pelvica ureter
part pelvica ureter, pl. sacralis, pl. venosus sacralis, superior rectal arteries, a. sacralis lateralis, a. sacralis mediana
How is the cellular tissue of retrorectal space drainaged?
semi-circular cut between anus and coccyx
#Pirogov cut
by McWhorter-Buyalski
by Kupriyanov
For the treatment of purulent parametritis is often used:
method of McWhorter-Buyalski
method of Kupriyanov
What abuts vesica urinaria in men from behind?
ampulla ductus deferentis, vesiculi seminalis, rectum
prostata, rectum
vesiculi seminalis, rectum
What abuts vesica urinaria in women from behind?
vagina, uterus
What abuts the bottom of vesica urinaria in men?
vesiculi seminalis
What operation is performed for the temporary urinary diversion?
puncture of the bladder
catheterization of bladder
How is fossa ovarica limited in the upper front?
a. et v. iliaca externa
#a. et v. iliaca interna
a. et v. obturatoria
a. uterina
How is fossa ovarica limited from behind?
a. et v. iliaca interna, сечовід
#a. et v. iliaca externa
a. et v. obturatoria
a. uterina
How is fossa ovarica limited from the bottom?
a. uterina, a. et v. obturatoria, n. obturatorius
#a. et v. iliaca interna, a. uterina
a. et v. iliaca interna, a. uterina, ureter
a. uterina, a. et v. obturatoria, n. obturatorius, ureter
What makes the bottom of fossa ovarica?
m. obturatorius internus
#m. piriformis
m. levator ani
m. obturatorius externus
What lies near the upper end of the ovary?
lig. suspensorium ovarii, fimbria ovarica
#lig. ovarii proprium, fimbria ovarica
fimbria ovarica
lig. suspensorium ovarii
What goes in the deep of lig. suspensorium ovarii?
vasa ovarica
lig. teres uteri
a. uterina
How is the front end of the ovary fixed?
to posterior leaf of lig. latum uteri
#to anterior leaf of lig. latum uteri
to fascia pelvis
to lig. suspensorium ovarii
What goes along the superior edge of lig. latum uteri?
tuba uterina
#lig. cardinale uteri
lig. teres uteri
What goes along the basis of lig. latum uteri?
a. uterina, ureter, lig. cardinale uteri
#a. uterina, ureter, lig. teres uteri
ureter, lig. ovarii proprium, a. uterina
lig. teres uteri, a. uterina, lig. suspensorium ovarii
What are the parts of a uterine artery?
descendens, horizontalis, ascendens
#descendens, hoizontalis, pelvic, ascendens
descendens, hoizontalis
horizontalis, ascendens
Pars descendens a. uterina is located:
from the beginning to the crossing with the ureter
#from ureter to the cervix of uterus
from uteral cervix to angulus uterotubarius
from ureter to angulus uterotubarius
Horizontal part of uterine artery is located:
from ureter to cervix of uterus
# from the beginning to the crossing with the ureter
from ureter to angulus uterotubarius
from uteral cervix to angulus uterotubarius
Pars ascendens a. uterina is located:
from uteral cervix to angulus uterotubarius
# from the beginning to the crossing with the ureter
from ureter to cervix of uterus
from ureter to angulus uterotubarius
What dissections are used for the performance of surgeries on the genitals of women?
lower midline lapaotomy, access by Pfannenstill, access by Cherni
# lower midline laparotomy, access by Fedorov, Pirogov
lower midline laparotomy, accesses by Bergman, Fedorov, Keju
lower midline laparotomy, accesses by Pfannenstill, Pirogov, Fedorov
What ligament is cut with the removement of uretic tube during the operation for ectopic pregnancy?
lig, infundibulopelvicum
#lig, teres uteri
lig. cardinalia
lig. latum uteri
What is the first stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy?
mobilization of uteric tube
#removement of tube
peritonization of uteric mesenterium
What is the second stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy:
removement of tube
#mobilization of uteric tube
peritonization of uteric mesenterium
What is the third stage of surgery for ectopic pregnancy:
peritonization of uteric mesenterium
# mobilization of uteric tube
removement of tube и
What ligament is used for peritonization of uteric mesenterium during surgery for a ectopic pregnancy?
lig. teres uteri
#lig. latum uteri
lig. cardinalia
lig. ovarii proprium
What ligaments are not kept by clamps during surgery for ectopic pregnancy?
lig. teres uteri, lig. ovarii proprium
#lig. latum, lig. ovarii proprium
lig. cardinalia, lig. teres uteri
lig. suspensorium ovarii, lig. latum
What stage of corporeal cesarean section follows the laparotomy?
front uteric wall is cut by scaplel on the median line in the longitudinal direction
#plica vesicouterina is cut in the transverse direction
front uteric wall is dissected in the transverse direction
plica vesicouterina is cut in the longitudinal direction
What stage of corporeal cesarean section follows the dissection of uteric wall?
dissect plica fetalis and remove the fetus
#remove placenta and observe the uteric cavity
cut the umbilical cord between the clamps
expose the lower segment of the uterus
What stage of surgery follows the laparotomy if the caesarian section is performed on the lower segment of uterus?
plica vesicouterina is cut in the transverse direction
#front uteric wall is cut by scaplel on the median line in the longitudinal direction
expose the lower segment of the uterus
front uteric wall is dissected in the transverse direction
What stage of corporeal cesarean section in the lower segment of uterus follows the mobilization of bladder?
expose the lower segment of the uterus
#dissect the lower segment of uterus in the transverse direction on 2,5-3 cm
plica vesicouterina is cut in the transverse direction
front uteric wall is cut by scaplel on the median line in the longitudinal direction
How is the lower segment of uterus cut during the caesarian section?
dissect in the transverse direction on 2,5-3 cm
# dissect in the transverse direction on 10 - 12 cm
cut in the longitudinal direction on the median line
cut in the longitudinal direction, penetrate index fingers and extend the cut to the size of the fetal
How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from the outside?
m. obturatorius internus, tuber ischiadicum
#m. levator ani
m. obturatorius externus
membrana obturatoria
How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from the middle and above?
m. levator ani
#m. obturatorius internus
m. gluteus maximus
m. transversus perinei profudus
How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from below?
fascia perinei superficialis
#fascia perinei propria
fascia diaphragmatica pelvis superior, m. levator ani
m. levator ani, fascia diaphragmatica pelvis inferior
How is fossa ischiorectalis limited in front?
m. transversus perinei superficialis
#m. ischiocavernosum
m. bulbospongiosus
symphysis pubica
How is fossa ischiorectalis limited from behind?
m. gluteus maximus, os sacralis
#m. levator ani
m. coccygeus
tuber ischiadicum
What goes through the tissue of fossa ischiorectalis
vasa rectalis inferior, n. rectalis inferior
#a. et v. pudenda interna
n. pudendus
a. et v. glutea inferior
What goes on the lateral wall of fossa ischiorectalis?
a. et v. pudenda interna, n. pudendus
#a. et v. rectalis inferior, n. rectalis inferior
a. et v. glutea inferior, n. gluteus inferior
a. et v. glutea superior, n. gluteus superior
Specify the most radical treatment for hemorrhoids:
Milligan-Morgan surgery
# Winkelman surgery
Bergman surgery
Palomo surgery
Name the authors of the most common surgeries for testicular edema:
Winkelman, Bergman
Name the authors of surgical treatment of varicocele:
Palomo, Ivanisevich
#Winkelman, Bergman
Pitelle, Lopatkin, Rivouir
What tissues are not cut during the surgery for varicose veins of the spermatic cord?
fibers of m. obliquus internus et transversus abdominis, peritoneum parietalis
#m. rectus abdominis
elements of spermatic cord
peritoneum parietalis
Name the deep muscles of urogenital diaphragm:
m. transversus perinei profundus, m. sphincter uretrae
#m. transversus perinei superficialis et profundus
m. bulbospongiosus, m. ischiocavernosus
m. levator ani, m. coccygeus
Name the superficial muscles of urogenital diaphragm:
m. transversus perinei superficialis, m. bulbospongiosus, m. ischiocavernosus
#m. transversus perinei superficialis, m. sphincter uretrae
m. transversus perinei superficialis et profundus
m. sphincter uretrae, m. bulbospongiosus, m. ischiocavernosus
Name the deep muscles of pelvic diaphragm:
m. levator ani, m. coccygens
#m. sphincter ani externus et internus, m. levator ani
m. levator ani, m. sphincter uretrae
m. levator ani, m. sphincter ani externus
Name the deep muscles of pelvic diaphragm:
m. sphincter ani externus
#m. levator ani, m. coccygens
m. gluteus maximus
m. transversus perinei superficialis