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How your body generate
1. Through process of
Cellular respiration
2. Two ingredients
(Oxygen and nutrients
from food) require in
order to produce
Cellular Respiration
require 2 system to support
1. Respiration system
2. Blood Circulating
Respiration Syatem
1. Lungs use the
pumping action of
the Heart to make
our Body
Respiration occur
2. Artery carries
oxygenated blood
to cell for cellular
Respiration system
3. 4. Oxygen burn up
in cellular
respiration and
produce CO2
5. Vein collects blood
carries CO2 and
delivers to Lungs
for gaseous
Blood Circulation
1. Human circulation
originates from the
Hearts pumping
the blood action.
Body Circulation
2. Blood carries
oxygen and
nutrients from the
lungs, then enters
the left chamber of
3. Through the Artery
oxygen is delivered
to every single cell
in human body
Body Circulation
4. Veins collect Blood
which carries
Carbon Dioxide
and other waste to
the right chamber
of the Heart
5. Carbon Dioxide is
pumped to the
lungs for oxygen
How your body generate
Through the 2
systems, Cells are
able to generate
energy for our
daily need