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Chapter 14: Artificial Intelligence Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition Objectives In this chapter, you will learn about A division of labor Knowledge representation Recognition tasks Reasoning tasks Robotics Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 2 Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) Explores techniques for incorporating aspects of intelligence into computer systems Turing test A test for intelligent behavior of machines Allows a human being to interrogate two entities, both hidden from the interrogator A human being A machine (a computer) Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 3 Figure 14.1 The Turing Test Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 4 Introduction (continued) Turing test (continued) If the interrogator is unable to determine which entity is the human being and which is the computer, the computer has passed the test Artificial intelligence can be thought of as constructing computer models of human intelligence Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 5 A Division of Labor Categories of tasks Computational tasks Recognition tasks Reasoning tasks Computational tasks Tasks for which algorithmic solutions exist Computers are better (faster and more accurate) than human beings Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 6 A Division of Labor (continued) Recognition tasks Sensory/recognition/motor-skills tasks Human beings are better than computers Reasoning tasks Require a large amount of knowledge Human beings are far better than computers Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 7 Figure 14.2 Human and Computer Capabilities Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 8 Knowledge Representation Knowledge: A body of facts or truths For a computer to make use of knowledge, it must be stored within the computer in some form Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 9 Knowledge Representation (continued) Knowledge representation schemes Natural language Formal language Pictorial Graphical Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 10 Knowledge Representation (continued) Required characteristics of a knowledge representation scheme Adequacy Efficiency Extendability Appropriateness Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 11 Recognition Tasks A neuron is a cell in the brain capable of Receiving stimuli from other neurons through its dendrites Sending stimuli to other neurons through its axon Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 12 Figure 14.4 A Neuron Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 13 Recognition Tasks (continued) If the sum of activating and inhibiting stimuli received by a neuron equals or exceeds its threshold value, the neuron sends out its own signal Each neuron can be thought of as an extremely simple computational device with a single on/off output Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 14 Recognition Tasks (continued) Human brain: A connectionist architecture A large number of simple “processors” with multiple interconnections Von Neumann architecture A small number (maybe only one) of very powerful processors with a limited number of interconnections between them Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 15 Recognition Tasks (continued) Artificial neural networks (neural networks) Simulate individual neurons in hardware Connect them in a massively parallel network of simple devices that act somewhat like biological neurons The effect of a neural network may be simulated in software on a sequential-processing computer Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 16 Recognition Tasks (continued) Neural network Each neuron has a threshold value Incoming lines carry weights that represent stimuli The neuron fires when the sum of the incoming weights equals or exceeds its threshold value A neural network can be built to represent the exclusive OR, or XOR, operation Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 17 Figure 14.5 One Neuron with Three Inputs Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 18 Figure 14.8 The Truth Table for XOR Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 19 Recognition Tasks (continued) Neural network Both the knowledge representation and “programming” are stored as weights of the connections and thresholds of the neurons The network can learn from experience by modifying the weights on its connections Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 20 Reasoning Tasks Human reasoning requires the ability to draw on a large body of facts and past experience to come to a conclusion Artificial intelligence specialists try to get computers to emulate this characteristic Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 21 Intelligent Searching State-space graph After any one node has been searched, there are a huge number of next choices to try There is no algorithm to dictate the next choice State-space search Finds a solution path through a state-space graph Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 22 Figure 14.12 A State-Space Graph with Exponential Growth Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 23 Intelligent Searching (continued) Each node represents a problem state Goal state: The state we are trying to reach Intelligent searching applies some heuristic (or an educated guess) to Evaluate the differences between the present state and the goal state Move to a new state that minimizes those differences Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 24 Swarm Intelligence Swarm intelligence Models the behavior of a colony of ants Swarm intelligence model Uses simple agents that Operate independently Can sense certain aspects of their environment Can change their environment May “evolve” and acquire additional capabilities over time Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 25 Intelligent Agents An intelligent agent: Software that interacts collaboratively with a user Initially an intelligent agent simply follows user commands Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 26 Intelligent Agents (continued) Over time Agent initiates communication, takes action, and performs tasks on its own using its knowledge of the user’s needs and preferences Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 27 Expert Systems Rule-based systems Also called expert systems or knowledge-based systems Attempt to mimic the human ability to engage pertinent facts and combine them in a logical way to reach some conclusion Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 28 Expert Systems (continued) A rule-based system must contain A knowledge base: Set of facts about subject matter An inference engine: Mechanism for selecting relevant facts and for reasoning from them in a logical way Many rule-based systems also contain An explanation facility: Allows user to see assertions and rules used in arriving at a conclusion Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 29 Expert Systems (continued) A fact can be A simple assertion A rule: A statement of the form if . . . then . . . Modus ponens (method of assertion) The reasoning process used by the inference engine Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 30 Expert Systems (continued) Inference engines can proceed through Forward chaining Backward chaining Forward chaining Begins with assertions and tries to match those assertions to “if” clauses of rules, thereby generating new assertions Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 31 Expert Systems (continued) Backward chaining Begins with a proposed conclusion Tries to match it with the “then” clauses of rules Then looks at the corresponding “if” clauses Tries to match those with assertions or with the “then” clauses of other rules Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 32 Expert Systems (continued) A rule-based system is built through a process called knowledge engineering Builder of system acquires information for knowledge base from experts in the domain Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 33 Robotics Robot: Device that can gather sensory information autonomously Many uses for robots (auto manufacturing, bomb disposal, exploration, microsurgery) Deliberative strategy: Robot has an internal representation of its environment Reactive strategy: Uses heuristic algorithms to allow robot to respond directly to environment Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 34 Summary of Level 5 Level 5: Applications Simulation and modeling New business applications Artificial intelligence Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 35 Summary Artificial intelligence explores techniques for incorporating aspects of intelligence into computer systems Categories of tasks: Computational tasks, recognition tasks, reasoning tasks Neural networks simulate individual neurons in hardware and connect them in a massively parallel network Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 36 Summary (continued) Swarm intelligence models the behavior of a colony of ants Intelligent agent interacts with a user Rule-based systems attempt to mimic the human ability to engage pertinent facts and combine them in a logical way to reach some conclusion Robots can perform many useful tasks Invitation to Computer Science, Java Version, Third Edition 37