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Study guide
Noctuas Maximus Sample Questions
1.Who was the Roman general who cleared the Mediterranean of pirates, fought along side of
Sulla against Jugurtha and even saved Julius Caesar's life-A:POMPEY
2. Name the people were the first settlers in and around the village that would later become the
city of Rome, ca. 500BC- Etruscans
3. The mother of Romulus and Remus was called: A: Rhea Silvia
3. Rome is a city of many hills; How many hills are there that make up the city? 7
4. What was Rhea Silvia’s job or occupation when she became pregnant with twins: A Vestal
5. What would happen to a Vestal virgin that was found to be pregnant if their blood could not be
spilled? They were buried alive.
5. Who did Rhea Silvia say was the father of her twins: The god Mars
4. Romans believe a Trojan soldier who is responsible for the founding of Rome. Name this
soldier: Aneas
5. Before Aneaus went to Italy he stopped in Carthage whose queen fell madly in love with him.
What was her name? Dido
6. What happened to Queen Dido when she discovered Aenaus had left her?
She jumped on a burning funeral pyre committed suicide
7. Before the Romans adopted the Legion formation they usually fought like the Greeks in a
military formation called: A phalanx
8. The Greek word for the "pushing" and stabbing done to drive an enemy off the field is called:
8A. How long would wars last in Greek warfare: an afternoon
9. How many Roman soldiers in a legion A: 4800
10. How many cohorts in a legion A: 6
11. How many men are in a century A: 80
**11. What is the title of the man who leads a legion; legate
12. Who leads a Roman Century A; Centurion
13. What is the smallest Roman military formation and how many men are in it? 8 men called a
contaburnium meaning a tent.
14. I am a Roman soldier fighting in a battle. Where is my Centurion to be found? In the Front
15. Name the Latin word for Spanish short sword used by the Legions: Gladius
16. A Roman soldier carried two of javelin like spears into battle. Give the Latin name for these:
**17. My name is Claudius Sempronius. I have a new baby daughter. What will I name her?
Claudia- I have a second baby girl a year later what will I name her? Claudia Secundus
17. Name the group of Latin speaking pirates living in Sicily who actually began a war between
Rome and the great power known as Carthage. The Mamartines
18. This Carthaginian general made his son swear an oath of eternal hatred to Rome. Name him:
Hamlicar Barca
19. What is the name given to the three wars fought between Carthage and Rome: The Punic
20. Why are the Wars between Carthage and Rome called the Punic wars: Puni was the
language of Carthage
**21. After Carthage is defeated by Rome in 241 BC Hamilcar Barca moved his family to Spain
to a town he built and named after himself. Name this place: Barcelona
22. Which Punic War was begun by Hannibal Barca: The Second
**23. What was the name of the Roman trading city sacked by Hannibal that began the Second
Punic War? Segundum
24. What unique secret weapon did Hannibal take with him over the Alps to attack Rome in 218
war elephants
**25. The greatest loss ever suffered by any Roman army in its history occurred at the hands of
Hannibal at what battle: Cannae
26. How long was Hannibal fighting the Romans in Italy: 18 years
27. Hannibal was finally defeated by an outstanding Roman military commander. Name him:
Scipio Africanus
**28. A Roman bath house has three rooms with three pools that have different temperatures.
Give the Latin names for the rooms and their temperatures. Frigidarium-Cold, Tepidarium is
warm, Caldarium is Hot
29. What is the latin name for a piece of architecture that brings fresh water to a city from
mountain springs: Aquaduct
30. Name the simple piece of Roman architecture that is used in bridges, aquaducts and public
buildings even today: Arch
**31. What is the most critical stone used to make an arch: Keystone
32. Hannibal defeated by Scipio at this Battle. Name it: Zama
**33. What secret weapon did Scipio use against Hannibals war elephants at Zama: Horns blew
and scared the elephants
33. What was the fate of Hannibal after fighting the Romans his entire life: Betrayed by a
friendly king and he committed suicide
34. Roman expansion after the Punic Wars caused a problem of employment brought on by the
importation of what? Slaves
35. What was the Latin name for a gladiator school?
Esculus, Colegio, Luduus, Universiadum: Luduus
36. What was the name of the gladiator who led the largest slave rebellion in Roman history:
37. What nationality was Spartacus? Thracian
38. Spartacus made his camp on the slopes of this famous volcano: name it: Vesuvius
**39. Which two Roman generals fought against the slave army of Spartacus?
Caesar and Pompey; Pompey and Crassus; Brutus and Cassisus
40. Name Roman general who really defeated Spartacus and the general the Senate gave the
credit to? Crassus, Pompey
40. What did Crassus do to the survivors of Spartacus’ defeated army? Crucified them
41. Give the Latin name for the system in which young men could climb the ladder of public
offices known in English as the "Honorable Path” Cursus Honorum
42. What Roman public office was in charge of paying the bills of the Republic and accounting
for public funds and property: Quaestors
43. What public office was in charge of providing gladiator shows, games and horse races:
44. What office was just under the Consul on the Cursus Honorum and performed the duties as a
judge in the law courts: Praetors
**45. I reformed the Roman Army by allowing non-land owning men in Rome to join my
legions. I was Consul of Rome seven times. My nephew would become a very famous general
and dictator. Who am I? Gaius Marius
46. Give the Latin name of a large corporate farm that will often take the land of its neighbors. It
is huge because it is run mostly by slaves. Latifundia
**47. What is the year of the birth of Gaius Julius Caesar: 100BC
48. Who did Caesar claim as a very famous ancestor: Venus
49. Who said the following regarding Caesar: I want his heart cut out to feed to my dogs; Sulla
**50. What was the penalty for killing your father in ancient Rome? Made to crawl into a Sack
with a monkey, Cockrel, snake and a dog.The bag is sewed up shut and thrown into the
river Tiber
**51. Name the famous case where Marcus Tullius Cicero, defended a man who was accused of
killing his father: Sextus Roscius
**52. In the trial of Sextus Roscius, in 80 B.C., Cicero asked the jury to consider an important
question that would answer the case. What question did he ask and what does it mean? Qui
Bono-who benefits
53. In the trial of Sextus Roscius in 80 B.C., Cicero proved that one man was behind the plot to
steal Sextus' father's land. Name that man: Crysogonus
**54. If you brought a case against someone in the Roman courts and lost Your lawyer could
be branded on the forhead with a letter K- what did the K stand for and what does it mean;
Kalumniator (false accuser)
54. Name the battle where the king of the Gauls was defeated by Caesar : Alesia
55. The King of the Gauls was strangled at the end of Caesar's triumph in Rome. Who was he?
56. How did Latin speakers say “goodbye”? Vale
57. How do Latin speakers say hello Salve
58. What Latin phrase is printed above the MGM lion when you go to see a movie? Ars Gratia
Artis-** What does it mean?: Art for the sake of Art
59. The Latin word “Auctoritas” means: Authority
** 59 What was the northern 200 mile limit from Rome where no soldiers could cross into
Rome? Rubicon
** 59. Where do we find the Rubicon River located exactly today? : No one knows
**60. Translate from Latin-Alea Iacate Est_tell me who uttered these words and on what
occasion: The die is cast-Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon
61. What office in the Cursus Honorum can have a Senator dismissed for disreputable behavior?
62. What color is the stripe on a Senator’s toga that distinguishes him from the people? Red
63. True or false: Caesar’s #1 deputy before the Roman revolution was Marcus Antonius False
64. Tell us if Shakespeare's portrayal and description of Mark Antony is very close to the
historical Marcus Antonius; why or why not?: false-Noble Roman vs. a drunken Brute
65. The Battle of Pharsalus found Caesar on one side and Pompey on the other: Who won?:
66. After Pharsalus, Pompey escapes to Egypt. Caesar follows him there and is presented with a
gift by the young Pharaoh..what is the gift? : the head of Pompey
67. Caesar meets the queen of Egypt and she has his baby. What is the child’s name? Caesarion
68. On his death Caesar adopts his nephew as his son. Name this nephew?
**69. While he is in Greece and hearing that his uncle/father has been murdered, three teenagers
leave for Rome who will build the empire; Name these famous teen-agers and name their
particular talents: Octavian-name/leader, Agrippa-soldier, Maecenus-brains
**67. Who was the author of the personal verbal attack on Marcus Antonius in the Senate and
what were these speeches called : Cicero Phillipics
** 68. One of Caesar's killers had just been given the job of Governor of Gaul a few days before
he helped to kill Caesar. Who was he? Decimus Brutus
69. How many times did the conspirators meet as a group to plot their killing of Caesar? Never
70. Cassius wants Marc Antony killed along with Caesar. What does Brutus say about this idea:
Let us be sacrificers not butchers
**71. What is the difference between tyrannicide and homicide
**72. Name three reasons why doesn't Brutus and Cassius want Caesar's death officially called
1. All acts of a tyrant are void
2. They would lose their positions
3. They would lose their money and patronage from their positions
It is said that he struck the first blow against Caesar, stabbing him in the back: Casca
This Conspirator had served with Crassus at Carrhae and had escaped from the Parthians
with his life. He was lucky. Who was he: Cassius
72. This conspirator fought Antony and Octavian at Phillippi and died on his birthday who
was he?: Cassius
73. After Caesar's death where did Marcus Brutus go, hoping for things to calm down: Athens
74. The armies of Brutus and Cassius were defeated at this Battle: Phillippi
75. Who is the Second Triumvirate: Lepidus, Antony and Octavian
76. How does the Second Triumvirate fund itself: Proscriptions
77. What is a proscription: National hit list; Indiv is killed and property is confiscated
78. What is the fate of Cicero: killed on Antony’s orders
79. **What was Caesars Colonization Plan:
80. What was one way that Caesar reduced the number of citizens receiving free grain: Colonization Plan
81. What was one way that Caesar got the poor employment: Public works projects
82. Is Cleopatra’s son by Caesar a threat? To who? Why?: Octavian’s entire legitimacy as heir is at risk
83. How many upper class Romans formed a conspiracy against Caesar?: sixty
84. Who had become Caesar’s Master of Horse for the Parthian Campaign: Marcus Lepidus
85. What is the Master of Horse: Chief of Roman Cavalry forces
86. While Caesar was dictator what two professions were liberally granted Roman citizenship: Physicians and
87. Why weren’t the governor’s of provinces happy with Caesar as dictator: He reduced their terms of office
from 5 years to 1 year.
88. Name three titles that Caesar was given for life: Pontifex Max., Proconsul, Dictator
89. What did Caesar leave in his will to the common people of Rome: 300 Secterces
90. When young Marcus Antonius was a follower of what controversial Tribune: Clodius Pulcher
91. Who defeated the Cimbri and the Tuetones in 101 BC: Gaius Marius
92. How many times was Marius elected consul: 7
93. In what war was Sulla the subordinate of Marius: Jugurthine War in Africa
94. Who captured the Numidian king Jugurtha: Sulla
95. Who took the credit for capturing Jugurtha: Marius
96. Who marched on Rome with Roman troops and seized the government in 81BC: Sulla
97. What is the relationship between Marius and Gaius Caesar?: He is his uncle
98. Who is Sulla’s right hand man and Master of Horse?: Pompey
99. After freeing Caesar from prison, what does Sulla tell Pompey to do?: Bring in Caesar’s heart/ feed to
the dogs
100. At what battle are Brutus and Cassius are defeated: Battle of Phillippi
101. Where is Phillippi?; In northern Greece