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Tuesday, December 12, 2000
Ch5 Probability Pt2
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©Richard Lowry, 1999-2000
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Chapter 5. Basic Concepts of Probability
Part II
¶Compound Probabilities: Common Sense Expanded by Calculation
The usefulness of "reducing" common-sense concepts of probability to precise
statements of proportionality is that they can then be subjected to the powerful
analytical apparatus of mathematical calculation. Under certain circumstances they
can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided. And while these operations
themselves are elementary and commonplace, they end up telling us things about
probability that go far beyond the raw intuitions of common sense.
There are basically two ways in which individual probability values can be linked
together mathematically, and these in turn correspond to two basic kinds of logical
linkage. The first is associated with the common-sense meaning of the word "and,"
and the second with the common-sense meaning of the word "or." In formal logic, the
relationships denoted by these words are spoken of as conjunction and disjunction,
respectively. Conjunctive probability questions take the general form, "What is the
probability of having A and B occur?" and disjunctive questions take the form, "What
is the probability of having A or B occur?" (Compound probabilities are sometimes
described in the language of set theory. In this case, conjunction will be spoken of as
"intersection" and disjunction will be described as "union.")
Conjunctive Probabilities: 'A and B', 'A and B and C', etc.
Here again the basic concept is firmly rooted in common sense. Suppose you were to
toss a penny twice. There is a 50% chance of getting a head on the first toss; and
then, if you do get a head on the first toss, there is also a 50% chance of getting a
head on the second toss. The probability that you will get a head on the first toss and
on the second toss is therefore 50% of 50%. The rest is just elementary arithmetic.
One-half of one-half is one-quarter; 50% of 50% is 25%; or in decimal form,
.5x.5=.25. If you were to toss a penny three times, the probability that all three
tosses would come up heads would be 50% of 50% of 50%, which is 12.5%; or again
in decimal form, .5x.5x.5=.125. And so on for four tosses, five, ten, a hundred, or a
The general principle is that conjunctive probabilities are linked together by the
mathematical act of multiplication. Thus, in the abstract, the probability of having A
and B occur is the product of the two separate component probabilities for A and B:
P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
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The probability of having A and B and C occur is the product of the three separate
component probabilities for A and B and C:
P(A and B and C) = P(A) x P(B) x P(C)
and so on.
In the simple case of repeatedly tossing a coin, the probability of getting a head on
any particular toss is completely independent of the outcome of any other toss, past,
present, or future. If you get a head on the first toss, the probability of getting a
head on the second toss is P (H) =.5; and if you get a tail on the first toss, the
probability of getting a head on the second toss is also P(H) =.5. No matter how many
times you have tossed the coin, no matter how many heads have already come up, or
how many tails, the probability of getting a head on the next toss is still exactly
P (H) =.5. There are many other kinds of situations, however, where the probability of
an event is not independent but dependent — that is, where the probability of one
event depends on the outcome of some other event.
We will illustrate this distinction with an example that will also show how calculated
probabilities sometimes end up telling a story quite different from what
common-sense intuitions might have led you to expect. Imagine a room that contains
4 females and 6 males. Question 1: If you were to select 3 persons from this room at
random, what is the probability that all 3 would be females? And question 2: If you
were to select 3 persons from this room at random, what is the probability that all 3
would be males? Since the room contains more males than females, you will surely
see intuitively that the probability for all-3-males will be greater than the probability
for all-3-females. But I expect it will not be intuitively obvious to you at all that the
probability for all-3-males is more than five times as great as the probability for
all-3-females. Here is how it works. The critical point to take note of is that the
probability of the outcome for each successive draw, after the first, depends on the
outcome(s) of the preceding draw(s).
First for the possibility that all 3 of the persons selected will be females. Clearly, the
probability of selecting a female on the first draw is the ratio 4/10, since there are 10
persons in the room, of whom 4 are females. But then, once you have made your first
selection, there remain only 9 persons in the room from whom to make your second
selection; and if your first selection is a female, then only 3 of the remaining persons
are females. Thus, if your first selection happens to be a female, the probability of
selecting a female on the second draw is not 4/10, but rather 3/9.
After the second selection there are only 8 persons left in the room; and if both of the
persons already drawn are females, then only 2 of these 8 remaining are females.
Thus, the probability that the third draw will also be a female is not 4/10 nor 3/9, but
rather 2/8. The probability of selecting females in all three draws in this situation is
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P(all 3 females) = (4/10)x(3/9)x(2/8) = .033
The logic is the same for the possibility of selecting males on all 3 draws. The
probability of selecting a male on the first draw is 6/10, since the room contains 10
persons, of whom 6 are males. But then, once you have made your first selection,
there remain only 9 persons in the room from whom to make your second selection;
and if your first selection is a male, then only 5 of the persons remaining are males.
Thus, if your first selection happens to be a male, the probability of selecting a male
on the second draw is not 6/10, but rather 5/9. After the second selection there are
only 8 persons left in the room; and if both of the persons already drawn are males,
then only 4 of these 8 remaining are males. Thus, the probability that the third draw
will also be a female is not 6/10 nor 5/9, but rather 4/8. The probability of selecting
males on all three draws in this situation is therefore
P(all 3 males) = (6/10)x(5/9)x(4/8) = .167
which you will note is about 5 times larger than the P =.033 probability of selecting
females on all three draws.
In both of these calculations the basic principle is the same as the one we outlined at
the beginning of this section: the conjunctive probability of any two or more events is
equal to the product of their separate component probabilities. It is simply a matter of
making sure that the values assigned to the component probabilities are the
right ones.
Disjunctive Probabilities: 'A or B', 'A or B or C', etc.
The principle of disjunctive probabilities is even simpler. If you toss a coin, there is a
50% chance that it will come up heads, a 50% chance that it will come up tails, and
thus a 100% chance that it will come up either heads or tails. With each lottery ticket
you purchase you have a 1 in 100 million chance of winning. With two lottery tickets
your chance of winning with either the first or the second is therefore 2 in 100 million.
With three tickets, the chance of winning with either the first or the second or the
third is 3 in 100 million; and so forth. When two or more chance events are
disjunctively linked by the word "or," the corresponding mathematical linkage is just
simple addition. Thus, the probability of having A or B occur is equal to the sum of the
two component probabilities for A and B:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
The probability of having A or B or C occur is the sum of the three separate
component probabilities for A and B and C:
P(A or B or C) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C)
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and so on.
To put it concretely, imagine a class of 30 students composed of 4 freshmen, 12
sophomores, 10 juniors, and 4 seniors. The instructor announces that one of these
students will be randomly selected to win the class lottery prize, which is an
automatic A in the course. The probability that the lucky winner will be either a
freshman or a sophomore is
4 freshmen
30 students
12 sophomores
30 students
= .53
and the probability that it will be either a freshman or a sophomore or a junior is
4 freshmen
30 students
12 sophomores
30 students
10 juniors
30 students
= .87
The restriction on this additive operation is that component probabilities can be
added together in this simple fashion only when they pertain to possibilities that are
mutually exclusive. In the example that we have just examined, each of the four
academic-class categories excludes all the others. If you are a freshman, you cannot
at the same time be a sophomore or a junior or a senior. If you are a sophomore, you
cannot at the same time be a freshman or a junior or a senior. And so forth.
But now consider the following variation on this classroom theme. Suppose the class
has a total of 26 students, of whom 12 are sophomores and 14 are juniors. Of the
sophomores, 7 are females and 5 are males; and of the 14 juniors, 8 are females and
6 are males. Question: In randomly selecting one of the members of this class to win
the lottery, what is the probability that the student selected will be either a
sophomore or a female?
Here is how not to answer the question. The probability of selecting a sophomore is
12/26 (right!), and the probability of selecting a female is 15/26 (right!). The
probability of selecting either a sophomore or a female is therefore
P (soph. or female)
= P (soph.) + P (female)
= 1.038
Applying the simple additive formula in this situation would lead you to conclude that
the chance of selecting either a sophomore or a female is about 104%—which is
patently absurd. For reasons described earlier, the probability that any particular
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event or outcome will occur must always fall within the range bounded at the bottom
by P=0 (0%) and at the top by P=1.00 (100%).
The reason why simple addition does not work in this situation can be gleaned by
going back and looking closely at some details. When you say that the component
probability of selecting a sophomore is 12/26, what you are really saying is
P (soph.)
7 soph. females + 5 soph. males
26 students
And when you say that the component probability of selecting a female is 15/26, what
you are really saying is
P (female)
7 soph. females + 8 jr. females
26 students
In and of themselves, these two component probabilities are quite correct—but now
see what happens when you add them together.
P (soph.)
P (female)
7 soph. females + 5 soph. males
26 students
= + =
7 soph. females + 8 jr. females
26 students
= 1.038
The complication here is that the two components, sophomore and female, are not
mutually exclusive. Seven of the 26 students are both sophomores and females, and
these 7 students are being counted twice: once because they are sophomores, and
then again because they are females. If you are counting apples in a basket and
mistakenly count some of them twice, you end up with an inflated measure of the
number of apples. If you are counting the elements that enter into a probability
calculation and count some of them twice, you end up with an inflated measure of
The method commonly recommended for correcting this inflation is to calculate the
disjunctive probability of "A or B" by simple addition, as we have just done, and then
subtract from that inflated sum the conjunctive (multiplicative) probability of "A and B."
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That is, for cases where the component probabilities are not mutually exclusive
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) — P(A and B)
The reason why this method works is that in subtracting the conjunctive probability of
"A and B," you are in effect removing from the inflated sum the amount that was
counted twice.
There are, however, two limitations of this method. The first is that the elemental
probabilities, P (A) and P (B) , are sometimes not independent, in which case the
conjunctive portion of the above formula, " — P (A and B) ," will involve some more or
less complicated conditional probabilities. Here again is an illustration of how not to
do something.
P(soph. or female)
= P(soph.) +P(female) — P(soph and female)
= (12/26)+(15/26)—[ (12/26)(15/26)]
= 1.038 — .266
= .772
Although this result is not obviously preposterous, as was our earlier P =1.038, a
moment's reflection will show that it clearly cannot be correct. Of the 26 students,
6 are junior males, which is to say, neither sophomores nor females. So the
probability of not selecting a sophomore or a female is 6/26=.231; and the probability
of selecting someone who is not a junior male, but rather either a sophomore or a
female, is accordingly 1—.231=.769.
The first result, .772, is not merely wrong by a certain small amount. It is wrong
fundamentally and in principle, because the probability of selecting someone who is
both a sophomore and a female is not simply
12 soph.
26 students
15 females
= .266
26 students
Sure enough, the probability of selecting a sophomore is 12/26 (the number of
sophomores divided by the total number of students). But then, if you do select a
sophomore, the probability that this particular one of the 12 sophomores will also be
a female is not 15/26 (the number of females divided by the total number of
students), but rather 7/12 (the number of female sophomores divided by the total
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number of sophomores). Hence
12 soph.
7 soph. females
26 students
7 soph. females
12 soph.
= .269
26 students
So the true probability of selecting either a sophomore or a female, correcting for
inflation and taking account of the overlap between "sophomore" and "female," is
P(soph. or female)
= P(soph.) +P(female) — P(soph and female)
= (12/26)+(15/26)—[ (12/26)(7/12)]
= 1.038 — .269
= .769
which is of course identical with our earlier calculation of 1—.231=.769.
The second limitation is that even when the elemental probabilities are independent,
the method will not work when there are more than two items in the disjunction (A or
B or C; A or B or C or D; etc.). For example, suppose you are tossing 3 coins, A, B, and
C. What is the probability of getting a head (H) on either A or B or C? When you set it
up in the manner just described, the result is
P(H[A] or H[B] or H[C])
= P(H[A]) + P(H[B]) + P(H[C]) — P(H[A] and H[B] and H[C])
= (.5+.5+.5) — (.5x.5x.5) = 1.375
which, again, is patently absurd.
The method that will work in such multi-item disjunctions, and which I recommend for
two-item disjunctions as well, is actually quite a simple one. In any particular
situation, there is a certain probability that the event or outcome in question will
occur, and a certain probability that it will not occur; and taken together, these two
complementary probabilities must always add up to P (Total) =1.0. Thus, one way of
determining the probability that a disjunction ("A or B," "A or B or C," etc.) will occur is
to figure out the probability that it will not occur, and then subtract that amount from
1.0. That is
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P(that x will occur)
= P(Total) — P(that x will nor occur)
= 1 — P(that x will nor occur)
For example, when tossing 3 coins, A, B, and C, the only way you could not get the
disjunctive outcome of a head (H) on either A or B or C would be to get the
conjunctive outcome of a tail (T) on A and B and C. The probability of getting a tail on
all 3 of the tosses is
.5x.5x.5 = .125
So the complementary probability of not getting a tail on all 3 tosses, which can
happen only if you get a head on at least one of the tosses—A or B or C—is
1.0 — .125 = .875
In principle, virtually any probability situation that you might ever encounter within
the context of inferential statistics can be seen as a more or less complex combination
of elemental conjunctive and disjunctive probabilities. In actual practice you will not
normally need to see it this way, because most inferential statistical procedures are
streamlined to the point where these elemental constituents are no longer visible.
Nonetheless, it is important that you have a sense of what is going on behind the
scenes in these streamlined procedures. In the next section we will examine some of
the basic ways in which conjunctive and disjunctive probabilities can be combined,
and then in Chapter 6 we will see how these potentially very complex and unwieldy
be transformed into
structures of elegant simplicity.
End of Chapter 5, Part II.
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