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Cellular Needs
Explain that tissues, organs and organ
systems serve the needs cells have for
oxygen, food and waste removal
• Takes place in Chloroplast
• Green plants make their own food
1. Green pigment in plants uses sunlight
2. Takes carbon dioxide from the air
3. Along with water taken in through the roots
of a plant
4. And changes them into food
• Food is stored in the plant as glucose, which is a
form of sugar.
• Think of glucose/sugar as concentrated energy.
• Most plants and animals get their energy
through respiration, which takes place in the
• Animals take in food and break it down
through digestion
• After digestion, the nutrients are carried by
the blood cells where cellular respiration takes
Cellular Respiration
• ATP stores energy
• Controls the release of energy in the cell.
Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP(energy)
Carbon dioxide + Water
In the presence of
Glucose + Oxygen
Light Energy
In photosynthesis, energy is used to produce food;
in respiration, food is used to produce energy.
Anaerobic Respiration
• Fermentation-process by which sugars break down
in the absence of oxygen
• Yeast and some bacteria can perform alcoholic
– Carbon dioxide gas is released during alcohol
– Fermentation of yeast produces carbon dioxide
which is trapped in dough
– Bubbles are formed and cause bread to rise