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vol 1.2
Of course you are. After all, you’ve been told your budget for all the companies’ sales and marketing efforts
has been cut to half from last year, not to mention you have to now handle all components of your next marketing
project yourself. Oh and, by the way, the materials are due days from now... nice! Time to call on the team at
Willow Printing Group. We have spent almost 60 years helping businesses just like yours.
Willow takes the pressure off you and helps relieve “THE SQUEEZE”. Experience the difference when you deal
with a company that looks further then just “ink on paper” and truly goes Beyond Print.
Call us at 905.660.1515 or visit for more information on how Willow guarantees
relief from “THE SQUEEZE”.
Willow Printing Group Ltd., 90 Edilcan Drive, Concord, ON L4K 3S5 T905.660.1515 F905.660.0733 [email protected]
In the simplest terms, your marketing
plan is the guiding light for achieving
hieving your
organization’s business goals and vision.
12 C
A Promotio
Promotional Plan is an integral part
of executing your marketing strategies
and ensurin
ensuring you meet your objectives
for the year.
Because a letter is in an envelope
the consumer gets a chance to decide
whether or not to open it.
With postcards, there’s no envelope
to hide the message.
One of the best ways to understand the
A roundup of updates and
proud moments from under the
shade of the willow.
characteristics, needs and perceptions of
your target audience is simply to ask them.
Beyond Print
Karen Brouillette, Marketing Manager
Jeff Ekstein
Art Direction:
Ian Broomhead, VP Sales and Marketing
Karen Brouillette, Marketing Manager
Ian Broomhead
[email protected]
Graphic Design:
John Orr, AppleTree Creative Services
Karen Brouillette
[email protected]
Contributing Editors:
Linda Whitehead
Karen Brouillette, Marketing Manager
Ian Broomhead, VP Sales and Marketing
Production Notes:
Yuval Gurr, VP Operations
Bill Wright, Operations Manager
Jeff Ekstein, President
Paper: ChorusArt
© Copyright
[email protected]
2010 Willow Printing Group Ltd.
Privacy Policy: Any personal information you provide to us including
and similar to your name, address, telephone number and e-mail
address will not be released, sold, or rented to any entities or
individuals outside of Willow Printing Group Ltd.
Beyond Print is published four times a year. It is designed to serve
the interests of the clients and prospective clients of Willow Printing
Group Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure that the content of
this publication is accurate, however, errors and omissions are not the
responsibility of Willow Printing Group Ltd.
n the simplest terms, your marketing plan is your guiding light
for achieving your organization’s business goals and vision.
Creating it will take you through the process of clearly def ning
what you do, who you want to sell your products or services to,
and how you will market your brand or company successfully.
It will help your organization decide how to best allocate your marketing
dollars to maximize return on investment.
The ultimate goal is for your
business to be successful and
On your own or with your
management team, set your
business goals for the year, and
outline how you plan to achieve
Goals might include, for example,
increasing overall revenues by 10%;
increasing profitability by 5%; or
increasing repeat business by 20%.
Regardless of their specific
nature, however, the role of your
Marketing Plan is to support your
business goals.
Why You Need a Marketing Plan
Start With Your Brand Strategy
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
o succeed in business you need
to be laser-focused on future
business development. Key to
this business development is a rocksolid, well thought-out Marketing Plan.
This will keep you and your team on
track to achieving the goals you’ve set in
order to reach your “destination”.
Regardless of whether you’re a
business selling to consumers or to
other businesses, the initial stage of
your marketing plan should be a clearly
articulated Brand Strategy.
Take a step back. Objectively look
at your business and what you are
currently doing with your marketing
efforts. What worked and what didn’t
work for you? What did you learn about
your target audience and how can you
apply that learning to your marketing
strategy? For example, you might have
learned that you have much better
response rates from targeted direct mail
campaigns than from untargeted mass
In our recent articles (BeyondPrint:
Vol 1.1, WeConnect March 2010:
The Secrets of Successful Surveys,
WeConnect April 2010: Segmenting +
Targeting = Profits), we saw how the
best marketing decisions are based on
information and knowledge. Surveying,
for example, provides knowledge so you
are better able to segment your markets
into logical, manageable categories.
By targeting these specific groups
with the understanding of their habits
and needs, you can have meaningful
marketing conversations with them.
Remember … if you are a business
selling to other businesses, your
company is your brand and you still
need a Brand Strategy.
If your company doesn’t have a
formalized Brand Strategy start with
the following 8 steps:
■ Do a Competitive Analysis
■ Do an analysis of buyer needs and
wants (through research)
Be sure to get as much input
and feedback as possible from
your management team and other
■ Segment clients and prospects
■ Establish your value proposition:
what differentiates your Brand?
■ Think through the benefits of
dealing with your organization
(B2B) or buying your brand’s
products (B2C)
■ Establish your Brand Promise
■ Establish your Brand Personality/
Positioning – your 30 second
“elevator pitch”
■ Create or revise your Brand “look
and feel” if needed
Even if you have an official Brand
Strategy, you’ll want to revisit this
process frequently in order to stay in
line over time with changing markets.
Need help with your branding
strategy? We have spent almost
60 years helping companies just
like yours.
Go to:
for more information.
A 360° View of the Market
Sun Tzu said it best – “know your
enemy”. You need to know who you are
up against in order to know how to best
compete. Are you competing locally,
regionally, nationally or globally? What
is your competitive advantage? Knowing
the strengths and weaknesses of your
competition will enable you to better
position your company or your brand.
Def nitively
establishing your
Target Audience is
the key to Marketing
Effectiveness and
You should also be very aware of
challenges your buyers and consumers
face. This will help you speak their
language in your marketing messaging.
Remember good marketing is a
Finally, you should take into
consideration any key industry trends
as well as economic and regulatory
issues that may present constraints or
Target Market:
Who Makes the Cut
Objectives are
used to support
your Business
In the April WeConnect article, we
discussed some ideas for segmenting
your customer base. Let’s briefly review
the recommended steps:
1. Set clear business goals and
objectives around what your
organization wants to achieve with
its customers and prospects.
2. Gather relevant research and
information such as geographic
location, usage behaviour, product
and service needs.
3. Look at revenue per customer,
purchase frequency, margin
contribution, potential value of
customer if you increase share of
wallet and future life time value.
4. Segment based on behaviour using
criteria such as purchasing patterns,
demographics, sociographics and
Establish Your
Marketing Objectives
Once you’ve identified your target
audience you can build Marketing
Objectives that support your overall
business objectives and define exactly
what you hope to achieve … and by
when. As well as how you will measure
your success. The process of setting,
implementing and measuring these
objectives can be imagined like this:
➜ Create Objectives
➜ Develop Strategies
➜ Employ Tactics
➜ Measure Your Success
For the business objectives used
above, a company could create
marketing objectives to:
■ Increase product awareness among
the target audience by 30 percent in
one year.
■ Inform target audience about
unique competitive advantages
their products and services offered.
■ Deliver prospective online
participants significant incentive to
register for online conferencing.
… and these lead to Strategies.
Strategies Matter
To help keep you on track, use
the old reliable SMART theory –
ensuring your objectives are Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
Marketing Strategies explain the
big picture of how you are going to
achieve your objectives.
For example, let’s say your
organization offers Higher-Education
programmes. In the upcoming fiscal year,
you might have business objectives to:
■ Implement an online/social
media strategy that would build
awareness; develop new business
relationships; and provide a forum
for communicating your unique
value proposition.
■ Increase revenue by 10% in a
specific sector by the end of the
fiscal year.
■ Target a new segment such as
Accountants to achieve a specific
dollar revenue by year-end.
■ Increase registration for on-line
conferencing by 5% in each quarter.
For example, in support of the
objectives above, you could:
■ Develop the identified segment
through a targeted, personalized
communications program to the
top 50 companies and their key
personnel in that industry.
Get It Done … with Tactics!
Marketing Tactics are specific
actions you will take to implement each
Tactics are budgeted on an
individual basis and add up to the total
marketing budget you have set. Tactics
need to be creative in order to stand out
from your competition.
For example, for the online/social
media strategy, tactics could include:
■ Creating a blog with content of
interest to the identified target
■ Setting up a Facebook Fan page with
ongoing engagement tactics such as
contests and quizzes promoted by
Facebook advertising.
To connect with the top 50
companies, tactics might include:
■ A targeted monthly email campaign
combined with individualized
landing pages with online signup/
request for more information to be
followed up by personalized print
pieces customized to the prospect’s
It’s All About the Money
fine-tune as needed to ensure that
you have a balanced, integrated
communication program targeted to
the right audience(s).
Regardless of the specific circumstances of your company you will have
to spend wisely on marketing.
Smart marketing investments are
those that best connect your brand
with your target audience.
One thing is for sure, you will need
to commit to the investment of time
and money according to the growth
your company is seeking and the
objectives you need to achieve.
Measure Your Success
How you will measure your success
should be defined right from the
beginning. In your plan, determine
specifically what you will measure –
and be sure to quantify the results you
are looking for. Remember, success in
a marketing campaign might not be
about immediate revenue increases.
Campaigns can be designed to
generate other effects. For example,
your company may have launched a
new online ordering system and your
marketing efforts need to drive existing
clients there. That campaign would be
deemed a success if a predetermined
percentage of existing orders went in
that direction.
Measure the results from
everything you do, so you learn
what works and what doesn’t. Use
spreadsheets, accounting tools and
whatever resources you have at your
disposal. If you are doing anything
on the web, use Google Analytics to
measure your traffic. You must have
a “map” to get where you’re going.
Your Marketing Plan is your map
to maximize your company’s full
potential for success. Like a roadmap,
as new information comes up – traffic
reports, road closures, etc. – you might
change your route, but without it how
do you know where you are or where
you’re going.
For each Tactic, you need to work out the steps
involved and the timeline to complete them.
A good way to do this is to determine the
target date and then work backwards, assigning
completion dates to all the steps involved.
It’s important to know how much
your company is prepared to invest in
marketing and set your budget early in
the game. Spend more money where
the anticipated return is greater. When
setting tactics, you’ll want to ensure
that the individual estimated expenses
add up to the total marketing budget
you have set. You can tweak and
You could be sitting on a beach
enjoying the sensuous warm sun only a few
this! companhours from the moment you read this
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Postcards are a low cost way to
get your message out. Standard
sized postcards can help stretch your
marketing dollars and improve results.
Postcards can have a high impact.
Because letters are enclosed in an
envelope the consumer gets a chance
to decide whether or not to even open
the envelope. However, with postcards,
there’s no envelope to hide the message.
It’s much more difficult to throw the
postcard away without looking at its
Postcards work well with other
marketing pieces. Postcards
can stand on their own but can also
work well as teasers with subsequent
messages to follow. They can also be
used as “reminders” for information
the recipient should already have
received or acted upon.
ostcard marketing is smart
utilization of promotional
printing. Postcards decrease
associated mailing expense while
retaining effectiveness if the limited
“real estate” they entail is used properly.
They often prove to be a great
avenue for targeting a hard to reach
niche audience.
When it comes to personalization,
digital printing is most often the best
route to take. Offset printing becomes
cumbersome when variable data is
involved. For projects entailing limited
variable data the combination of these
two processes can be used. A joint
They can help keep your mailing
list clean. Although postcards
are most often mailed as Addressed
Admail (3rd class), you can opt to send
them first class – in which case the
postcard will be sent back to you if it
has a bad address; helping you keep
your list updated.
Here are 4 tips to make
your postcard marketing
campaign successful.
Keep your message brief. Only
use your postcard for lead
generation and reminder messaging.
Don’t try to explain all the details
just give some teaser information to
get your reader to take the next step,
which might be going to your website
or taking some other kind of action.
use of high-speed inkjet printing
along with offset printing can capture
the cost benefits of offset colour
printing while retaining the ability to
personalize to a limited degree.
When crafting your overall
marketing strategy do not leave out
proven real world methods. Properly
created postcard campaigns with
clearly thought out, targeted mailings
are a great way to increase the top-ofmind position your company holds in
the minds of potential buyers – the
point of which is to be the ones who
come to mind when someone is ready
to buy.
Make the message relevant.
Connect with the recipients by
personalizing the message to them.
Customized images and text can
greatly improve the response rate and
generate the desired response.
Make sure you send your
postcard to a good list of qualified
prospects. Remember, no matter
what type of mailing you’re doing,
the quality of the list will significantly
impact its success. In-house lists can
be a tremendous source of qualified
prospects. If you want to use a rented
list make sure you use a qualified list
broker, like Willow to help you select
the right list for your needs.
We are mail experts!
Yes we can help you
with everything from
design to distribution.
We can even help
you save money with
Canada Post!!!
Go to:
com/mail.htm for
more information.
Design your postcard to
encourage the reader to take
action. Use as much space as possible
to give the recipient a compelling
reason to take the next step.
Online is great but does not address
your entire audience.
Analyze the costs and benefits
between offset and digital printing.
Those postcards with limited variable
data might be far less expensive than
you imagine. The right combination
of customized printing and online
marketing can help your organization
right those sometimes elusive business
Don’t be fooled into
thinking variable
printing is hard!!!
Check out the ad on
the inside front cover.
This entire magazine
was produced
hen it comes
to “hitting the
mark” on customer
satisfaction and
target marketing,
there is no substitute
for listening to (and acting
upon) the input received from
Making your Value Proposition
relevant to your target audience is one
of the most important factors in your
company’s success. Without a targeted
Value Proposition, much of your hardearned marketing budget could easily
be wasted on delivering messages that
don’t really speak to your audience; may
not properly communicate why they
should do business with your company;
and fall short in delivering the results
you’re looking for.
Smart companies take time to
not only ask their customers and
prospective customers for their input
but also apply this valuable feedback to
develop and refine their plans across all
aspects of their business operations.
Relevant market research leads
to relevant information about your
audience – which, in turn, leads to a
more relevant, effective and successful
marketing plan.
Key highlights that emerged from
the Willow Communications Survey
(March 2010) included:
Surveys are a tool that can be used
to gather information about your
customers’ characteristics and needs –
and essential to your company’s ability
to meet those needs.
Surveying customers on a
regular basis keeps the lines of
communication open and can help
confirm or provide information on
important topics such as:
■ Audience demographics
■ Product and service preferences
■ Current and future needs
■ Overall market trends
■ Buying habits
■ Perceptions about your company
Using this information as a
backdrop for decision-making can
significantly improve the relevance of
efforts directed at your target audience
and, thereby, increase your success. If
an idea passes the “relevance litmus
test” (in the context of your overall
corporate goals and objectives), there
is good reason to consider proceeding
with incorporating it into your business
strategies and tactics.
■ 76% of respondents who had
received and read Volume 1.1
of BeyondPrint Magazine
(February 2010) confirmed the
new publication name clearly
communicates that Willow
Printing Group Ltd. provides
more than printing services
■ 74% of respondents rated
BeyondPrint Magazine as GOOD
or EXCELLENT on the relevance of
■ 80% of respondents are in a B2B
industry while 30% are involved
in B2C, indicating a crossover of
businesses involved in both B2B and
B2C. As well, 18% work in a variety
of other industries such as not-forprofit, government and law
■ 43% Sales & Marketing, 19%
Administration, 15% Executives,
23% various other
■ Of the topics proposed for both
BeyondPrint and WeConnect
(Willow ezine) the greatest interest
was in articles on:
Integrated Marketing including:
– Social Media Marketing (53%)
– E-Mail Marketing (51%)
– Online Marketing Strategies (51%)
– How to increase Response
Rates (47%)
as well as
– Green Printing (51%)
nce your Mark eting Plan is complete , you are ready
to tak e the next step in achieving mark eting success .
That ever important next step is to complete a specif c
Promotional Plan so you can execute the tactics you
outlined in your Marketing Plan. A Promotional Plan is an integral part
of executing your mark eting strategies and ensuring you meet your
objectives for the year. Without it, all the hard work you put into making
that dynamite Marketing Plan could go to waste.
What is Promotion?
Promotion is a mix of communications
designed to convey information about
a company and its products/services to
prospective customers. Your promotion
needs to be persuasive enough to elicit
a desired response. The purpose of
promotion is either to sell more products
or services to existing clients and/or to
acquire new customers.
Promotional Plan?
A Promotional Plan covers all
types of communication between your
company and your audience of potential
or existing clients. There are four basic
components of a promotion plan:
♦ Advertising
♦ Personal Selling
♦ Sales Promotion
♦ Public Relations
Promotional Mix
When you are putting together
your Promotional Plan, you need to
give thought as to the right blend of
advertising, sales promotion, public
relations and personal selling. With an
integrated marketing communications
program, each type of promotion has
a distinct function and complements
the other types. It is always best to
have a variety of media rather than
concentrating on one specific source.
To determine the right marketing
mix for you, you will need to test
different concepts and media. For
example, you might want to test
an email only campaign vs. a print
& email combination campaign to
assess the lift in response rate with the
addition of the print element. Make
sure you incorporate testing into your
promotional plan right up front.
Figure Out
What Works For You
Remember to Build In
Response Strategies
Do you know the strengths and
weaknesses of various types of
promotional efforts? As part of your
Promotional Plan you need to look
at the past performance of various
promotional tactics you have employed,
what your competitors are doing and
what your clients and prospects seem to
respond to best. Frequency of exposure
and the ability to maintain continuity
of your messaging are important
considerations when selecting media.
You don’t want to blow your entire
year’s budget on one expensive direct
mail piece, no matter how unique or
You should also decide what your
response strategies are as part of
your overall promotional strategy. If a
potential client responds to two or more
of your email promotions by clicking
through, plan to send a personalized
direct mail follow-up piece for example.
Your marketing response strategies
should be built into your promotional
planning and budgeting.
If you don’t know what works, or
want to evaluate what works best,
be sure to incorporate testing into
your promotional strategy. In email
marketing, test your subject lines
as a simple start, as these are key in
determining your percentage of opens.
In print, with digital and variable data
technology, you can test different
messaging, layouts and images to see
which get the best response.
Test, learn from the results, and
implement what works best.
With an integrated marketing
communications program, each
type of promotion has a distinct
function and complements the
other types.
Develop an Annual
Promotional Calendar
Be sure to not waste promotional
dollars by spending money in a
slow season and then failing to take
advantage of a stronger time of year. A
well thought-out promotional calendar
helps you maximize the impact of your
dollars over the year. Before planning
the calendar, look at the campaigns
you have run over the last few years
— the types of media, timing and
response rates. Once you evaluate past
promotional performance, you can
effectively plan the most appropriate
timing for your campaigns. Once you
develop your calendar, try to stick to it
so you can properly assess the results.
Keep in mind that you may find you
have to respond quickly to changing
market conditions, and will need
flexibility to adjust your strategies and
timelines if needed.
Frequency of exposure
and the ability to
maintain continuity
of your messaging
are important
considerations when
selecting media.
In our “How to Create A Marketing Plan That Works” article
we suggested some examples of Objectives, Strategies and Tactics.
Let’s use one of the examples from that article to create
a mini promotional plan.
Your Promotional
Plan is the tool you
need to execute
and achieve your
Marketing Plan goals.
Although planning
does require a
signif cant investment
of time, you will f nd
the returns absolutely
justify time spent.
Once the planning
is done, you don’t
need to think about
it anymore, you just
need to do it. And
having taken the time
to plan will ensure
that your promotional
activities have better
Target a new segment – home builders –
and achieve revenue of X by year-end.
♦ Update website.
Newsletter design and content
♦ Create first print newsletter.
Email design and content
♦ Send 100 test emails promoting
Google Adwords campaign
Develop the home builders’ segment
through a targeted communications
program to the top 20 in the industry.
Execute an integrated marketing
communications strategy, incorporating
a quarterly print newsletter with content
of interest to the target audience, a revamped website and online marketing
strategy, personalized letters to decision
makers and unique print promotional
pieces as a follow-up to those who
Online Marketing, Direct Mail.
♦ unique one-of-a-kind seminar
designed specifically for Acountants.
♦ step-by-step approach on how to
successfully reach out to young
♦ stand out from the crowd and
differentiate your offering.
♦ attract the successful clients you want.
marketing seminars for home
builders, testing 2 subject lines.
♦ Send 400 emails (balance of contact
list) with most successful subject
line within 1 week.
♦ Develop personalized variable print
♦ Send personalized letter to key
Postage for direct mail
Design and printing
Variable Direct Mail Piece
♦ Email Response Rate.
♦ Registrants on website from email/
print campaign.
♦ Create Google Adwords Campaign
directed at home builder segment.
♦ Send 100 test emails promoting
new marketing seminars for home
builders testing 2 different layouts.
♦ Send 400 emails (balance of contact
list) with most successful layout.
♦ Send personalized (on demand)
direct mail piece to those who
responded to both emails by clicking
through and to personalized letter.
♦ Telephone follow-up with key
contacts who received personalized
♦ Calls from direct mail piece.
♦ Number of new registrants.
♦ Increased sales.
You should know what you want
to get out of each campaign.
♦ 25% open rate on emails,
5% click-throughs.
♦ 100 new leads on website.
♦ 50 phone calls from variable
direct mail piece.
♦ Sell out 2 seminars.
♦ $80,000 additional sales.
Willow Printing Group Ltd.
is the proud recipient of the
following Awards:
OPIA Printing Excellence
♦ Sheetfed Magazines
- Saddle Stitched
PPG 75th Anniversary
Repaint Reporter.
♦ Sheetfed Posters
PPG Refinish
2010 Calendar Poster.
♦ Specialty Die-Cutting
Imperial Coffee
Presentation Folder.
PPA Benny Awards
Each year Printing Industries of
America holds the world’s most
prestigious print competitions
– the Premier Print Awards.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Marketing
Communications Survey.
We’ve provided Results Highlights on page 11 and look forward
to putting the input we received to work to bring you continuous
improvements in our product and service offering.
This award showcases the highest
levels of printing from companies
all over the world. Willow is
thrilled to have received four
Certificate of Merit awards.
The “Good Catch” program
continues to reward our employees
whenever they “catch” a problem
before it happens. The “good
catcher” gets rewarded on the spot
and is entered into a quarterly
Grand Prize draw.
Recent Winners:
76% of BeyondPrint readers understand
that Willow provides more than printing
services alone.
74% of respondents rated BeyondPrint
as Good or Excellent on the relevance of
Watch your email for the next issue of WeConnect this August.
Take advantage of electronic
PDF proofing to reduce paper
proof requirements; eliminate
mistakes; and reduce waste.
Willow Printing Group
Willow provides a comprehensive suite of marketing-related services
that go “BeyondPrint” and that clients can consistently rely on to provide
superior results. Through our exceptional expertise, we continuously
apply innovation with purpose to ensure clients achieve their business
communication objectives and success.
As an integrated marketing communications partner, focused on
understanding and meeting each client’s needs, Willow offers a superior
combination of Print, Mail, Digital and Electronic Marketing solutions.
Through the use of relevant technology, purposeful innovation and skilled
human resources, we have aligned our focus, processes and production to
efficiently and seamlessly fulfill our commitments to our clients, partners,
the environment and our community.
By applying our full attention and energy to anticipating every project
detail and by adding value at every step along the way, we are
committed to exceeding client expectations, building long-lasting business
relationships, and delivering an exceptional customer experience.
marketing communication choices;
offset & digital printing solutions
marketing & communication strategy
CMI (cross-media integration)
proof ng
variable image printing
-to-one marketing
bindery & fulf llment
lettershop & mailing
Cert no. SW-COC-003998
T 905.660.1515 F 905.660.0733
90 Edilcan Drive, Concord, ON L4K 3S5