Download BIOL 101 Circulation/Respiration I. Circulation A

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BIOL 101
I. Circulation
A. Circulatory systems
1. gastrovascular cavity
2. open circulation
3. closed circulation
- arteries
- veins
4. functions
a. transport
b. regulation
c. protection
B. Heart
1. peristaltic pump to:
- arteries
- arterioles
- capillaries
- venules
- veins
2. fish
a. atrium
b. ventricle
c. single circuit
d. loses force in the gills
3. amphibians
a. double circulation
- pulmonary
- systemic
- pumps blood to muscles at higher force
b. three-chambered heart
4. reptiles
a. three-chambered heart
b. partial septum
5. mammals, birds
a. four-chambered heart
b. complete separation
c. no mixing
C. Blood
1. plasma
a. transport
b. proteins
2. cells
3. stem cells
II. Respiration
A. Gas exchange
1. direct diffusion
2. transcutaneous respiration
3. gills
- thin sheets of tissue
- contain blood vessels
- countercurrent flow
4. tracheal system
a. insects
b. spiracles
c. tracheoles penetrate the body and allow for gas exchange
5. lungs
B. Gill apparatus
1. fish “gulps” water
2. water passes over gills
3. countercurrent flow
a. water and blood flow
b. very efficient
C. Amphibian lung
1. very small without much surface for gas exchange
2. rely on transcutaneous respiration
D. Reptiles
1. more efficient than amphibian
2. most have lower metabolic rate than mammals
E. Mammals
1. many tiny air sacs
2. greatly increased surface area
3. air conduction system lined with ciliated cells
F. Birds
1. posterior and anterior air sacs
2. one way flow of air through lungs
3. countercurrent flow
4. high efficiency