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Name: ____________________________________
Marsh Avenue Expeditionary Learning School
100 Essex Drive
Staten Island, New York 10214
Telephone: 718.370.6850
Fax: 718.370.6860
Dear Students,
Welcome to Marsh Avenue Expeditionary Learning School! In order to encourage and develop your
love of science, we have prepared summer assignments for you to complete. These assignments will guide
you to take notes as you read the required articles so that we can enjoy lively discussions together when we
meet in September.
For your summer assignment, we are requiring that you read ​
three articles and complete a project
based on the readings. This year, we are requiring that you read the articles ​
Forms and Sources of Energy, Transformations of Energy, and Simple Machines.​
For each required article, we have created specific
assignments for you to complete before, during, and after reading. These assignments will be our focus for
the first unit of study in your Science class.
Have a great summer!
Name _________________________________
BEFORE READING: Forms and Sources of Energy
Directions: Use a dictionary to look up some difficult words in preparation for reading. Prior to reading the article,
skim through it to see if there are any words that you are unfamiliar with. We have left some blank spaces for you to
add and look-up other difficult words you may come across as you read.
Dictionary Definition
How can you use these new vocabulary words to enhance your understanding of science?
What do you KNOW about
forms and sources of energy?
What are you WONDERING about
forms and sources of energy?
As you read the article, use the graphic organizer to take notes. You will need to consult and use these notes when
you answer a variety of questions throughout the year.
In the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast two different forms of energy.
Name _________________________________
Forms and Sources of Energy
Like matter, energy is all around you. For example, the light given off by a lamp or the Sun is a form of energy. The
warmth you feel from the Sun is also a form of energy. When you play catch with a friend, energy is present in the
moving ball. Energy is present in the foods you eat. Your body uses the energy from food to carry out all the
functions needed to keep you alive.
Forms of Energy
Energy is the ability to do work or cause changes in matter. Energy exists in several different forms. As described
below, each form of energy has its own characteristics.
Thermal Energy
All matter is made up of particles called atoms and molecules. These particles are always in motion. The total
amount of energy in all of the particles contained in a sample of matter is called ​
thermal energy​
. Heat is often
associated with thermal energy, such as the heat you feel when you rub your hands together on a cold day.
However, heat itself is not a form of energy. ​
Heat ​
is thermal energy that is transferred between two objects of
different temperatures.
Mechanical Energy
One form of energy is mechanical energy. ​
Mechanical energy is the energy associated with the motion of an
object. For example, when you toss a basketball through the air, the moving basketball has mechanical energy. Wind
had mechanical energy because it involves the movement of air. You have mechanical energy when you walk or run.
Chemical Energy
A compound forms when two or more elements join chemically. The atoms of the elements that make up a
compound are held together by chemical bonds. ​
Chemical energy is the energy that is stored in chemical bonds.
Chemical bonds form when atoms come together to form a compound. Chemical bonds break when a compound
is broken apart to form elements or smaller compounds. Energy is always involved in breaking or forming chemical
Electromagnetic Energy
Like the particles making up matter, the particles that make up an atom also are in constant motion.
Electromagnetic energy is the energy resulting from the motion of the particles within atoms. Visible light is one
type of electromagnetic energy. Other types of electromagnetic energy include X-rays, microwaves, and ultraviolet
(UV) radiation. Computers, radios, televisions, and lamps are all examples of electrical devices that operate using
electrical energy. ​
Electrical energy​
is energy that results from moving changes.
Sound Energy
A vibration is a rapid back-and-forth motion. ​
Sound energy is the energy given off by a vibrating object. This
energy travels through matter in the form of waves.
Nuclear Energy
The center of an atom is the nucleus, which is made of protons and, usually, neutrons. The protons and neutrons of
the nucleus are held in place by nuclear forces. ​
Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom as a
result of the nuclear forces. This energy can be released from the atom in two ways: through nuclear fission or
nuclear fusion.
Answer the following question in ​
How are chemical energy and nuclear energy alike? How are they different?
Name _________________________________
BEFORE READING: Transformations of Energy
Directions: Use a dictionary to look up some difficult words in preparation for reading. Prior to reading the article,
skim through it to see if there are any words that you are unfamiliar with. We have left some blank spaces for you to
add and look-up other difficult words you may come across as you read.
Dictionary Definition
How can you use these new vocabulary words to enhance your understanding of science?
What do you KNOW about
energy transformations and
kinetic & potential energy?
What are you WONDERING about
energy transformations and
kinetic & potential energy?
As you read the article, use the graphic organizer to take notes. You will need to consult and use these notes
when you answer a variety of questions throughout the year.
In the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast kinetic and potential energy.
Name ______________________________
Transformations of Energy
Kinetic and Potential Energy
All energy can be classified into two broad categories: kinetic energy and potential energy. ​
Kinetic energy in energy
resulting from the motion of an object. The amount of kinetic energy resulting from the motion of an object. The
amount of kinetic energy an object has is determined by the mass of the object and the speed (or velocity) of the
object. You can calculate the amount of kinetic energy an object has using the formula: Kinetic energy = ½ x mass
x (velocity)^2
Potential energy is stored energy. An object has potential energy because of its position or condition. For example,
a rock sitting at the edge of a cliff has potential energy because of its position. You can calculate the amount of
potential energy in the rock by multiplying its mass by its height above the ground. This is shown in the formula:
Potential energy = mass x height
Under certain conditions, potential energy stored in an object can change into kinetic energy. This can be
demonstrated with an example of a skier at the top of a hill. At first, the skier is positioned at the top of a hill.
Although she is not moving, the skier has potential energy because of her position at the top of the hill. As she
begins moving, some of the skier’s potential energy is changed into kinetic energy (the energy of motion). When the
skier comes to a stop at the bottom of the hill, she no longer has kinetic energy.
Potential energy can also be stored due to the condition of an object. If you compress a spring, you increase the
spring’s potential energy. If you release the spring, it moves, as the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
Energy Transformations
Like matter, energy can be transformed, or changed from one form to another. For example, when you flip a switch
to turn on a lamp, electrical energy is carried through the lamp wire to the bulb. In the bulb, a filament changes this
electrical energy into electromagnetic energy. You perceive this electromagnetic energy as the light given off by the
bulb. If you placed your hand near the bulb, you would also observe that the bulb gives off thermal energy, which
you feel as heat.
Energy transformations are part of your daily life. Here are a few examples:
In addition to showing common energy transformations, the examples above illustrate that potential energy is often
stored as chemical energy. For example, the energy in the vegetables you eat is stored in the vegetables as chemical
energy. The energy in fuels is stored chemical energy. This energy is released when the fuels are burned.
The Law of Conservation of Energy
The examples show that energy transformations can take many forms. However, no matter how energy is
transformed, energy itself is not made or destroyed. This principle forms the basis of an important scientific law.
The law of conservation of energy states that, while energy may change from one form to another, energy is
neither created nor destroyed.
The diagram above illustrates how energy is conserved when an object, such as a watermelon, is tossed from a
building. Notice that prior to being tossed out the window, the watermelon has potential energy (because of its
position), but no kinetic energy (because it is not moving). Just after being tossed, some of the potential energy of
the watermelon is converted into the kinetic energy of motion. As the watermelon continues falling, its kinetic
energy increases as its potential energy decreases. However, the total amount of energy (potential + kinetic) remains
the same. As shown, the watermelon has the highest kinetic energy (and lowest potential energy) just as it strikes the
In some energy conversions, energy may appear to be lost or destroyed. This occurs because energy transfers are
never completely efficient. When energy is transferred from one object to another or when an object hits the
ground, some energy changes to forms that are usually wasted. Some energy is usually released as thermal energy. In
most cases, friction is responsible for this apparent energy loss. ​
Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an
Friction is present any time two objects are in contact with one another. For example, when you roll a ball across a
floor, the ball comes to a stop because of friction between the ball and the floor. A swinging pendulum eventually
stops because of air resistance. ​
Air resistance is a form of friction that opposes the motion of an object moving
through air. When air resistance acts on the pendulum, some of the kinetic energy of the moving pendulum is
transformed into thermal energy.
Answer the following question in ​
A researcher determined the amount of electrical energy entering a lamp and the amount of light energy
given off by the lamp. The amount of light energy was less than the amount of electrical energy. How can
this observation be explained?
Name _________________________________
BEFORE READING: Simple Machines
Directions: Use a dictionary to look up some difficult words in preparation for reading. Prior to reading the article,
skim through it to see if there are any words that you are unfamiliar with. We have left some blank spaces for you to
add and look-up other difficult words you may come across as you read.
Dictionary Definition
How can you use these new vocabulary words to enhance your understanding of science?
What do you KNOW about
simple machines?
What are you WONDERING about
simple machines?
As you read the article, use the graphic organizer to take notes. You will need to consult and use these notes when
you answer a variety of questions throughout the year.
In the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast two different simple machines.
Name ______________________________
Simple Machines
Any actual change that occurs requires energy. Energy is the ability to do work or cause change in matter. Motion is
one clue that work has been done.
In science, ​
work is the application of a force to an object to move it a certain distance in the direction of the force.
The equation for work is: work = force x distance or W = F x d
Work is not always done when a force is applied to an object. For example, a brick wall will not move no matter
how much force you apply with your hands. Because the wall does not move, no work is being done when you push
on it.
Work is done only when an object moves in the same direction of the force that is being applied. For example, you
may get tired after carrying your backpack all day at school. However, you did not do any work to carry your
backpack. The force you applied was in an ​
upward direction to keep the backpack from falling to the ground. The
backpack moved in a ​
, not ​
, direction as you walked through school. Therefore, work was not done.
Now picture a person wearing a backpack and climbing up a flight of stairs. In this case, the person is doing work
because the direction of motion and the force being applied are both upward.
Simple Machines
machine is a device that makes work easier by changing the size or direction of a force. As shown in the diagram
below, there are six types of simple machines. All complex machines, including a car, are made from a combination
of these six simple machines. A machine does not allow you to do less work. In fact, you may do more work when
using a machine because in addition to moving an object, you have to do work to overcome friction.
Inclined Planes
An ​
inclined plane is a straight, slanted surface. A ramp is an example of a stationary inclined plane. It is easier to
push an object up a ramp than it is to lift the same object straight up to the same height. This is a machine that
involves friction. Think about an object sitting on a ramp. The object doesn’t slide down because of friction. When
you push the object up the ramp, you have exert extra force and do extra work because of it.
Wedges and Screws
Wedges and screws are example of inclined planes that move. A ​
wedge ​
is an inclined plane that is wider or thicker
at one end than at the other. When moved, a wedge is used to cut, split, or pry apart objects. When moved, a wedge
is used to cut, split, or pry apart objects. Examples of wedges include a knife blade and an axe.
screw is an inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder. When a screw is turned, a small force is applied over
the long distance of the screw’s threads.
lever ​
is a simple machine made up of a bar that pivots at a fixed point called a fulcrum. The force applied to a
level is called the ​
. The object moved is the ​
Levers are classified into three groups based upon the locations of the fulcrum, effort, and load. A seesaw is an
example of a ​
first-class lever​
. In a first-class lever, the fulcrum is located between the effort and the load. A
nutcracker is an example of a ​
second-class lever​
. In the second-class lever, the load is located between the fulcrum
and the effort. A hammer or a fishing pole is an example of a ​
third-class lever​
, in which the effort is applied
between the fulcrum and the load.
pulley is a rope or chain wrapped around a wheel. A load is attached to one end of the rope. A force is applied to
the other end of the rope. Pulleys can be set up in different ways, depending on the work that needs to be done.
Pulley systems can consist of one or more ​
fixed pulleys​
, one or more ​
moveable pulleys​
, or both fixed and moveable
pulleys, making a ​
combined pulley ​
The first pulley shown makes work easier by changing the direction of the effort force. For example, when you pull
down on the rope, the other end of the rope pulls the object upward. You changed the direction of the force that is
applied. The second pulley makes work easier not only by changing the direction of the force, but also by
multiplying the effort. How can you tell? If you look at the second diagram, there are now two parts of the rope
lifting the object upwards, while there is still one section pulling downwards. Looking for this is an easy way to
determine the advantage you gain by using a pulley system.
Wheel and Axles
wheel and axle is a simple machine that consists of two circular objects of different sizes. The wheel is always
larger than the axle. When effort is applied to move the wheel, the axle turns a shorter distance, but it moves with a
more powerful force. A doorknob is an example of a wheel and axle. The gears in machinery are also examples of
this simple machine.
Answer the following question in ​
A simple machine makes work easier, but machines are not 100 percent efficient. That is, not all of the work you do
on the machine is used to move the object. Why can’t a machine be 100 percent efficient?
Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer and invention. He drew intricate
machines that offered exceedingly complex methods to achieve everyday tasks such as wiping one’s mouth with a
napkin or scratching one’s back. Rube Goldberg combines simple machines and everyday objects into elaborate
schemes. While Rube’s machines lived only in his illustrations, they have inspired countless sculptors, artists,
students, and inventors to create physical models of these complex contraptions. For this assignment, you will be
able to demonstrate your understanding of Physics concepts with Rube Goldberg inspired machines.
Task: ​
You will design your own Rube Goldberg machine based on something you would like to improve in your
house. You will have to draw your design on the graphic organizer provided and then provide an in depth analysis
of your design step-by-step. You will be required to include ​
ten ​
steps. Lastly, you will have to describe the physics
behind your design of your Rube Goldberg machine.
Step 1​
What does a Rube Goldberg machine look like? As seen in many cartoons or television shows, a Rube Goldberg
machine is a series of different motions to arrive at a specific end result as a chain reaction. In the graphic below,
the man created a machine that allowed him to have a self-operating napkin while he was eating his meal.
In your own words, describe what a Rube Goldberg machine is:​
Step 2:​
Plan your design of your machine.
What activity do you need to improve in your house?​
What do you want your machine to do at the end of the process​
? ____________________________
What materials would you need in your machine to make it work? ​
Give a brief description of how your machine would work: ​
Any other planning thoughts: _________________________________________________________
Step 3​
: ​
Draw ​
your design, ​
color it ​
and ​
label ​
each movement with a new letter in alphabetical order, as
demonstrated in the exemplar picture above.
Step 4: ​
Analyze your design by explaining the step-by-step process.
Step 1: ​
Step 2: ​
Step 3: ​
Step 4: ​
Step 5: ​
Step 6: ​
Step 7: ​
Step 8: ​
Step 9: ​
Step 10: ​
Step 5: ​
Explain the physics! Be sure to ​
use text evidence​
from the three articles​
to support your answers.
Within your machine, describe the simple machines that you used:​
Within your machine, describe the potential and kinetic energy​
: ____________________________
Within your machine, describe the energy transfers​
: ______________________________________
Within your machine, describe the law of conservation of energy​
: _________________________