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After this class you will be able to…
synthesize how Rome went from becoming a city-state to an empire by simulating the Greek leaders’
decisions to expand their territory
1. Sit quickly and silently
2. Put only what is listed on your desk. Everything else
goes underneath your desk.
3. Fill in the proper heading.
4. Silently work on the Do Now.
5. If everyone does this, you will receive an extra link
Do Now (15 min)
I DO What are the Facts? (10 min)
WE DO/YOU DO Recreate the Story (25 min)
Homework (1 min)
Exit Pass (2 min)
On Your Desk
- This Learning Ladder
-Your Book
- Writing utensils (pens or pencils)
- Planner
(1) In at least 2 paragraphs (4 sentences each),
describe the beginnings of Rome by
explaining the differences between its
mythological and historical beginnings
DO NOW: Please read the following story silently and by yourself. Underline or circle any
important information as you find it. If you finish early, please write a 2 paragraph summary of
this information on your own paper:
The End of a Republic and the Beginning of an Empire
Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC to Aurelia and Gaius Julius Caesar, a patrian family. The name "Julius"
comes from Iulius, the family name. This comes from Iulus, the name of Venus' son.
At the time of his birth, Rome was still a republic and the empire was only beginning. The senators ruled,
motivated by the greed of power in the hope of becoming either a consul or a praetor, the two senior posts
which carried imperium, the legal right to command an army. With the help of the army at your command, from
those posts it was possible to conquer new territories and so gain a triumph and the pleasure of knowing that
your name would be remembered forever in statues and inscribed in monuments, paid for by the war.
Julius made his way to commandership by 62 BC and many of the senate felt he was a dangerous, ambitious
man. Because of this, they deprived him of a higher title after he commanded troops in Spain somewhere
between 61-60 BC. He finally reached the higher level of consul in 59 BC.
Much of the thanks for this achievement should be given to Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius) who had just
come back from a campaign which had doubled the income of the Roman treasury and gained three new
provinces to the empire. Although because of Pompey, it was difficult to become a leading person in Roman
politics. You had to have more than just an ordinary triumph.
It was because of this that during Julius’ consulship he pushed through a special law giving him a five-year
command in Cispine Gaul and Illyricum, both provinces in the empire covering North Italy and the Adriatic
coast of Yugoslavia. Julius saw this as a great opportunity to extend the empire either into Gaul (France and
Germany) or into the Balkins (eastern Europe). While in Gaul, the most important section of the Roman Army,
positioned at the German border, was under his control.
He was a brilliant military leader and lead many campaigns, which included The Helvetic Campaign in 58 BC,
The Belgic Campaign in 57 BC, The Venetic Campaign in 56 BC, and many others. The whole point of these
campaigns was to get high public and political acclaim. He wrote about all the campaigns and sent the books to
Rome so people knew and remembered his name. Aside from being a "brilliant military leader," Julius believed
Rome needed him alive and in command, if peace was to continue.
While in pursuit of Pompey, Julius fell in love with Cleopatra, who happened to be Pompey the Great’s
sister. Julius and Cleopatra met by a dramatic introduction that Cleopatra had set up. She wrapped herself in a
carpet and was delivered by a friend to Julius, and unrolled at his feet. Her intelligence, charm, and wit were
what fascinated Julius. With Julius' support, Cleopatra position as queen of Egypt was secured.
Julius had all the fame he could hope for and the triumph to back it up, but to get the position he felt his
achievements deserved, he had to take his troops across the River Rubicon and in doing so declare civil war on
the state and Pompey the Great. Pompey, the person who had helped Julius get to where he was, went to stop
him but failed. Pompey fled to Egypt while Julius entered Rome in triumph as Dictator. The battle for Rome
continued for five years of bloody fighting. Eventually he forced the Roman Senate (a group of men who
advised the ruler) to declare him a true dictator. Some of the senators were scared that he was going to dissolve
the Senate. These 60 men, led by Senators Cassius and Brutus, planned a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar.
The conspiracy became true when the senators put their plan into action, stabbing Caesar in the back while he
was giving a speech on the Senate floor. This happened in 44 BC. Julius had convened the senate so that it
would grant him the authority to be known as king in the lands outside of Rome, but the assassination took
place before Julius could claim the new title for himself.
The result unforeseen by the assassins was that Caesar's death precipitated the end of the Roman Republic. The
Roman lower classes, with whom Caesar was popular, became enraged that a small group of aristocrats had
sacrificed Caesar. Mark Antony, a friend of Caesar’s worked with Caesar’s grandnephew, Gaius Octavian to
keep Brutus and Cassius from taking over Rome. In order to do that, however, he need to get a army.
On November 27, 43 BC, the Second Triumvirate was officially formed, composed of Antony, Octavian, and
Caesar's other friend, Lepidus. A second civil war began between the Second Triumvirate and Brutus/Cassius.
Antony and Octavius defeated them at Philippi.
Antony, Julius’ friend and fellow commander, met Cleopatra in 41 B.C after Julius’ assassination. At first,
Antony wanted Cleopatra’s money but quickly fell in love with her and his intentions changed completely.
Antony and Cleopatra eventually married and had children, and they were each given Roman provinces to rule.
Unfortunately, a third civil war broke out between Octavian on one hand and Antony and Cleopatra on the
other. This final civil war, ending in Antony and Cleopatra’s defeat at Actium, resulted in the rule of Octavian,
who became the first Roman emperor, under the name Caesar Augustus, a name that raised him to status of a
I DO What Are The Facts? On the lines below, please write out the facts (the history) of the
story. You do not have to use full sentences. Matter of fact, I would suggest using bullet
WE DO/YOU DO Recreate the Story:
With your group, your job is to recreate the story of Julius Caesar, Antony, Cleopatra, and
Octavian. You can recreate it in any of the following ways:
Picture Book
4-minute skit
3-minute rap/song
Timeline (with pictures and descriptions)
Something Else (approved by Ms. Goings)
Your skits and raps will be presented to the class tomorrow, so you have the rest of the day to
practice and prepare.
EXIT PASS: As you leave, please tell Ms. Goings your favorite part about Rome’s switch
from republic to empire 
The Creation of the Roman Empire HOMEWORK: Please summarize the role that Julius
Caesar, Mark Antony, Octavius, Cleopatra, and other Roman rulers had in the creation of the
Roman empire at least 2 paragraphs (at least 4 sentences each):