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Standard(s) being addressed:
SC.3.E.5.1 : Explain that stars can be different; some are smaller, some are larger, and some appear brighter than others; all except the Sun are so far
away that they look like points of light. LEVEL 3
SC.3.E.5.2: Identify the Sun as a star that emits energy; some of it in the form of light. LEVEL 2
SC.3.E.5.3 : Recognize that the Sun appears large and bright because it is the closest star to Earth. LEVEL 3
SC.3.E.5.4: Explore the Law of Gravity by demonstrating that gravity is a force that can be overcome. LEVEL 3
SC.3.E.5.5: Investigate that the number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is dramatically greater than those seen by the unaided eye. LEVEL 2
SC.3.N.3.2: Recognize that scientists use models to help understand and explain how things work. LEVEL 1
SC.3.E.6.1 : I can demonstrate that radiant energy from the Sun can heat objects and explain why heat may be lost from objects when the Sun is not
Level 4
Level 3
Meeting the
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
Not on the
I meet level 1, 2, and 3 and can…
 Create a model of the solar system that includes the Earth, Sun and stars
I meet level 1 and 2 and can…
 Compare the number of stars I see using a telescope to the number I can see by the unaided eye
 Conclude why stars can be different (smaller, larger, brighter) and why they look like points of light
 Explain why the Sun appears large and bright
 Identify the Sun as a star and describe the energy given off (light, heat, and radiant energy)
 Recognize why scientists use models to understand and explain how things work
 Demonstrate how the Sun’s radiant energy affects objects (include heating and heat loss)
 Explore the Law of Gravity by demonstrating that gravity is a force that can be overcome.
I know the meaning of…
 Star
 Size
 Distance
 Emits
 Energy
Model (3-D, 2-D)
With help, I can…
 choose from pictures the tool that helps me see stars
 identify stars in the sky
 identify a 2-D model and a 3-D model
I understand…
 Stars are in outer space
I can…
 Describe the tool that helps me see stars
 Describe stars in the sky and differentiate between
their different sizes and brightness
 Identify the closest star to the Earth
 Identify the Sun and recognize it as a star
 Recognize tools scientists use to help investigate how
things work
 Model gravity by dropping an object.