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Activity 58: Follow the Energy
Warm up: You set off a bottle rocket that has
200 J of chemical potential energy.
• What types of energy can the
chemical potential energy
transform into?
• If all of the energies that it
transformed into are equal, how
many joules should each type
Activity 57 In Case You Missed It…
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that
energy cannot be created or destroyed, but
rather transformed or transferred.
The total amount of energy used in a system or
scenario never changes, instead it changes
◦ If a car has 100 J at the top of a hill, it will still have
100 J at the bottom of the hill. It will just be a different
type of energy. (Potential  Kinetic/Thermal/Sound)
Activity 57 UC Assessment
Reminder that your Activity 57 UC assessment is
due on Friday!
Make sure you make a new page in OneNote
for it.
Scoring Guide in the Content Library
Word Sort
Each stack of words or phrases has one word
that encompasses the rest of them.
Each stack also has a word that does not
Put the all-encompassing word at the top and
the word that doesn’t belong to the side of your
Word Sort
Roller Coaster
Gravitational Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Chemical Energy
Word Sort
Encompassing Word:
Roller Coaster
Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Doesn’t belong:
Chemical Energy
Word Sort
Word Sort
Encompassing Word:
Doesn’t belong:
Word Sort
Potential Energy
Energy Transfer
Law of Conservation of
Energy Transformation
Word Sort
Encompassing Word:
Law of Conservation of
Energy Transfer
Energy Transformation
Doesn’t belong:
Potential Energy
Energy Release and Absorption
Look at your
words, the word sort that
has “release” and “absorb.”
What are some examples of where energy is
absorbed or released during a transfer or
Activity 58: Follow the Energy
Please open your books to page D32.
Activity 58: Follow the Energy
Read the procedure with your group on page
Instead of getting 8 cards like the book says,
you are getting 12.
When you are finished, you can work on the first
analysis question.
Energy Types: Potential Energies
Chemical potential energy- energy stored in
bonds of atoms and molecules.
◦ Energy stored in food before you digest it.
Elastic potential energy- energy stored by
stretching or compressing.
◦ Energy stored in a stretched rubber band.
Energy Types: Potential Energies
Gravitational potential energy- energy stored
due to an object’s weight and height.
Energy Types: Kinetic Energies
Electric energy (current)- movement of a
charge and energy from one place to
◦ Electricity through wires.
Light energy- energy transferred by rapid
movement of electromagnetic fields.
◦ Energy transferred by sunlight or X rays.
Motion (kinetic)- movement of an object
from one place to another.
Energy Types: Kinetic Energies
Sound energy- energy transferred by the
vibration of an object.
◦ Music, voices, etc.
Thermal energy- energy transferred from hot to
cold objects.
◦ Hot plate heating hot water
Activity 58: Follow the Energy
How do we see the Law of Conservation of
Energy in our homes?
Tonight’s Homework
Activity 57 UC assessment is due Friday!
Activity 58 UC assessment (analysis question #2)
is due a week from today, Wed. Jan. 20th.
◦ Scoring guide in OneNote.