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Chapter 25
Section 1: STARS
Patterns of stars: Constellations
Ancient cultures used mythology or
everyday items to name constellations.
 Constellations: Patterns of stars in the
night sky
Modern Astronomy Studies 88
Constellations (Most named long
Circumpolar Constellations
Stars in the northern sky that appear to
circle Polaris in 24 hours
are visible all year
Polaris or Northern Star located at end
Of Little Dipper in Constellation Ursa Minor
Some constellations
are not visible during
winter, only the summer
(and vise versa).
example – Orion
Can not see b/c daytime
side is facing it.
Absolute Magnitude
measure of the amount of light a star actually
gives off.
Apparent Magnitude
measure of the amount of a star’s light
received on Earth
Fifth closest star
 Brightest star in
N. Hemisphere
Canis Major
Absolute magnitude much higher than
Sirius but apparent magnitude is lower
because it is further away from Earth
- Characteristics of Stars
Parallax is the apparent change in position
of an object when you look at it from
different places.
- Characteristics of Stars
Measuring Distances to Stars
Astronomers use parallax to measure
distances to nearby stars.
Space Measurement
Astronomers measure a star’s parallax
Need to know angle that the star’s position
changes and size of Earth’s orbit
Distance is measured in light-years
Light year: distance light travels in a year.
 300,000 km/s or 9.5 trillion kilometers/yr
Star Properties
Color indicates temperature
Hot stars are blue (hottest)-white
 Cool stars are orange – red (coolest)
 Average stars are yellow
Cool stars look orange or red
Medium Temp. Stars are Yellow
Like Our Sun!!!
Also known as Sol (Roman God)
The Sun’s official
- Characteristics of Stars
Star Size
Stars vary greatly in size. Giant stars are
typically 10 to 100 times larger than the
sun and more than 1,000 times the size of
a white dwarf.
Sizes of Stars
Star Sizes
Closest star to the Earth
Sun’s Energy
Fusion reaction – when to atoms are fused
into one
Depend on Sun
Sun’s layers
energy created in the core moves outward
through the radiation zone and convection
zone into the Sun’s atmosphere.
How is energy
created in core?
Sun’s Atmosphere
Photosphere: lowest layer gives off light
and is about 6,000 K. (10,340.33 °F)
 “surface”
Sun’s Atmosphere
Chromosphere: above photosphere,
extends 2,000 km above photosphere
Sun’s Atmosphere
Corona – extends (millions of km) into
space, the 2 million K (3,599,540.33 °F)
 releases charged particles as solar wind.
Surface Features
sunspots: dark areas cooler than their surroundings.
 Temporary features which come and go over days,
weeks, or months
 Increase and decrease in a 10 to 11 year pattern
called solar activity cycle.
Sun’s rotation
Studying sunspots showed the Sun has
differential rotation
 faster at equator – 25 days
 Slower at poles – 35 days
Sun’s Surface Features
Prominences: huge, arching gas columns
possibly caused by magnetic fields
Solar flares: Violent eruptions near
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs): When
large amounts of electrically – charged
particles are ejected form the corona
2-3 times a day
Highly charged solar wind particles
can disrupt radio signals, damage
satellites that orbit Earth.
Near Earth’s polar areas solar wind
material can create light called an
Middle-aged / average star
 Typical absolute magnitude with yellow
 Takes 8 min. to get here
 Unusual: Sun is not part of a multiple star
system or cluster (only 1 star near us!)
Star Systems
Binary System – two stars orbit each other
Triple Star System – when 3 stars orbit
each other
Star Cluster – many stars relatively close
to each other, gravity is strong
Evolution of Stars
Section 3
Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram
H-R diagram
higher temperatures =
brighter absolute
Main sequence –
group of stars running
diagonally across
diagram; most stars fit
into this band (90%)
Hot, blue, bright in
upper left
Cool, red, dim stars in
the lower right
Yellow like our sun is
in between
Most stars are small, red stars found in the low right
White dwarfs – hot but not bright
Located in lower left corner of H-R diagram
 Same size as Earth
Giants or red giants – bright but not hot
Located in upper right corner of H-R diagram
Supergiants – bright but not hot
Located in upper right of H-R diagram
White dwarf
Giants and Red Giants
Red giant Mira
Red Giant Mira and its companion
When two stars orbit each other it is called?
How do stars shine?
Energy given off as visible, infrared, and UV
 Only small amounts make it to Earth
Albert Einstein
Mass can be converted into energy
E = energy
 M = mass
 C = speed of light
Small amounts of mass “lost” during fusion
can be converted into large amounts of
Fusion in core
2 H nuclei collide
 1 proton decays to neutron
 1 more proton fuses to He
 Another He isotope combines with the
other and fuse
 Helium nucleus forms 2 protons break
Evolution of a star
Mass of the star determines the path of
the life cycle
Star size video clip
Always starts as a nebula
 gravity causes cloud to contract
 Tighter the dust the hotter the core at 10
million K fusion begins
Main sequence (Low Mass)
Fusion pressure and gravity balance out –
stable for millions/billions of years
 Hydrogen is fusing into Helium
 Star runs out of Hydrogen to fuse causing
an imbalance in the core, core heats
Core temperature inc to 100 million K
allowing for Helium to fuse into Carbon
 Outer layer expands/cools
White dwarf
After core uses up He, contracts more
 Outer layer escapes into space
 Leaves behind a hot, dense core (about
the size of Earth)
 Eventually will cool and stop giving off light
Main Sequence (High mass stars)
Core heats to higher temperatures than
low mass stars
 Hotter temperature form heavier elements
– Hydrogen fuses to Helium at a much
faster rate
Super Giant
Star expands fusing Carbon to iron in the
The iron in the core can not release
energy through fusion
 Core collapses causing an explosion
Neutron Stars
If star was 1.4 to 3 times as massive as
the sun the supernova will contract until so
tight only neutrons can exist in the core
Teaspoon would weigh 600 million metric
tons (1 ton = 2,000 lbs.)
Black hole
If supernova core is 3 or more times as
massive as Sun core will collapse
 Not even light can escape
 An event horizon anything crossing this
will go (region nothing can escape)
 Other stars orbit around it as usual
- Lives of Stars
A star’s life history depends on its mass.
After a star runs out of fuel, it becomes a
white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.
Chapter 25
Section 4
Galaxies and the Universe
The Milky Way
Contains over 400 billion stars
when gravity holds together a large
collection of stars, gas, and dust
Grouped into
Milky Way
our galaxy exists in a galaxy cluster
named the Local Group, 45 galaxies in
26,000 light years from center
26,000 light years from center
Spiral Galaxies
spiral arms wind out from inner section;
some have barred spirals with stars and
gas in a central bar
 Normal spiral
Elliptical Galaxies
large, three-dimensional ellipses
 football – shaped
Irregular Galaxies
small, less common galaxies, with various
Irregular Galaxies
Ex. Clouds of Magellan
Orbit the Milky Way
The Milky Way
classified as a NORMAL SPIRAL GALAXY
 may contain one trillion stars
 100,000 light years wide
 We are 26,000 light years from center
 sun orbits core every 225 million years
 Center is a super massive black hole 2.5
million times as massive as Sun
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
X-rays produced as matter spirals into hole
Observing stars orbiting a black hole
Origin of the Universe
Steady State Theory – universe has
always existed as it does now
 Oscillating Model – universe expands and
contracts repeatedly over time
 Big Bang Theory – the universe is
Doppler Shift
Starlight moving toward the Earth shifts to
blue-violet end of spectrum
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . away from the Earth
shifts to red end of spectrum
 All galaxies that we can see have a red
shift (moving away from earth)
Red Shift
Discovered by Edwin P. Hubble
 Objects moving toward – compressed
wavelengths – blue/violet
 Objects moving away – stretched
wavelengths - red
Big Bang Theory
universe began 13.7 billion years ago with
a huge explosion that caused expansion
everywhere at the same time.
Great website
Far away galaxies (10 billion light years
away) give us information about the young
it took that long for the light to reach us
Whether the universe may eventually stop
expanding and begin contracting is