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Harmonic Distortion Reduction Technique for
Uninterruptible Power Supplies with DC
Voltage Boost Technique
Juei Lung Shyu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kao Yuan University
No.1821,Chung Shan Rd., Lu Chu Hsiang, Kaohsiung County 821,Taiwan R.O.C.
Abstract—This paper presents a new control
strategy for UPS inverter, which is based on the addition of
the DC voltage boost compensation for keeping the
fundamental output voltage at the preset value and
suppressing the generation of low-order harmonics caused
by nonlinear load. This solution involves the combination of
a total harmonic distortion (THD) reduction controller and
a power factor correction (PFC) controller, such that the
harmonics contaminated in the output voltage can be
eliminated despite the highly distorted load current while
maintaining an acceptable dynamic performance. Thus, the
proposed strategy is viewed as a refinement term added to
the outer voltage control loop. Besides, the DC voltage of
the inverter under linear loads is adaptively reduced so that
low switching losses is achieved, when compared with
conventional constant DC voltage approaches. The new
strategy is quite simple and requires only the measurement
of the output voltage to compute the THD. Simulation
results are presented to exhibit the improved performance
of the proposed approach especially under rectifier loads.
Keyword—UPS, total harmonic distortion, power factor
Uninterruptible power supplies are widely used as
standby power for critical loads in case of utility power
failure, such as computers, medical/life support systems,
and communication systems. Among different UPS
topologies, on-line UPS system has been commonly
adopted since it can provide continuous power to the
load with seamless transition from normal mode to
backup mode during utility power failures and vice versa.
Generally, the UPS is designed to produce high quality
AC voltage with low distortion, particularly under
nonlinear loads and sudden change in load. But the UPS
system has high THD for nonlinear loads, for example,
the rectifier load drawing a rectangular-shaped current
causes voltage dips and notches in the AC output. In
practice, even though it is filtered, the actual output
voltage may still be distorted due to nonlinear load
injected harmonic current. In order to achieve fast
dynamic response and eliminate output voltage distortion
under nonlinear loads, many improved control systems
have been proposed such as sliding mode control,
multi-loop, optimal state feedback, repetitive-based
control, deadbeat control, and many others [1]-[7].
Although such types of feedback control approaches
have fast transient response, the distortion is still not
compensated completely for load disturbances. The
disadvantage is that the maximum PWM voltage area of
the pulse is limited by the computation and sampling
time. This limitation results in relative large harmonic
components occurring for nonlinear loads. In addition,
all such control strategies are slightly complex to
implement. For conventional PWM methods with
constant DC input voltage, this can cause the inverter
output voltage to contain large amounts of low order
harmonics and significantly affect the inverter
performance. Hence, a large PWM voltage area of each
pulse is required to keep the distortion of output voltage
low. This issue is completely ignored in previous works.
In this paper, a simple THD reduction technique with
addition of DC voltage boost compensation is proposed.
In this technique, a DC voltage boost signal which is
proportional to the THD value of the inverter output
voltage is injected into the conventional PFC outer
voltage loop. Then, the switching instance can be
determined that the PWM voltage areas of the inverter
are proportional to the instantaneous THD value. The
THD value is obtained at every sampling cycle from the
feedback of inverter output voltage. The desired DC
voltage boost signal is determined through THD
reduction control loop. As a result, the proposed control
scheme leads to improve the THD of the inverter output
voltage while keeping an acceptable dynamic response.
c 2008 IEEE
978-1-4244-1742-1/08/$25.00 Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on February 16, 2009 at 07:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
S outage
Re ctifier VDC
Co vo
buck / boost
char ger
Fig. 1(a). Circuit configuration of the single-phase on-line UPS system.
v DC
is* GPV (s )
G pi (s )
d p (t )
Fig. 1(b). Conventional PFC multi-loop control block diagram.
GiV (s )
Gii (s )
d i (t )
iL Controller vtri
Fig. 1(c). Basic multi-loop control scheme of inverter.
To further achieve a good transient response
performance, an inner current loop is introduced to
regulate the inductor current and generate necessary
PWM signals. With such a multi-loop arrangement, the
PWM inverter possesses the features of easy
implementation, good transient response, and
insensitivity to the load variation. Moreover, by the
addition of DC voltage boost compensation, the DC
voltage supplied to inverter at various loads is
automatically compensated and lower switching loss is
achieved for resistive load. Compared to previous works,
a new approach is used to develop the DC voltage boost
control, which results in a new feed-forward signal that
has an additional term proportional to the THD of the
inverter output voltage. The additional DC voltage boost
signal is shown to be capable of reducing total harmonic
distortion significantly, especially nonlinear load. The
performance of the proposed control approach will be
validated by simulation results.
A. Description of the Circuit Topology
Fig. 1(a) shows the typical schematic diagram of the
on-line UPS system. The multi-loop control schemes are
adopted in the designed UPS system. The UPS can be
operated in two modes: one is the normal mode, and the
other is outage mode. In the normal mode, the PFC
rectifier converts the AC supply voltage into DC voltage
Fig. 1(d) Key waveforms of a conventional inverter without DC
voltage boost compensation.
for the inverter and battery charging. Moreover it
generates input current with low THD as well as nearly
unity power factor. The buck/boost battery charger is
operated to provide backup energy in the outage mode.
Meanwhile, to produce a stable power with high
reliability during outage mode, the inverter should be
modulated such that the output voltage is regulated well
with low THD. Besides, bypass switches ( Snormal , Soutage )
change the operating mode in accordance with the line
condition. As to the conventional PFC control system
shown in Fig. 1(b), there are two control loops for PFC
rectifier, one outer voltage loop and one inner current
loop. The outer voltage loop uses the sensed DC voltage
vDC as a feedback signal, which is compared with
reference signal v*DC . The output of the voltage controller
G pv ( s ) is then multiplied by a unity supply voltage vs to
produce a control voltage is* as a reference signal for the
inner current loop. Current error is then used to produce
through the current
a control voltage
controller G pi ( s) . The PWM generator generates required
PWM signals to regulate the DC output voltage with the
line current shaping.
For an UPS inverter system with sinusoidal PWM
technique, the output voltage vo is given by
(d i cos Z o t )V DC
Where d i is the duty ratio of a pulse-width modulation
(PWM) switching sequence at a relatively high
frequency, which varies between 0 and 1. Zo is the output
frequency. To guarantee a good tracking performance
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
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v *DC
is* GPV (s )
G pi (s )
d p (t )
Fig. 2 (a) Block diagram of the proposed DC voltage boost compensation with
THD reduction.
Fig. 2 (b) THD reduction control scheme.
Fig. 2 (c) Block diagram for THD computation.
of inverter output voltage towards its pure sinusoidal
reference command, the DC voltage should be increased
properly if d i reaches to upper limit. A general
multi-loop control block diagram, as shown in Fig. 1(c),
consists of two loops. The outer voltage loop is mainly
responsible for the output voltage regulation, which is
achieved by comparing the voltage feedback signal
vo and reference command vo* .The error signal is then
generated as a reference command for the inner current
However, if a UPS inverter is digitally
implemented with a microprocessor system, the
maximum duty ratio is inevitably limited by A/D
sampling and the required computation time to determine
the pulse width of switching. As shown in Fig. 1(d), if
the inverter with constant DC-link voltage connected to a
nonlinear load, saturation of the duty ratio d i (t ) results in
large distortion of the output voltage. Hence, it is
necessary to increase the DC voltage to respond to the
higher THD instantaneously and reduce the harmonic
distortion through varying the PWM voltage area of each
B. Control Strategy
In order to provide precise voltage control of inverter,
any harmonic distortion must be properly compensated.
However, conventional PFC control with constant DC
voltage can not achieve good performance under
nonlinear loads disturbance. By introducing the DC
Fig. 2 (d) Key waveforms of inverter with DC voltage
boost compensation.
voltage boost technique in the conventional voltage
control loop of PFC rectifier, the performance of the
single-phase PWM inverter can be optimized so that the
output voltage is controlled with low THD. The proposed
DC voltage boost scheme with improved steady-state
performance is shown in Fig. 2(a). An extra THD
reduction control loop in Fig. 2(b) is then added at the
input of the conventional PFC voltage-loop to yield
satisfactory inverter performance. In this technique,
instead of a fixed DC voltage, a boost DC voltage
'vboost which is proportional to the THD value
vTHD _ FDBK is injected at the input of the PFC rectifier.
The output voltage vo of the UPS inverter is sampled
and calculated to a detected THD value vTHD _ FDBK that is
required for THD reduction control loop. The error
signal between the THD threshold value vTHD
detected THD value vTHD _ FDBK is then passed to a PI
controller and the desirable boost signal 'vboost is thus
generated. Due to the negative feedback in the THD
reduction loop, the boost signal 'vboost changes in such
a manner that the inverter output voltage is modulated so
that the minimum THD is obtained. Finally, DC voltage
boost signal is combined with voltage command v DC of
conventional PFC control to form the new command
signal v*DC . From the description above, one can derive
the following key equations for resistive load and
nonlinear load, respectively:
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
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Fig. 3 Simulated results of rectifier load operation without
compensation. (a) THD of output voltage (b) DC voltage v DC
waveform (c) output voltage vo
io waveform. (time: 01s/div)
waveform (d) load current
Resistive Load:
v DC
if vTHD _ FDBK
d vTHD
Nonlinear Load:
v DC ' vboost
if vTHD _ FDBK
t vTHD
Total harmonic distortion (THD) is an important figure of
merit used to quantify the level of harmonics in voltage
or current waveforms. THD can be defined as the ratio
of the root-mean-square value of total harmonic voltage
and fundamental voltage, as indicated in formula (4):
vo2,rms vo21,rms
f 2
¦ von
n 2
where n is the harmonic order. v o,rms is RMS value
of output voltage. v o1,rms -RMS value of fundamental
component of output voltage and v on is the harmonic
order n component. The THD is obtained by the
calculations with samples of the output voltage vo at
sample frequency equal to integer multiple of the
nominal frequency of vo . THD computation block is
Fig. 4 Simulated results with compensation when load changes from
rectifier load to resistive load. (a) THD of output voltage (b) DC voltage
v DC waveform (c) output voltage vo waveform (d) load current
io waveform. (e) Inverter output voltage v PWM waveform. (time:
described in Fig.2(c).
Fig. 2(d) shows key waveforms of the UPS inverter
during a load step transient. As can be seen from Fig.2
(d), at t t1 , as sensed distorted output voltage, THD
value experiences a positive step change, exceeding the
threshold value vTHD
. The 'vboost is then summed up
with vDC and generate a new voltage command v*DC at
the input of the voltage loop. Since the desired voltage
boost command 'vboost is determined by comparing the
with measured THD
reference command vTHD
value vTHD _ FDBK , thus, as expected, any waveform
distortion in the output voltage leads to immediate
'vboost increase within one switching cycle. As shown
in Fig. 2(d), the boost voltage 'vboost is proportional to
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(1) output voltage vo (100V/div)
(2) load current io (50A/div)
(3)Tracking error(20V/div)
(1) output voltage vo (100V/div)
(2) load current io (50A/div)
(3)Tracking error(10V/div)
Fig. 5 Nonlinear load operation. (a) VTHD
0.01 (b) VTHD
0.05 . (time: 0.01ms/div)
v DC
the error voltage 'VTHD . After the DC voltage is increased
at t t1 , because of an immediate increase of the PWM
voltage area of pulse, the THD of the output voltage
caused by the nonlinear load is can be significantly
reduced. Clearly, a high performance UPS inverter could
is chosen. It should be
be obtained, if a smaller vTHD
noted that the DC voltage supplied to inverter does not
increase immediately after the THD sudden change
because of the assumed low bandwidth of the voltage
To verify the performance of the proposed control
technique, some simulated results were carried out with
Matlab/Simulink programming language. The proposed
UPS inverter was tested without and with DC voltage
boost technique. Nominal values of circuit parameters
are listed as:
vs 110 Vrms , VDC 200 V vo 110 Vrms C DC 940 PF
Ls 3 mH , Lo 1 mH , C o 30 PF , and switching
frequency f s 18 KHz .The performance of the UPS
inverter with and without are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4,
respectively. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the output
voltage THD is higher up to 7% while keeping DC
voltage constant. Fig. 4 shows the key waveforms with
compensation for load step change. For the transient
response test, the DC voltage was stepped from 200V to
220V while nonlinear load applied, and then stepped
back to 180V at resistive load. As can be seen from Fig.
4, the maximum THD during transient response is
approximately 8%, whereas the corresponding THD
under steady state is below 3% with compensation. As
shown in Fig. 4(d), DC voltage experiences a positive
step change. However, because of slow voltage control
loop, vDC starts going up slowly some time after load
change. The simulated results indicate that the proposed
control scheme offers low THD with output voltage well
regulated even under a highly distorted condition.
By the addition of the THD reduction control loop, the
DC voltage required for resistive load is much lower than
that for nonlinear loads in terms of the THD. Since the
switching loss of the UPS inverter is proportional to the
DC voltage, it is easily seen that higher efficiency for
resistive load is obtained with the proposed control
scheme. On the other hand, the proposed approach does
not increase more voltage stress of the power switches
for inverter implementation.
Table I shows the simulated DC voltage at same
. The
nonlinear load with different threshold values vTHD
harmonic distortion for nonlinear load could be reduced
if an extra DC voltage boost compensation is added to
the control strategy. As expected, the DC voltage
is increased.
increases as vTHD
Fig. 5 compares the output voltage waveforms of the
inverter that is controlled by the proposed method for
was set at 0.01 and 0.05.
same nonlinear load when vTHD
value can achieve
This clearly shows that lower vTHD
excellent steady-state performance with acceptable
tracking error of output voltage. The dynamic response
of the system for a step change in the reference voltage
between 0.01 and 0.05, under same rectifier load,
are shown in Fig. 6. It shows that the dynamic response
is seen to be reasonable with THD feedback vTHD _ FDBK
reaching to the reference command vTHD
A simple and effective control strategy for the THD
reduction of inverter output voltage is proposed. To
improve the performance of the UPS inverter, a DC
voltage boost technique is added to significantly suppress
the output voltage distortion caused by nonlinear load
and thus nearly sinusoidal output voltage waveform is
obtained. Transient response to load step changes is
presented to indicate that good output voltage regulation
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008)
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(b)THD value vTHD _ FDBK
(a) DC voltage v DC
Fig. 6 THD step response when vTHD changes from 0.01 to 0.05. (time: 01s/div)
with low THD are obtained simultaneously. Besides, the
steady state performance is rather insensitive to DC
voltage fluctuation and load variations. The present work
is still on-going. The author is encouraged to ask for
additional information on experimental results.
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